c/o The Old Carriage House

St Andrew Street


EX16 6PH

Tel 01884 251759 or 07891546578

I hereby give notice of a meeting of Brampford Speke Parish Council to be held at Brampford Speke Village Hall on Wednesday 2nd November at 7.30pm , to which Councillors are summoned.

Members of the public are welcome to attend the meeting and may speak at the Democratic Period.

Carole Oliphant

Parish Clerk

Brampford Speke Parish Council

25th October 2016

Brampford Speke Parish Council: Cllr A Wiles (Chairman), Cllr S Luxton (Vice-Chairman), Cllr M Merrett, Cllr E Hollingsworth, Cllr A Birmingham, Cllr G Carden, Cllr R Tillett

As detailed in the Council’s Press & Media policy:

·  Most papers that have been circulated to councillors will be available (on request) to members of the public at or after the council meeting.

·  Members of the public are permitted to film or record council meetings, to which they are permitted access, in a non-disruptive manner.


1.  Apologies.

2.  Declarations of Interest under the Code of Conduct

3.  Minutes

To adopt the minutes of the Parish Meeting held on 5th October 2016

4.  Democratic period

Up to 15 minutes Open Forum for members of the public to bring forward any issues not on the agenda (where a matter is already on the agenda members of the public will be given an opportunity to speak when that item is considered, within the framework of the Council’s standing orders). Where a decision is required the issue will be placed on the following agenda.

5.  Ongoing Topics

·  BSVHT – Cllr M Merrett/Cllr R Tillett

·  Footpaths

·  New footpath wardens Pam Newby & Bea Fenn – to provide an update

·  Update from Cllr A Wiles on the sleepers being installed on Footpath 10

·  Hulk Lane – Mrs Greed to provide an update

·  Improvements to Lake Bridge Footpath- Cllr S Luxton

·  Trees – Cllr E Hollingsworth

·  Protection for the tree in Chapel Road – Cllrs E Hollingsworth & A Wiles – Feedback from meeting with Phillip Hill, from EDDC Planning, and from DCC Highways

·  Highways – Cllr R Tillett

·  New gritting arrangements

·  New Burridge Hill Road Closed sign ordered

·  DCC Highways Conference on 16 Nov (a volunteer to attend?

·  Traffic Management – Cllr G Carden – Including an update on the proposed Community Speedwatch exercise, and a discussion on options for speed signs

·  Superfast Broadband – Cllr M Merrett

·  Village Website & Facebook page – Cllr M Merrett

·  Verges - Cllr A Wiles

6.  East Devon DC (EDDC) matters

(Except where the matter is covered under another specific heading on this agenda)

·  To receive a report from the Councillor S. Grundy for the Exe Valley ward

7.  Devon County Council (DCC) matters

(Except where the matter is covered under another specific heading on this agenda)

·  To receive a report from Councillor Peter Bowden.

8.  Planning

To receive any planning decisions received since posting the Parish Council’s last meeting.

·  16/2474/TCA | T1 Eucalyptus: Crown reduction by up to 3 metres. | Chimney Cottage (South Of) Brampford Speke Exeter EX5 5HG

9.  Outstanding tasks and actions which the Parish Council wishes to monitor on a regular basis:

10.  Housekeeping items

·  Financial Reports:

·  Budget 2016-2017 update

·  Bank Reconciliation

·  Budget Proposal for 2017/2018

·  Clerks October Salary:

Monthly Wage Oct / £161.17
WFH Allowance Oct / £15.00
Mileage (5/10/16) / £11.70
Expenses / £0.00
Total / £187.87
Tax / £32.20
Net Pay / £155.67

·  Clerks November Salary:

Monthly Wage Nov / £161.17
WFH Allowance Nov / £15.00
Mileage (2/11/16) / £11.70
Expenses / £0.00
Total / £187.87
Tax / £32.20
Net Pay / £155.67

·  2 x Cheques to Carole Oliphant £155.67(Oct & Nov)

·  2 x Cheques to HMRC £32.20(Oct & Nov)

11.  A new Chair for the Parish Council in 2017

·  Discussion on next steps

12.  Other information/correspondence received for possible action/discussion/attendance

·  Cllr Carden had advised the Chairman that she would like the PC to discuss the principles and processes around ‘Assets of Community Value’ – Cllr Wiles has circulated an overview

·  Power of Competence – Clerk to provide overview of process and benefits for Parish Council

·  £500 goodwill gesture from South West Water – PC Project ideas

·  Feedback from the 26 October meeting of the ‘Raddon Hills’ group of PCs

13.  Review days and dates of next meeting(s) and Proposals for agenda items.

·  Next Meeting Wednesday January 4th 2017 @ 7.30pm at Brampford Speke Village Hall