I am a NO Excuse! person. I live self-responsibly and I am accountable for everything I say and do. I know what it means to be alive, and my direction is clear. I understand my purpose in life, and do things with a sense of mission. I act with integrity, own all my decisions, and always do the best I can. I forgive myself and others for what was or was not done that may have caused heartache and failure in the past. I forgive my environment and I overcome obstacles. I let go of the past and move on to achieve my dreams. I dream build regularly. I have intact self-esteem and maintain it by value-judging no one. I give everyone total unconditional acceptance, because we are all equal in the eyes of God. I am no better than anyone else, and no one is better than I am. However, as a NO Excuse! person, I am always confident of my talents and skills. I maintain excellent health, feel energetic, and carry a cheerful countenance, which reflects my positive attitude. I maintain self-control in thought, work, and deed, and I have the patience to see things through. I am always honest with myself and others, and I set goals which are true for me. I have a dream big enough o overcome my fears, handle risks, and live the life I choose. I am always learning, growing, and becoming—ever expanding my mind and learning new skills. I am plugged in to my Mary Kay business and attend all the functions for which I am qualified. I am on a continuing education program and read from a positive book for 15 – 30 minutes each day and listen to at least one CD a day. I care about people, and encourage them to all they can be. I meet new people every day and share my opportunity 5 – 6 times a week. I understand and communicate effectively with others. I honor my family and friends and realize how important they are to me. I respect others, appreciate their talents and skills, and have love and compassion for everyone. I have a strong desire to serve others and make a difference. I balance my activities among the eight key areas of life: Physical, Mental, Spiritual, Family, Career, Business, Financial, and Social. My life is a product of the decisions I make, and I am in charge of it. I have NO Excuse! All my excuses are gone. No Excuse! living is for me. I am a NO Excuse! Person.
From the book “No Excuse! I’m Doing It” by Jay Rifenbary