Directors and Teachers,

We have gotten several requests to conduct on-site AERIS for Teachers training at local programs throughout the state. Unfortunately, our upcoming Fall schedule does not permit us to honor the requests for every program, therefore, we have decided to offer regional trainings in hopes of training more teachers throughout the state. During the Spring Administrators’ meeting, suggestions were made to have more flexible scheduled trainings. We have included two Saturdays to accommodate your request.

The AERIS for Teachers training is designed to help teachers understand how analyzing data and reports in AERIS can be utilized to increase student performance, improve instruction, impact state and federal funding, and benefit local programs. This is a very hands on and interactive session in which teachers will be given an overview of the NRS and the outcome measures, review student and class performance, collaborate with other teachers in best practices, have an opportunity to enter classroom data in E&E reports, and much more!

The objectives for the session are below.


  • Identify the needs of adult learners and their motivation for returning to school,
  • Identify four critical elements of learning,
  • Use data reports to highlight data quality problems and promote program improvement,
  • Interpret classroom data using the National Reporting System tables,
  • Connect instructional practices to overall program and state performance,
  • Apply concepts of data analysis for program improvement,
  • Assess student performance by demographic levels.

The training dates and locations are below. We want to give a special recognition and THANK YOU to those directors who agreed to host the training and to Nancy Loftis for coordinating the locations. While these trainings will be held in each region of the state, you may attend in other areas as allowed. However, please remember that space is limited.

Nancy will send out directions for ESC registrations at a later date. In the meantime, I wanted to ensure that you had the dates in advance to add to your calendar.

Training Dates and Locations:

Saturday, August 23rd – Central - AALRC

Friday, September 5th – Southeast – Phillips Community College – Helena-West Helena

Monday, September 8th – Northeast – Black River Technical College - Pocahontas

Saturday, September 13th – Northwest – Fayetteville

Friday, September 19th – Southwest – Rich Mountain Community College

We are looking forward to meeting and training your teachers!

Thank you,

Trenia Miles, Ed.D.

Associate Director

Department of Career Education, Adult Education Division

3 Capitol Mall

Little Rock, AR 72201

Phone: (501) 682-1970

Fax: (501) 682-1706