CAHA Board meeting minutes
Present: Mick, Nate, Steve, Allen, Bruce, Jamie & Bri
Approval of meeting minutes from Dec 2012, January 2013 & February 2013. Mick motioned to approve. Allen 2nd & all were in favor.
Discussed the profit & loss statement.
Finance committee recommends everything stays the same for registration fees assuming ice times stay the same & all fees (games, refs, tourneys, playoffs, etc). Jamie motioned to approve & Bruce 2nd. All were in favor.
Finance committee recommends….
Cost of ice for next season base rate=$135 for PV & $150 for NW. Mick motioned & Allen 2nd. All were in favor. CAHA rates to be clarified before September.
Arena Report:
State of MN audit passed! Concession doesn’t have to pay sales tax because profits are going to CAHA.
Zamboni was in a car accident on the way to the Northwoods Arena. Now it’s in Wisconsin being repaired. Bri requested next one on the line assembly line & asked for a 15 year warranty.
Spring registration is April 22 & 25th 4-7:00. A volunteer for spring fundraiser is needed.
Annual meeting April 8th at 7:00 p.m
Board openings: Jamie, Steve & Mat are out. Candidates need to get their letter to Mick by Friday.
Engineering report last Friday pictures taken & report to be written on Northwoods Arena.
MSHL: $500/game for 3 years was negotiated with Bert.
All tourneys & HS games are scheduled for next year.
Logo for CAHA is needed for apparel. Discussed opening it to membership, Facebook & Survey monkey.
1)Needs bigger locker room 25’x25’. 2) Road signage needed in directing fans to the rink 3) Mick is meeting with Brian Fritsinger & Scott next week.
Coach & Player Development: Nate
1)Move ups for next year
2)Coaches room policies & rentals need to be discussed
4)Goalies…Nate proposed to gambling….Brant Nicklin $1950 for 13 sessions during the season instructing goalies. Steve 2nd & all were in favor.
5)Uniform uniformity….work this into the program.
6)2013 coaches will be interviewed.
7)Squirt As & Bs to be discussed
8)Bantam, peewee & squirts Bs need better coaches!
9)Coaches room getting closer to being done…4-6 weeks should be complete if all goes well
10)CAWHA donated $800 for buying equipment....pucks, puck bags, cones, 50 ringlets, nets, fonitor for videos, 24 attack triangles, etc.
Gambling report: Allen Schmitt
1)Back to 2011 to amend returns
2)2012 audit needs to be done by Monday by 2 people.
3)Steve motioned to recommend an amendment to the bylaws that the gambling manager is to be an active voting board member although they cannot be elected to an officer position in accordance with MNGCB. Mick 2nd & all in favor. The membership vote will be at the annual meeting.
4)Need to determine amount of $$ to spend each quarter.
5)Applied for premise permit which allows pull tabs, bingo, 50/50 drawings. $150 cost.
Fundraising Ideas: Need a director for this committee!
1)Raffles in the spring & fall
2)Bingo when ice is out
3)Pull tabs at Wilderness games
4)Donation ideas….savings, edger, hot water heaters, rubber on the floors, lights, eye wash, boys HS showers, exterior work, PV issues, NW lobby, monitor in the lobby, goalie account.
$25,000 donation from CAWHA to be spent……
Mick motioned to buy an edger, ICE guard 550 battery powered ice edger $10,065. Jamie 2nd & all were in favor.
Nate motioned to buy 2 tankless water heaters, 15 light fixtures, eye wash & shower, 2 TV monitors, & the balance on rubber for the floor. Steve 2nd & all were in favor.
Tournament Report: Steve says changes need to be made!!
Adjourned at 9:45 p.m.