© Training Services Australia
Version 1.2
Frontline Management Workplace Assignment – BSBFLM412AVersion 1.2.
frontline management
Workplace Assignment Cover Sheet
FLM unit:BSBFLM412A – Promote team effectiveness
Date of course you attended:______
Name of facilitator:______
Facilitator contact no:______
Facilitator email address:______
Mailing address:______
Phone (work / home / mobile):______
Supervisor DETAILS
Name of supervisor:______
Supervisor job title:______
Phone (work / home / mobile):______
I endorse the work contained in this assignment as that of the participant whose details are provided above.
Signature of supervisor: ______Date:______
The feedback you provide is a very important part of the course evaluation process and may be utilised to improve the quality of our assessment materials and process.
Please rate each of the criteria described below (circle the appropriate rating), and use the space beneath to provide comments or suggestions regarding the assignment (or any aspect of the course). If you require more space, please use the back of this page.
Relevance of assignment to job / N/A / Very Poor / Poor / Good / Very Good / ExcellentUsefulness of assignment activities / N/A / Very Poor / Poor / Good / Very Good / Excellent
Explanation of assessment method and criteria / N/A / Very Poor / Poor / Good / Very Good / Excellent
Attainable, measurable assessment criteria / N/A / Very Poor / Poor / Good / Very Good / Excellent
Assessment questions / tasks clear and unambiguous / N/A / Very Poor / Poor / Good / Very Good / Excellent
Comments, Suggestions, Feedback
Declaration and Confidentiality Agreement
I declare that the work included is my own and that:
- No part of this assignment has been copied from another person’s work
- No part of this assignment has been written for me by another person
I also agree to allow Training Services Australia to discuss the progress / results of my assignment with my supervisor and / or my company’s Frontline Management Training Co-ordinator if required.
Your signature:______
Submitting Your Assignment
After completing each of the assessment tasks, forward all completed documentation to:
Training Services Australia
3/799 Beaufort Street
Questions or Problems?
If you have any queries regarding the completion of this assessment, please contact your facilitator (details on previous page) or Training Services Australia on:
Phone: (08) 9473 1900
Fax: (08) 9473 1922
Information about your assignment
Assessment approach
Assessment of participants' competence for this unit is primarily through assessment of their workplace assignments.
Requirements of the standard
For this unit, competency is demonstrated by satisfactory performance in the workplace to the standard prescribed by the unit’s elements and performance criteria (these can be found on page 7 of this document and in your Participant’s Manual for this unit). Your assessor will also check whether the following critical aspects of evidence have been satisfied for this unit:
- Demonstrates leadership in developing and implementing plans
- Leads and facilitates teamwork
- Actively promotes, supports and encourages teamwork within the work team
- Actively liaises with management
- Own performance serves as a role model for others and enhances the organisation’s image
The assessor will confirm that the evidence you provide falls within the scope of the unit (as identified in the unit’s Range Statement) and that you have demonstrated the Required knowledge, understanding, skills and attributes for the unit (as described in the unit’s Evidence Guide). If you are interested, you can view the Range Statement and Evidence Guide for the unit on the NTIS website (www.ntis.gov.au).
Assessment tasks
The assessment tasks for this unit were especially developed to assist you in providing evidence of your competency against each of the elements and performance criteria, and to satisfy the critical aspects of evidence for this unit. A mapping table showing the elements and performance criteria that each assessment task addresses can be found on page 7. The assessment task instructions begin on page 10.
In some cases we have provided templates that you can use to assist you in completing the assessment tasks. These indicate the type of information you are expected to provide for the associated task. Feel free to develop your own formats or modify the templates provided to better suit the requirements of the task you are undertaking. Alternatively, your organisation may have its own forms which provide similar information to the templates, which you can use instead. However, if you use an alternative template / presentation format, please ensure that you have addressed all of the requirements for the assessment task.
Negotiating assessment
Where possible, the assessment tasks in this assignment have been designed to give you flexibility and choice in how you go about your assessment. However, Training Services Australia recognises that the assessment tasks described herein are not the only way of demonstrating competence in the unit. Should you wish to provide alternative evidence to demonstrate your competence, please discuss this with your TSA assessor.
Should you negotiate with your assessor to provide alternative evidence to what is described in this assignment, you must document the agreed evidence and have your assessor sign the agreement before you proceed. This is required to prevent potential misunderstandings.
Due date
It is important that you complete your assignment as soon as possible after the completion of the course. As a general rule, the longer you leave your assignment, the more you will forget of the knowledge and experience you gained on the course, and the harder it will become to complete.
There is a six month time limit on the completion of this assignment from the date of your participation in the workshop.If, for any reason, you are unable to complete the assignment within the specified timeframe, please contact Training Services Australia. Our contact details are on page 3.
