September 10 2007 MINUTES
The meeting was called to order at 7:39 p.m.
SUNSHINE STATEMENT: The secretary read the Sunshine Statement.
Barbara ShanleyThomas Thornton
Kenneth Cerullo Lynn Ballerini, Chair
Carol Greene John Bristow, Historian
Gus Vasiliadis
Marthjean Drago
Alternate I, Vacant
Alternate II, Vacant
Attorney: Nilufer DeScherer, Esq.: not present
Salute to the Flag:
The secretary read the Sunshine Statement
In Mrs. Ballerini’s absence, Mrs. Shanley Chaired the meeting.
Minutes: August 6, 2007 minutes carried until the October 1,, 2007.
Public Session: Ms. Drago moved to open the Public Session and since no one from the public is present, she moved to closed the public session. Mrs. Greene seconded the motion. All approved.
Vote: 5 yes; 0 no. Drago, yes; Vasiliadis, yes; Greene, yes; Cerullo, yes; Shanley, yes.
Chair’s Report:
Mahwah Day:Mrs. Shanley reviewed the set up for Mahwah Day. Mrs. Shanley and Mrs. Drago will man the HPC booth. They will sell Ornaments and Tri-Centennial Tee and Sweat Shirts. The coloring book is not ready for distribution.
Ramapo Reformed Church: Mrs. Shanley reported that the HPC had sent the Ramapo Reformed Church a letter regarding the relocation of the church barn and is awaiting a response from the Township Council.
Master Plan Schedule: Mrs. Shanley and Mrs. Greene will meet the HPC secretary at the MunicipalBuilding on Tuesday, September 18, 2007, 4:00 p.m. to review the homes of West Mahwah and Cragmere for the Master Plan.
Mrs. Drago stated that the HPC needs professional assistance in applying for grants and since the Commission does not have such a professional she urged the members to research grants and form small groups within the Commission to apply for the grants.
Mrs. Shanley and Mrs. Ballerini will work on the Certified Local Government application.
Street Names:None at this time.
Franklin Tpke., Construction Co., LLC, Docket 513 final Major S/D:
Let the minutes reflect that after a thorough review of Docket 513 Mr. Vasiliadia moved to approve Docket 513 as stated from the HPC July 2, 2007 meeting. “Recommended to the Planning Board for approval of sub-division with recommendations that the historic structure, (known as “Donner Barn”, listed on the 1989 Master Plan and the BCHS #0233-33) remain and that the approval is conditioned upon the inclusion of a deed restriction agreement that runs with the land and state that the existing house (known as “Donner Barn”) remain and is preserved and maintained as an historic structure. It is also recommended that the historic structure be added to the Historic Preservation Element of the Master Plan and the Township’s Historic Preservation Ordinance.
Vote: 5 yes; 0 no; 1 abstain. Drago, yes; Vasiliadis, yes; Greene, yes; Cerullo, abstain; Shanley, yes.
Peter Halsch/Andy McGill, 324 Franklin Tpke., B l 102 Lots 23 & 24 Docket 460, Major
Subdivision P/F: Let the minutes reflect that after a thorough review of Docket 460, Mrs. Greene moved to deny Docket 460 stating the application is not complete. Historic Preservation Commission form is not filled out or included with application, and Mrs. Drago seconded the motion.
Vote: 5 yes 0 no-- Drago, yes, Cerullo, yes; Greene, yes; Vasiliadis, yes; Shanley, yes.
Commerce Bank/North, Docket 514P/F Site Plan: Let the minutes reflect that after a thorough review of Docket 514P/F: Let the minutes reflect that after a thorough review of Docket 514 P/F Mr. Vasiliadis moved to approve Docket 514P/F with no comment and Mr. Cerullo seconded the motion.
Vote: 5 yes 0 no-- Drago, yes, Cerullo, yes; Greene, yes; Vasiliadis, yes; Shanley, yes.
20 W. Deerhaven Road, Block 24, Lot 7: Let the minutes reflect that after a thorough review of the 20 W. Deerhaven Road Demolition application for the house and garage Mr. Vasiliadis moved to approve with no comment and Mrs. Greene seconded the motion.
Vote: 5 yes 0 no-- Drago, yes, Cerullo, yes; Greene, yes; Vasiliadis, yes; Shanley, yes.
New Business:
Mrs. Dargo moved to adjourn and Mr. Cerullo seconded the motion. All approved. The HPC meeting was adjourned at 10:10pm.
These minutes are a synopsis of the MHPC tapes, which are on file at the Township Hall.