Monash Asia Institute Bulletin
June 2014


✪From the MAI Director’s Desk

✪MAI Seminar/Forum

International Symposium

Asia Literacy in Practice

Japanese Studies Centre (JSC) Seminar

Sonic JapanDigital Repository

✪ Call for Papers

Interactive Futures: Young People’s Mediated Lives in the Asia-Pacific and Beyond

✪ Film Screening

Can We See the Baby Bump Please

✪ Fellowship

◆ Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Religious/Communal Conflict in India), Australian Catholic University, Melbourne

◆The East Asia Institute Fellows Program on Peace, Governance and Development in East Asia

From the MAI Director’s Desk

On 12 June, MAI is holding a one-day international symposium, Asia Literacy in Practice.This one-day symposium will highlight the experiences of people who have been involved in practicing “Asia literacy” through their work in such fields as secondary and university education, business, craft art, activism and media. Through the various experiences of invited speakers, this one-day event seeks to provide participants with a wealth of informed perspectives on and critical insights into engaging with “Asia”. Please check the details in the bulletin and the MAI webpage!

Prof. Koichi Iwabuchi

The next MAI Bulletin is scheduled for Friday 1August 2014. If you have news on any events or other announcements that you would like us to include, please forward this to , by Tuesday 29thJuly 2014.


International Symposium “Asia Literacy” in Practice

Date: 12 June (Thurs) 2014

Venue: H.B39 (Basement of Building H), Monash University Caulfield Campus


10:00-11:30Session 1 Teaching “Asia” in the high school

Chair: Hongzhi Zhang (Monash University)

Panellists: *Mr. Mark Crnkovic (Head of Campus at Narre Warren South, Waverley Christian School)

*Ms. Annabella Fung (Keysborough Secondary College)

*Prof. Christine Halse (Deakin University)

11:45-1:15Session 2 “Asia literacy” in business

Chair: Gloria Davies (Monash University)

Panellists:*Mr. John Pereira (Pereira Partners and Australia-India Business Council)

*Mr. Steve Barclay (Director, Hong Kong Economic & Trade Office in Sydney)

*Mr. Scott Grant (Monash University)

2:15-3:45 Session 3 Working with “Asia”: Material culture and activism

Chair: Julian Millie (Monash University)

Panelists: *Dr. Kevin Murray (Independent curator and writer)

*Dr. Edwin Jurriens (University of Melbourne)

*Dr. Sara Niner (Monash University)

4:00-6:00 Session 4 Embracing “Asia”: Towards an inclusive engagement

Chair: Koichi Iwabuchi (Monash University)

Panelists: *Ms. Jin Sun Lane (SBS producer)

*Mr. Lance Truong (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade)

*Mr. Alistair Bayley (Monash University student)

*Dr. Horie Miki (Ritsumeikan University, Japan)

*Prof. Ariel Heryanto (Australian National University)

RSVPrequired. Please register no later than 9 June by sending an email to:

(with “YES Will attend Conference” in the subject line)

Japanese Studies Centre (JSC) Seminar Series

Sonic JapanDigital Repository

Wed 4 June 2014, noon-2pm,

Venue: JSC Auditorium, Building 54 (next to the bus loop),

Monash UniversityClayton Campus

(A light lunch will be provided after the presentations RSVP)

Introduction and Setting: Prof. Carolyn Stevens

Theoretical and Methodological Implications: A/Prof Tamara Kohn

Sonic Practice and the Shakuhachi: Dr. Richard Chenhall

How the Repository Works:Mr Thomas Baudinette (RA)

The Repository is a new online database of sound recordings, funded by the ARC projectSonic Practice in Japan (DP1312035). The Repositoryfeatures recordings made in Japan. This sitewill provide research training for postgraduates in Japanese studies and cognate disciplines, as well as providing an important resource to a global community of social scientists in the burgeoning field of sensory studies. Furthermore, many of these recordings will have pedagogical uses in the Japanese language classroom at a variety of levels. The Repositorywill also provide a useful example to other scholars working in sensory studies wishing to develop cartographies of the senses.Please join us for the official launch of the website,with presentations by the Chief Investigators of this project.


International conference: Interactive Futures: Young People’s Mediated Lives in the Asia-Pacific and Beyond

1-2 December 2014, Monash University Caulfield Campus

A conference hosted by the Consortium for Youth, GenerationsandCulture, Sociology, Monash University, the Griffith Centre for Cultural Research, Griffith University and support from the Monash Asia Institute

This conference explores young people’s engagement with new modes of mediated communication, self-expression and culture-making acrossthe AsiaPacificandbeyond. It willmapyoung people’s mediatedlives in the region, consider implications forcitizenship,ethics, politicalcultural agencyand social bonds, andgenerate debateabout the ways emplacement, embodiment, and location shape youth access to and practices with media - new and old, virtual and material.