Candidates who do not submit their assignment within the specified time limit may be required to:
(a) resit the course at their own expense, or
(b) pay an hourly rate to have their assignment assessed
Assessment of your assignment
After your assignment has been received by Training Services Australia, we will pass it to your course facilitator / assessor who will assess it against the requirements for this unit. The assessor will consider:-
- Which parts of the assignment you have performed well and how these map against the requirements of the unit.
- Whether any of the information you have provided needs clarification and/or improvement.
- Whether there are any gaps in the evidence you have provided.
The assessor will contact you (probably by telephone or email) if (s)he requires additional information. The assessor may also contact your supervisor or your organisation’s training co-ordinator to obtain additional information or clarification if required.
Your assessor or a member of the Training Services Australia administration team will advise you when you have been assessed as competent. At the completion of your Frontline Management Program you will be issued with:-
- A certificate if you have been assessed as competent in all of the units required for a Certificate of Frontline Management; or
- A statement of attainment for the units that have been completed successfully. Note that for administrative reasons, statements of attainment are generally only issued to candidates who are unable to, or choose not to, complete the entire program.
Plagiarism is a form of cheating. It is taking and using someone else's thoughts, writings or inventions and representing them as your own.
The following list outlines some of the activities for which a participant can be accused of plagiarism:
- Handing in assessments markedly similar to or copied from another student.
- Presenting the work of another individual or group as their own work.
- Handing up assessments without the adequate acknowledgement of sources used, including assessments taken totally or in part from the internet.
Plagiarism is a serious act. Participants found to have plagiarised any part of their assignment will be assessed as ‘not yet competent’ and all course fees will be forfeited.
Should you have any doubts about including the work of other authors in your assessments, please consult with your facilitator.
Submitting your assignment
All completed assignment documentation should be submitted to:
Training Services Australia
3/799 Beaufort Street
Facsimile: (08) 9473 1922
Please retain a copy of your completed assignment and all associated materials for your own records. Training Services Australia accepts no responsibility for materials which are lost in transit. Having a copy of your assignment on hand is also useful in case you receive a call from your assessor wanting to discuss / review certain aspects of your assignment with you.
Please note that Training Services Australia does not normally return assignments following assessment. If you require your assignment to be returned, please state this clearly on the assignment cover page.
Re-assessment and appeals
Should you be assessed as not yet competent, your assessor will provide you with guidance about your options. These may include further training, and re assessment.
Candidates assessed as not yet competent are provided with at least one opportunity to resubmit their assignment for assessment. In many cases, you will only be required to resubmit the part(s) of your assignment that your assessor considered unsatisfactory. Some candidates may be asked to resubmit their entire assignment. Your assessor will advise you of what is required.
Should you be dissatisfied with the assessment decision, you should initially take this up with your TSA assessor. If you remain dissatisfied, you are invited to discuss the matter with TSA’s Principal. Should you wish to pursue the matter, the Principal will arrange for your assignment to be assessed by an independent assessor.
Accessing an electronic copy of the assignment
An electronic copy of this assignment can be downloaded from the TSA website.
- Go to the Training Services Australia website (
- Select ‘Client access’ from the menu bar at the top of the screen
- Click on the logo for your organisation
- Enter the user name and password
- Select ‘Certificate IV in Business (Frontline Management)’
- Select ‘BSBFLM412A – Promote team effectiveness’
© Training Services Australia 2004Page 1
Frontline Management Workplace Assignment – BSBFLM412AVersion 1.2.
Mapping of Assessment Tasks to Standard – bsbFLM412A
The following table indicates how the assessment tasks for this unit are used to demonstrate competency against each of the performance criteria.
Assessment TASKElement / Performance Criteria / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 3rd party report
Plan to achieve team outcomes / a) Team purpose, roles, responsibilities, goals, plans and objectives are identified, established and documented in consultation with team members / /
b) Team members are supported in meeting effective outcomes / /
Develop team cohesion / a) Opportunities are provided for input of team members into planning, decision making and operational aspects of work team / /
b) Team members are encouraged and supported to take responsibility for own work and to assist each other in undertaking required roles and responsibilities /
c) Feedback is provided to team members to encourage, value and reward individual and team efforts and contributions /
d) Issues, concerns and problems identified by team members are recognised and addressed or referred to relevant persons as required / /
Participate in and facilitate work team / a) Team members are actively encouraged to participate in and take responsibility for team activities and communication processes / / /
b) The team is given support to identify and resolve problems which impede its performance / /
c) Own contribution to work team serves as a role model for others and enhances the organisation’s image within the work team, the organisation and with clients / customers /
Liaise with management / a) Communication with line manager / management is kept open at all times / / / /
b) Information from line manager / management is communicated to the team / / /
c) Unresolved issues, concerns and problems raised by the team / team members are communicated to line manager / management and followed up to ensure action is taken /
d) Unresolved issues, concerns and problems related to the team / team members raised by line managers / management are communicated to the team and followed up to ensure action is taken / /
© Training Services Australia 2004Page 1
Frontline Management Workplace Assignment – BSBFLM412AVersion 1.2.
