Phase 3 Report Checklist
Please complete and submit this form to CLDD’s Administrative Assistant, Lorene Schmidtke. Providing incomplete information will delay the course development process.
Before you submit your Phase3 report, ensure you have:
Read the Course Author’s GuideMet with the assigned CLDD Course Team
Secured server access for Course Team Members
Instructed your Research Assistant in the course development process
Discussed Digital Reading Room requirements with Library Staff
Discussed print Supplemental Material requirements with Library Staff
Discussed copyright issues with the Copyright Office
If research assignments are included in the course, have read the materials pertaining to research ethics
Identified print-based components
Identified online components
Discussed proposed software with the Help Desk in Computing Services
Read the accommodations section for Students with Disabilities included in the Phase3 forms package
Discussed any course cross listing with the Coordinator and obtained written approval
Discussed shared textbooks for cross listing with Course Materials
Received approval from the cross-listed Course Coordinator:
Decide whether a course is available, or not, for challenge
Yes, create challenge assignments and/or exams
No, apply to VPA for non-challenge status approval
I have completed the required elements of the Phase3 Report:
An overview of the general contentInstructional design strategies
Delivery and evaluation methods
Rationale for course credit weighting
A list of content sources
A sample unit
A sample assignment
A description of unit by unit learning objectives
The Course Specifications Summary Form
The Course Information Form
The Course Materials List Form
The Marking Schedule Authorization Form
The Centre Chair has reviewed and approved this Phase3
I, , Course Coordinator for name course here, have reviewed the Phase 3 materials submitted to me by name SME here, the academic expert contracted to write/revise this course. Based on my review of these materials, I confirm that the content is complete and complies with the requirements outlined in the contract for services, dated .
Therefore, I can confirm that this course is ready to proceed to editing, and I authorize the payment of funds to the SME as per the corresponding contract for services.
Signature of Course Coordinator: / Date:
Phase 3Course Development Report
Course Name and Number:Centre: / Chair:
Coordinator: / Author:
Submission date: / Reply due date:
Please return replies to the Centre Chair by the reply due date above.
To be completed by all report recipients.Recipient's name: / Date:
Proceed directly to Phase 4.Further clarification is necessary in the above areas.
Specifications Summary
Course Information
Full Course Title:Course number: / Course level: / 200 / 300 / 400
(assigned by The Office of the Registrar)
Coordinator: / Pass percentage:
Discipline: / Credit weight:
Area of Study: / Applied Studies / Humanities / Sciences / Social Sciences
System Withdrawal date: / 93 days / 434 days
The withdrawal date refers to the period of time whereby if no grade is received, the student will be given a failure in the course. The normal period is 93 days and for courses with labs offered only once a year, 434 days.
If this course is replacing another course, please indicate the course being replaced.
Is there a precluded course? / Yes / No
If yes, specify precluded course(s):
Precluded course: An AU course whose content overlaps with another course to the extent that students would be duplicating the course work if they completed both. Students cannot receive credit for both the course being described and the course listed as “precluded”. Precluded courses are usually the result of a course revision, course renumbering or cross-listing of courses.
Does this course have a Lab or Lab Kit? / Yes / No
If yes, please specify type of Lab: / Onsite Lab Lab Kit Virtual Online Lab
Other (specify type):
Professor approval: / Yes / No
If yes indicated for professor approval, all students will require professor approval in order to register.
Prerequisite: / Yes / No
If yes, specify:
Is there a shared textbook with another course? / Yes / No
If yes, please indicate course:
Is there a corequisite course? / Yes / No
A corequisite course is a course that is required to be taken concurrently with another course.
If yes, please indicate corequisite course ID:
Is there a cross listed course? / Yes / No
If yes, please indicate cross listed course ID:
Course delivery mode:
Individualized Study
Individualized Study Online
Grouped Study - Classroom
Please indicate location(s)
Grouped Study Online (Students study in a group in a web-based, online environment with fellow students and instructors on a 13 or 15 week timetable starting in September and January.)