Keynote Speakersinclude:

Associate Professor Sun Sun Lim (CommunicationsNewMedia,NationalUniversityof Singapore)

Dr Paul Hodkinson(Sociology, University of Surrey)

Professor Neil Selwyn (Education, Monash University)


  • how young people interact with new and old media to actively produce and consume local and transnational youth cultures, social identities and collective experience;
  • how localized media practices shape experiences and expectations of youth, including notions of transition to adult‐hood, gendered and raced identities, citizenship, and political practices.
  • inequalities/differences in access and use, for example, in relation to class, gender, sexuality, ability, and place;
  • everyday management of mediated lives(gaming, online activism, everyday uses of social media);
  • collective meaning-making through media (community building, cosmopolitanism, sociality, political engagement);
  • ethical and methodological challenges in researching youth media cultures.
  • how the everyday media practices of youth become more long-term projects, providing a platform for the articulation of post-youth identities.

Please send paper proposals (no more than 200 words) with your affiliation details and email addressno later than Friday June 13th, 2014towith “Paper Proposal for Interactive Futures” in the subject line. Presenters will be notified via email in July.

For more informationand registration go to

Film Screening

Can We See the Baby Bump Please (49 mins)

Followed by Q and A with filmmaker Surabhi Sharma, hosted by Shweta Kishore, Monash University

Date: 11 June 2014 from 5:30 PM

Venue: Wednesday, Australia India Institute. 147-149 Barry Street, Carlton VIC.

The filmmeets with surrogates, doctors, agents, law firms and family in an attempt to understand the practice of commercial surrogacy in the Indian context.It places surrogacy withinlarger contexts of gender,labour,legislation andeconomics to raise discussion about new ways of looking at such practices.

Surabhi Sharma is a Mumbai based filmmaker whose filmsaddress urban experience, migration, gender and labour


Research Fellow/Fellowship

Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Religious/Communal Conflict in India) at Australian Catholic University, Melbourne

  • Four year fixed-term appointment to June 2019
  • Research on communal/religious violence in contemporary India
  • Applications Close: Thursday 26 June 2014

Join a team of accomplished, nationally and internationally recognised researchers in the Centre for Religion and Society within the newly established Institute of Religion and Critical Inquiry. Asa Postdoctoral Research Fellow, you will conduct high level research in an empirically-grounded research project examining the issue of religious/communal violence and conflict in contemporary India.To be successful in this position, you will have completed a PhD or equivalent within the preceding eight yearsand a track record in conducting field-based research of a sociological or anthropological nature.

Total remuneration valued to $101,440 - $119,702 pa, including salary component $85,718 - $101,206 pa (Academic Classification Level B), employer contribution to superannuation and annual leave loading. A range of generous conditions of employment and entitlements are provided, these include: generous leave conditions; flexible working arrangements; salary packaging benefits and comprehensive staff development programs.

Applicants should demonstrate commitment to the specific mission and Catholic ethos of the institution. Applicants must be able to demonstrate an understanding of the nexus between teaching and learning and research and scholarship.

Obtain the Position Description Postdoc_PD_India.pdf. Applicants are expected to address all selection criteria listed in the position description. Specific enquiries may be directed toDrIrfan Ahmad, Associate Professor on(03) 9953 3141. Please go to this link and type India in "keyword" to get full details.

The East Asia Institute Fellows Program on Peace, Governance and Development in East AsiaStudies

The East Asia Institute (EAI) based in Seoul, South Korea, invites applications for its Fellows Program on Peace, Governance, and Development in East Asia. The Fellows Program targets East Asia specialists with cutting-edge expertise in political science, international relations, and sociology for an international exchange program with the goal of encouraging interdisciplinary research with a comparative perspective in the study of East Asia. The EAI Fellows present seminars and lectures, based on an unpublished article on current issues submitted solely for the purpose of the Fellows Program, at two or more Partner Institutions.

Program: The Program is designed to give the Fellows the flexibility required to bring out the best of their expertise in seminars and lectures. Fellows choose the subjects of their articles, seminars, and lectures within the broadly defined themes of peace, governance, and development in East Asia in order to make the visitation an integral part of their on-going research. Fellows are free to decide how they will divide their time among two or more Partner Institutions, giving a seminar and a lecture apiece at each of the sites chosen. The Partner Institutions are the East Asia Institute in Seoul, Fudan University in Shanghai, Keio University in Tokyo, National Taiwan University in Taipei, and Peking University in Beijing.

Eligibility: Application is open to East Asia specialized scholars and experts from all over the world, conducting research in the fields of political science, international relations, and sociology. Ph.D. or other corresponding qualification is required.

Selection: The EAI will select five to six Fellows in 2014. The representatives of the Partner Institutions plus an Advisor based in the United States select EAI Fellows through an annual competition.

Support: The program provides funds ranging from USD 6,000 to 10,000 for each of the Fellows. The grant covers an honorarium for the article, seminar, and lecture as well as the cost of ground transportation, round-trip economy-class international air flight, hotel accommodation, meals, and a per diem for a total of two-week stay in East Asia.

Application: For further details and instructions on how to apply, please download a booklet titled “Fellows Program on Peace, Governance, and Development in East Asia” available online at or e-mail to for assistance. All application materials must be type-written and in English. Applications for fellowships must be received no later than July 30, 201

About the MAI Bulletin

The Monash Asia Institute Bulletin incorporates news items from the research centres of the Monash Asia Institute, partner organisations and other groups working to promote Asian Studies in Australia.

For further information about the Monash Asia Institute, this Bulletin and our events: unsubscribe, please send an email to: Monash-Asia-Institute Enquiries,

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