BSBFLM412A Assessment ChecklistCandidate name:
Please use this checklist to ensure all parts of your assignment are complete. Please submit a copy of the checklist with your assignment.
Evidence summary
Candidate use
() / Description / TSA assessor use
Evidence satisfactory
Assessment Task 1 – Planning to achieve team outcomes
1A – Briefing note to manager and summary of discussion outcomes
1B – Final documented outcomes from meeting with team
1C – Answers to questions 1 to 5
Assessment Task 2 – Develop team cohesion
Details of management issue / concern / problem to be addressed by your team
Copy of the action plan (signed by manager) showing how the issue / concern / problem will be tackled
Description of how the dot points in Part D (relating to implementation of the action plan) were addressed
Responses to the six questions in Part E
Assessment Task 3 – Manager as role model
Description of / copy of the organisation’s statement of values
Comments on alignment between organisation’s values and personal values, including examples to support answer
Two recent examples of how you have acted as a role model for your team
Assessment Task 4 – Liaising with management
4.1 – Summary of the main approaches you use to liaise with management
4.2 – Evaluation of how you communicate with management (including strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for improvement)
4.3 – Summary of the main approaches you use to communicate information from management to your team
4.4 – Evaluation of how you communicate information from management to your team (including strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for improvement)
4.5 – Two examples of issues, concerns or problems raised by team members which you have communicated to management
4.6 – One example of an issue, concern or problem raised by management which I communicated to my team (or to specific team members)
Third party report (completed by supervisor) attached or submitted separately
Workplace Assignment Cover Sheet is completed in full (including Supervisor signature, provision of assignment feedback, and completion of declaration section).
The assessment tasks and any supplementary evidence is clearly labelled and compiled in a logical manner.
I have made a copy of my assignment for my own records and have put this in a safe place. Make sure this is readily accessible in case you receive a call from your assessor to discuss certain aspects of your assignment.
Sections below this line are for completion by a TSA assessor
TSA assessor’s comments on assessment tasks:
Following analysis of the evidence, additional evidence is required in the following areas:
Area / Satisfactory evidence provided ()
Assessor’s signature: / Date:
© Training Services Australia 2004Page 1
Frontline Management Workplace Assignment – BSBFLM412AVersion 1.2.
Assessment Task 1 – Planning to achieve team outcomes
The purpose of this task is to ensure your team members are working together effectively to achieve the outcomes expected of your team by the organisation. The task involves:
- comparing your understanding of your work team’s purpose, goals, plans and objectives with the understanding of your manager and your team members
- encouraging alignment between your understanding of the team’s purpose, goals, plans and objectives, and the understanding of your manager and team members
- determining what support your team members require from you to ensure the team can meet its required outcomes (and then providing that support)
This task is intended to demonstrate your ability in ‘planning to achieve team outcomes’ (element 1 of unit BSBFLM412A). The task instructions (provided below) have been designed to assist you in gathering evidence for this element. Should you wish to modify the task in some way, you should discuss this with your assessor to ensure the evidence you plan to generate will be sufficient.
Your participant manual is a valuable source of information for this unit, and may be of some assistance to you when undertaking this task. The sections which are most relevant include:
Key Result Areas / Page 27Team purpose / Page 21
Team goals / objectives / Page 28
Key performance indicators / Page 31
Roles and responsibilities / Pages 26-27
Support for team members / Page 34
Brainstorming / Page 52
Please note that this assessment task may raise issues which link to, and can be addressed as part of the other assessment tasks in this assignment. Consequently, it is recommended that you complete this assessment task before moving on to the others.
Assessment Task Instructions
- Meeting with manager
Set up a meeting with your manager to discuss your team’s purpose, key result areas, and goals / objectives. If appropriate, you may also wish to discuss the major roles and responsibilities of your team members.
You should prepare a briefing note informing your manager of the purpose of the meeting and the key points you would like to cover. The briefing note should also double as your meeting agenda.
Some specific points you may wish to address include:
- The purpose and expected outcomes of your work team
- The key organisational goals to which your team contributes
- Which of the organisation’s business plans and strategic plans your team plays a role in (and how)
- The team’s key result areas and major goals
- Key performance indicators for the team
- Whether the team’s efforts are, on the whole, appropriately focused
- Major roles and responsibilities of individual team members
- Your role in supporting the team to meet its expected outcomes
Summarise the outcomes of your discussion in a set of meeting minutes, meeting notes, or a record of discussion (whatever is most appropriate).