Projected submission date of materials:
Preferred course start date: / Life expectancy:
Enrollment projection in year 1: year 2: year 3:
Course Design
Please check all applicable applications.Purchase / Wrap-around print-based
Wrap-around electronic-based / Ground-up print-based
Ground-up electronic-based
Other, specify:
Cooperation or other inter-institutional arrangement, specify:
Please check all applicable applications.Clearances required: / Quantity:
Paper / Less than 10
Electronic / 10 to 20
Other (specify): / More than 20
Type of copyright:
*Textbook(s) / Computer programs Quantity:
Reproduce textbook(s) / Clearance for print-based courses
In-text quotations Quantity: / Clearance for online materials
Readings Total no. of readings: / Clearance for online use
* Confirm availability for course start date.
Digital Reading Room (CLDD/Library)
If “yes” for any of these, please attach a detailed list.Digital Reading Room materials will be used from the AU online full-text journal databases.
DRR materials will be required readings.
DRR materials will be supplemental readings.
DRR will link to external Web materials.Quantity:
DRR will link to other material.Quantity:
Explanation of each item designated as “other material”:
Supplementary Materials (Library)
If “yes” for any of these, please attach a detailed list.Supplementary Materials List will be used.
Students will want or require supplemental materials for assignments.
Other materials not included in course package.
Other (photographs, audio cassette, artwork, etc.)Quantity:
Will Library hand-outs, help sheets, brochures, maps, etc. be required?
Technical services are required.
TV/Radio rights
Audiotapes to be duplicated?
Videotapes to be duplicated?
License fees required?
If “yes,” specify:
Other Markets (other than AU students):
Textual information web pages Quantity:Use of external links Quantity:
Use of graphics or animations Quantity:
Audio or video streaming Quantity in minutes:
Threaded discussions
Chat IRC
Online self tests
Submission forms
Companion textbook sites
Other advanced technology, specify:
06/2012 - CLDD 1
Marking Schedule Authorization FormEffective Date:
Course Name/Number: Coordinator:
Delivery Mode: Revision #:Current Marking Scheme #: Credits:
*If this course is online, will the student be able to access online materials before their actual start date? Before Start Date
Transfer Students: Yes No By revision number: or Start Date: End Date:
Group Study Location:Grouped Study Instructor Name & ID #:
New CourseBlock size (new)Discussed marking scheme changes with tutors? Yes N/A
Course Revision Block size (current)Pay preparation stipend to tutors? (Major or New) Yes No (Minor)
Marking scheme changeCall Centre courses: Hours include premium Yes
Description of change
Coordinator(SignDate)Course Assistant(SignDate)Centre Chair(SignDate)LearningServices(SignDate)
Group / Abbreviated Name / Assignment Name Description / Type / Req. / TotalMarks / Pass
Mark / Weight / #Days / Hours
System Administration UseScheme Created On: ______by ______
Students TransferredChecked for PreRegistrationsCood. AccessAssistantsCall CentreCCIS Grad Group
12/2012 - CLDD 1
Call Centre Courses—Marking Schedule Authorization FormEffective Date:
Course Name/Number: Coordinator: ID #:
Delivery Mode: Revision #: Current Marking Scheme #: Credits:
*If this course is online, will the student be able to access online materials before their actual start date? Before Start Date
Transfer Students: Yes No By revision number: or Start Date: End Date:
Group Study Location:Grouped Study Instructor Name & ID #:
New CourseBlock size (new)Discussed marking scheme changes with tutors? Yes N/A
Course Revision Block size (current)Pay preparation stipend to tutors? (Major or New) Yes No (Minor)
Marking scheme changeE-mailed payroll office to initiate payment? Yes N/A
Description of changeCall Centre courses: Hours include premium Yes
Coordinator(Sign & Date)Course Assistant(Sign & Date)Centre Chair(Sign & Date)LearningServices(Sign & Date)
Group / Abbreviated Name / Assignment Name Description / Type / Req. / TotalMarks / Pass
Mark / Weight / #Days / Deemed
Marking / Premium
(0.08) / Total
System Administration UseScheme Created On: ______by ______
Students Transferred Checked for PreRegistrations Cood. Access Assistants Call Centre CCIS Grad Group
06/2012 - CLDD 1
Draft Course Materials List
Purchased Items
Item #:Will be in the course package: Yes No
Type of item: / Textbook (attach order form)
Other, specify:
Cassettes, software, equipment, lab kits, etc.
