From the office of the Senior Director for Intervention

Full-time Intervention Coordinators (IC)

Roles and Responsibilities

Schools Supported by IS:

Knightdale, Southeast, Rolesville, Millbrook, Garner, Sanderson, Broughton, Fuquay Varina, Athens, Enloe, East Wake HS (5 total); Phillips (2.5)

Goal: Reduce the percentage of students dropping out of school resulting in increased graduation rates at their assigned school.

  • 100% of the IC time should be devoted to intervention. IC may NOT serve as the testing chairperson.
  • Fulltime IC will work collaboratively with an administrator to create and lead an intervention team (Tier III team) at their assigned school. This team consist of at least the following staff:



Graduation coach (where applicable)

Special Population Coordinator

SAP Counselor

General Ed. Teacher

504 Contact

Special Ed. Department Chair

Literacy Teacher

LEP Coordinator

Dean or Designated Academic Counselor


Nurse – as needed

  • IC will coordinate efforts to avoid separate interventions for the same students.

IC will use multiple data points to create a tiered watch list of students; beginning with 11th and 12thgraders, which members of the Intervention Team will case manage. The following data points will be used:

Grades - 6 months or more behind in accumulated credits

Suspension – 5 or more days suspended

Attendance – 10 or more absences

9th grade watch list

  • IC and school administrator will set targets for each data point which will be monitored and reviewed quarterly at IC meeting with Intervention Services staff.
  • IC will conduct bi-weekly meetings with the school based Intervention Team to review data of students on the watch list.
  • IC will meet with students requiring the most intensive intervention to ensure proper interventions are in place for the students to be successful. This may occur during non-instructional time.
  • IC will meet with PLTs to problem solve with that team to increase student success rate.
  • IC will have a holistic view of student performance, including academic and behavior data.


  1. Attend monthly meetings (6 FT IC and 4 quarterly meetings for all IC)
  2. Attend Tier II/III Facilitator meetings
  3. Attend MTSS training
  4. Participate in regularly scheduled and unscheduled school visits from Intervention Services

Supporting Resources

  1. 50 Instructional Routines to Develop Content Literacy
  2. What Content-Area Teachers Should Know About Adolescent Literacy
  3. Assessing Reading : Multiple Measures
  4. Pyramid Response to Intervention: RTI, Professional Learning Communities, and How to Respond When Kids Don’t Learn
  5. The Skillful Teacher: Building Your Teaching Skills
  6. Skillstreaming the Adolescent: new Strategies and Perspectives for Teaching Prosocial skills (every ALC teacher has received one)

Monthly Meeting Topics

Condensed FL – Chrys Browne/Susan Andrews

Data Analysis – Sonya Stephens


Why Try – Crystal Reardon

Available Content Resources – Academics

EASi – Paul Walker

PM/ROI – MTSS Coaches