August 12, 2005
Knights of Columbus , Council 12119
Meeting Minutes for: August 9, 2005
Jerome Schweitzer, Recorder
1. Roll of Officers:
Grand Knight: Dave Dillman / PresentDeputy Grand Knight: Robert Coiley / Present
Chancellor: Joe Esmond / Present
Advocate: Deacon Tony Meier / Present
Warden: Dennis Coleman / Present
Inner Guard: Ali Vurucuoglu / Excused
Outer Guard: Larry Balan / Present
Financial Secretary: Tom Hokemeyer / Present
Treasurer::Sean Mayefskie / Present
Recorder: Jerry Schweitzer / Present
3 Year Trustee: Mike Wands / Present
2 Year Trustee: Sean Mayefskie / Present
1 Year Trustee: Duane Frank / Present
2. Reading of Previous Minutes:
· Accepted by unanimous voice vote
3. Balloting for Membership:
· No Applications to read at this time
4. Grand Knight’s Report
Brothers, while preparing for tonight’s meeting I realized the need for better planning. So starting in September I’m requiring an officers meeting on the first Tuesday each month. I feel this will make our business meetings more effective. We should be able to shorten the meetings with fewer surprises.
The Knights of Columbus have been focused on church, community, and family this past month. In July Operation LAMB completed it’s second Wal-Mart drive. Thanks to every one who helped Tony with this effort. Please consider signing up for the October or November drives and get you family involved as well.
Our Worthy DD, Chris, is on vacation. I hope to have our Officer Induction within the next 30 days. The officer should be able to work around Fr. Mark and Chris schedule.
We have another Blood Drive scheduled for this month August 23. Please sign up. We need a good turnout this is for anyone not just the Knights.
I would like to have and other pot luck social meeting on August 23 and continue the event planning for the year.
Our new membership goals from the state this year:
· New members 5.
· New insurance goal is 3.
I think we can make 300%. My challenge to the council is 15 new members and 9 new insurance members.
5. Treasurer’s Report : (Sean Mayefskie)
· Checking Account # 1: $1,026.84
· Checking Account #2: $ 3,970.46
6. Financial Secretary: (Tom Hokemeyer)
· 6 month audit will be completed after tonight’s meeting.
· Members are reminded that dues payments for 2005-2006. Financial Secretary will be sending bills out soon. Any member wishing to get a check to Tom without the mailing will save us postage costs. The payment due is $24 dues plus $3.56 penny a day for a total of $27.56.
7. Chancellor’s Report: (Joe Esmond)
· No Report
8. Church Director: ( Deacon Tony Meier)
· No Report
9. Program Director: (Robert Coiley)
Program Director efforts continue for volunteers to head the various committees which support our council mission. Please see Bob Coiley if you can chair one of our committees.
LAMB Report:
The first principle of our Order is CHARITY!
In North Carolina, LAMB is the principal way by which we exemplify charity.
We are always looking for ways to expand the Lamb Foundation donations.
The Food Lion stores has a program they call “LION SHOP AND SHARE”
The way it works is every time you use your MVP card at any Food Lion; credit will be given towards our Lamb Foundation account. We can earn as much as $350 per quarter.
As of today we have received a check from Food Lion for $19.00. This is just the start.
First go to your local Food Lion store and apply for an MVP card. Or order on line.
1. Go to
2. Look in the left hand menu for the heading: In The Community and Select
Lion Shop and Share.
3. Select Register MVP cards
4. Organization = Lamb Foundation Council #12119
5. Add MVP: enter your number from your card and follow instructions.
If you already shop at Food Lion then be sure to register your card and use it every time you make a purchase.
You can read all about the MVP program at their web site.
Lets get as much participation as we can.
If you have any questions please contact Tony Zsoldos or myself.
John A Lofquist
The next and last two (2) Tootsie Roll Drives will be held on Friday and Saturday, October 7th & 8th and November 4th & 5th.
We will be holding a Drive at the Church after the masses at a time to be decided.
10. New Business
1. The Induction of Officers should take place this month or early next month. The date selected will be based on the availability of the officers, our Worth District Deputy Christian Podgurski, and the schedule of Fr. Betti. We need to assemble the availability of the officers tonight.