Title or name:
Publisher or name of magazine:
Publish date and edition:
ISBN: / Current list price:
Binding (cloth or paper): / Available for duration of course:
Item #:
Will be in the course package: Yes No
Type of item: / Textbook (attach order form)
Other, specify:
Cassettes, software, equipment, lab kits, etc.
Title or name:
Publisher or name of magazine:
Publish date and edition:
ISBN: / Current list price:
Binding (cloth or paper): / Available for duration of course:
Item #:
Will be in the course package: Yes No
Type of item: / Textbook (attach order form)
Other, specify:
Cassettes, software, equipment, lab kits, etc.
Title or name:
Publisher or name of magazine:
Publish date and edition:
ISBN: / Current list price:
Binding (cloth or paper): / Available for duration of course:
Item #:
Will be in the course package: Yes No
Type of item: / Textbook (attach order form)
Other, specify:
Cassettes, software, equipment, lab kits, etc.
Title or name:
Publisher or name of magazine:
Publish date and edition:
ISBN: / Current list price:
Binding (cloth or paper): / Available for duration of course:
Course Materials List
AU-Produced Items
Course code: / Course title:Units covered / Items
*Type / Print/Online
Student Manual / Print
Workbook(s) / Print
Study Guides(s) / Print
Reading File(s) / Print
Lab Manual(s) / Print
Case Book(s) / Print
* Type of item: charts, diagrams, graphs, illustrations, photos, technical drawings, text pages
Units covered / Items*Type / Print/Online
Assignment Manual(s) / Print
DRR / Yes No / Print
Audio/Video tapes / Yes No / Print
Model(s)/ Kit(s) / Yes No / Print
CD-ROM(s) / Yes No / Print
Other / Yes No / Print
* Type of item: charts, diagrams, graphs, illustrations, photos, technical drawings, text pages
AthabascaUniversity has a longstanding commitment to providing individuals of diverse populations access and an equal opportunity to succeed through the removal of barriers. Students with physical, sensory, psychological, learning and temporary disabilities or medical conditions are included within the context of diverse populations and legislatively are included under the Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms. With respect to the latter, the concepts of “reasonable accommodation” and “undue hardship” have been applied to how a post-secondary institution interprets its responsibilities and how it responds to students with disabilities. In recent years, court decisions have asserted that educational and other institutions have a duty to acknowledge persons with disabilities as an inherent part of the diverse Canadian population that we serve and must accommodate. In accordance with the AU Policy for Students With Disabilities, accessibility and accommodation are the responsibility of all. Three principals philosophically guide practice:
- Accommodations must be fair to all students;
- Increasing access does not mean downgrading evaluation criteria for certain individuals or groups—rather, to facilitate in practice the opportunity for individuals to demonstrate the criteria for learning objectives by alternate means, and;
- To facilitate maximum student independence by building in access and reducing the need for students to rely on expensive and time consuming human or technical resources to access their course materials and complete assignments.
Hence, there are implications for the development of courses at two levels: content and format. Toward facilitating access to students with physical, sensory, psychological and learning differences, the following questions may be helpful:
Are there any references within the course materials that might be perceived as offensive or oppressive by individuals with disabilities, outside of the context of discussion content or questions for critical or illustrative purposes? Reciprocally, is there any content that identifies contributions individuals with disabilities have made to the field of study, or illustrates this population as fully participating members of society?
Does the course include learning objectives, assignments, activities, labs, and/or evaluation criteria which may restrict access to a student with a physical, mobility, hearing, visual, emotional or learning difference that cannot be achieved through alternative routes?
Are the text based materials (i.e. manuals and published texts), illustrations, tables, audio-visual materials, and online materials accessible to persons with physical (i.e. size/weight of materials, time limits on access), mobility, (i.e. location of materials, physical requirements of assignment), hearing (i.e. are materials close-captioned), visual, emotional or learning differences (i.e. are materials available in alternate formats such as audio recording, e-text—preferably html, braille, etc?)
Inherent within each of the aforementioned questions are countless other questions such as does the publisher produce the text in an electronic format on cd-rom? ASD is in the process of producing a handbook and will respond to any questions that would assist in the review of your materials, identify means that may be unknown to you, or to assist you at any stage of the development process. Please contact Brenda Moore, Coordinator, Access to Students with Disabilities at (780) 437-3966 ()or the Access to Students with Disabilities office at (780) 497-3424().
06/2012 - CLDD 1