2. Bills for approximately $60 were turned in for expenses incurred for bike repair. Our council donated some of our bikes to the Migrant Community, and there were some parts required for these bikes. The workers themselves did the repair work, and were most grateful for the donations.
3. Fr. William has requested that the Knight’s purchase a Mass Kit. This Mass Kit can be used when visiting the Work camps. The cost would be about $350. Proposal was made by Tony Zsoldos and seconded by Dave Onofrio to allocate $ 360 plus tax for this purchase, with the stipulation that the kit is the property of St. Bernadette’s for future use in this ministry. Passed by unanimous voice vote.
4. Discussions about the September pancake breakfast need a captain, and workers. Jim O’Donnell proposed and Jim Esmond seconded a motion to skip the September pancake breakfast since the date would be over Labor Day Weekend. Motion passed by unanimouis voice vote.
5. We need to select dates for the next membership Blitz. It will occur in October.
6. October 2 is “Respect Life Sunday”. St Bernadette Respect Life Committee is asking the Knights of Columbus to consider, advertising our pancake breakfast as a Respect Life Breakfast. Motion made by Jerry Schweitzer and seconded by Jim O’Donnell to support the effort. Passed by unanimous voice vote. Jerry Schweitzer will be the captain for this breakfast. The Right to Life Committee will be in the gathering area with materials, and also speak at all the masses.
7. There will be a meeting and dinner for over 40 priests from the Raleigh Deanery here at St. Bernadette’s. This is being hosted by Father Mark. It is first time this event will be held at our Parish. Jim O’Donnell proposed, and Pete Majewski seconded a motion to donate $ 200.00 to defray the costs of this event. Passed by unanimous voice vote.
8. Yard Sale donations and workers needed. The sale will be held on Saturday 9/24. Jim O’Donnell and his wife will be at the Parish hall on Thursday 9/22, and Friday 9/23, from 9:00 Am to 9:00 PM accepting items to be donated for the sale.
9. Tony Zsoldos proposed and Jim O’Donnell seconded a motion to allocate $10 for the cost of Fr. Mark’s badge for his Fourth Degree Exemplification. Passed by unanimous vouce vote.
10. Need to start Plans for the mid-year Convention Jan-6, 7, 8 2006.
11. Blood Drive is August 23. Sign up in Gathering Area.
11. State Insurance Rep Report: Vince informed us that once again our Knights of Columbus insurance programs have been rated A++. Members are encouraged to contact Vince Dioguardi, Jr. at (919) 753-5580 or via email at for information on the many valuable programs. Insurance and investments are available for members, wives, minor children and minor grandchildren.
12. Report of the Fourth Degree:
Fr. Paul of Graymoor Assembly 2446 Report by Liaison: Tony Zsoldos
The following are the new officers elected may 10th and the installation of officer’s ceremony and banquet took place at 6:30pm, Friday, June 10th at St Andrews.
Please note a member of our Council, Jim McNally is now the Faithful Captain of the Assembly. Congratulations Jim.
Jim is also the Commander of the Honor Guard.
2005/2006 Assembly Officers
If you are interested in receiving your 4th Degree, please contact Tony Zsoldos at 557-8126 or
This year exemplification will take place in Durham in October. For more information, please notify me by email and I will email you out an information packet.
Tony Zsoldos
13. District Deputy’s Report:
· No Report
14. Unfinished Business:
· The Blood Drive scheduled for August is underway. Sean Mayefski is the drive coordinator. There are signups in the gathering area.
· Read-A-Thon need to review and report status. We are planning the annual ice cream social for Sunday 9/25
· Shed work schedule and worker needed. Please contact Jim O’Donnell if you can help. Due to the extra cost of Saturday concrete, we would like to arrange for a work party during the week.
· Roaming Cooler for August: Don Prush, September: Jim O’Donnell, and October: Bob Coiley
15. Good of the Order
Please remember in your prayers: Hugh McNalley, Jack Stabile, Bob Coiley’s mother, Tim Hughes Aunt, a friend of Rich Carberry,