From:The Alliance of Divine Love <>
Subject:1st-Friday May 2016 ADL E-Newsletter
Preheader:National and Chapter News from ADL
Hi, just a reminder that you're receiving this email because you are an ordained minister in The Alliance of Divine Love. Don't forget to add to your address book or white list so your E-News will be sure to land in your inbox!
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Divine Love for All in Oneness
Your Monthly ADL National and Chapter News
Each first Friday, the Alliance of Divine Love updates you with information about the activities of the ADL, both from the national perspective and from those of the individual chapters.
Visit Our Website
From Rev. Dr. Peg Gordon
The Alliance of Divine Love National Conference.
June 23rd - 26th
Dear Ministers,
The Alliance of Divine Love National Conference,
"Divine Love Infusion," June 23-26 in Kennebunk, Maine, is almost here! We have over 50 ministers coming from around the country. The program is amazing and opens with an Infusion of Love.
Thank you for registering early. If you have not paid your balance, it is due now.
Ordinations: We have a number of ministers being ordained, and we will honor them.
Mentors: please e-mail a list of all those you will be ordaining to Rev. Dr. Peg Gordon
DDMS doctors: please bring your Robes and we invite all ministers to bring their stoles for ordinations.
If you are interested in carpooling from the airports, post your time of arrival and airport on the ADL minister Facebook page. It is a closed group and only ADL ministers are on it.
We are looking forward to our Fellowship, Inspiration and Education!
The ADL Conference Committee
Rev. Dr. Barbara Selwa:
"Molecular Pseudo Reality"
Dear Ones:
Today we will delve more deeply into the process of spiritual development. In the past we have explored the three basic levels of communication and how spiritual development evolves from one to the other. First, there is the lower tier, where communication is through squeals, grunts, flashing lights and colors among others. Most life forms use only this level. Moving to the second level we find that symbols predominate and extend experiences widely. Here, we find humans and higher-order animals. Symbolic communication involves words, drawings, music, scientific formulations, codes and others. The third level of communication reaches out of the first and second tiers, and it is incomprehensible using symbols. The second level can convey hints of the third level, however, it has only the power to lead to the door of the third. Most incarnate humans exist in the second level, as are many of you. You, however, are spiritually developed enough that you have experienced the third level and then returned to your second-level life....
-- Your loving sister StAOR and others
Read complete article here
Note: Last First-Friday we alarmed some folks by publishing only the first part of Barbara's article, "Right Back At Ya." It ended like this:
"...where it would happen and how he would kill. This produced tremendous inner urges and passions, so finally he began kidnapping and carrying out his desires."
Then we continued with funereal flowers for President Elf's piece, and some folks jumped to the conclusion that our beloved founder had unexpectedly caught the last train for glory. Not so. She had computer problems and sent the incomplete version just before "going dark" on a pleasure trip. Sorry if we alarmed anyone. When Barbara gets us the complete piece, we will put it on the national ADL site, alongside Barbara's other pieces of guidance for us. -- Rev. B
Jo Ann "Elf" Pessagno
Some people come into our lives as a blessing; other people come into our lives as a lesson.
While visiting Hendersonville, NC, and spending time at the national office with Pamela and Analisa, I realized the importance of seeing things through both a microscope and a telescope. The three of us worked on critical ADL documents, first using our telescopes to see the long-range implications of the correspondence, and then taking out our microscopes to ensure that every word in that document had the tone and meaning to convey our message....
Love and hugs,
Read the Complete Article Here
Ombudsman's Corner
Rev. Randy Fillmore
It's not that often that I actually read articles in the magazines to which we subscribe. Oh, I look through the pages, see some new product or ogle at a recipe.
The cover of the May edition of Real Simple caught my attention when it mentioned an article, "The Art of Apologizing," and I knew it was perfect timing, as it was time for this monthly column.
The article by Jennifer King Lindley does a remarkable job at bringing multiple sources and authors together, all proclaiming how difficult we seem to want to make apologizing, the lengths we go to avoid it, and she even details the health implications of not apologizing....
Blessings along the path
Rev Randy Fillmore
ADL Ombudsman
Read the Complete article here.
National HQ Report
Rev. Pamela Meyer Crissey
Rev. Analisa Domenica
Everything has been going smoothly at the National Office, but personally it has been another matter. Ironically, both Analisa and I lost our beloved dogs, Sierra and Yuki, within five weeks of each other. Gratefully, they were both in their elder years, and their bodies were no longer serving them well, but it is hard nevertheless.
However, no matter what happens in our personal lives, time marches on and life continues to need us. We know it must be hard to believe, but it is almost Dues Renewal Time!
Your dues notice will be sent slightly earlier this year for two reasons:
1) we are including a Call for Volunteers because it is time to vote for a new Board of Trustees, and
2) we want to avoid having your dues deadline be the same as your card-expiration date! There are a few more changes to dues deadlines, but it will be explained in full with your letter.
Also, please note our new P.O. box address below. You can begin using this address for all your correspondence immediately.
As Analisa's grandmother used to say once May arrived, "Well, summer's over!" We hope you enjoy it all!
ADL National Office
P.O. Box 247
Mill Spring, NC 28756
Webmeister Musings February, 2016
Rev. Brian Crissey
Dog Gone Web Stats
Our 13-year life love and companion Yuki graduated from the Earth plane this week, much to our sorrow. As I sat down to compile the E-News, my Cosmic Muse chose the above image to display. Of course.
Read more here.
BTW, Barbara Selwa's strangely cutoff article will be found on the
ADL web site very soon. She's fine.
Carolinas Chapter
Dear Lovely Partners :)
The ADL Carolinas board is planning a chapter meeting to share, mingle and catch up on all of the goings on with you and your ministry. However, our date, May 21, is the same day of our local Fairie Festival at Highland Lake, so the board will be meeting soon to plan an alternate date so that all those so inspired can go hang out with the fairies!
I am honored to walk this path with you. I join you in the Peace of this perfect moment!
Rev. Dona Menz, Chapter President 828-808-2984
V.P.: Rev. Ann Keesler
Treasurer: Rev. Pam Crissey
Secretary: Rev. Candace Lewis
Florida Chapter
Greetings, Florida ADL Ministers!
The FL ADL is currently planning our Annual Meeting for fall, 2016, as well as regional retreats throughout Florida. We are working on establishing regional committees to enhance communication with our ministers, and to create opportunities for us to come together to share our unique experiences and learn from one another.
Event Announcement: The Seraphim Center, 1234 NW 14th Avenue, Gainesville FL 32601 is hosting a PSYCHIC FAIR on June 18, 2016, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., the last one at the present site! The Center is currently looking for a new home. For more information or to participate in donating readings or healing sessions, please call 352-792-8075. Drop by and say hello. We would love to see old friends and meet new ones!
If you have news to share, please email Rev. Dr. Bonnie Cox. Thanks!
FL ADL 2016 Officers:
President Rev. Dr. Stephanie Josephs
Vice-President Rev. Lindsay Babich
VP and Acting Secretary, Rev. Dr. Bonnie Barnes-Kelley,
Treasurer, Rev. Blanca Aguilar
The Heartland Chapter
The Heartland Chapter is, as always, totally engaged in the interfaith community. (In addition to other interfaith organizations and events, local ADL ministers are very committed to the Greater Kansas City Interfaith Council, or GKCIC. The current GKCIC Chair is Heartland President, Rev. Mary Gibson McCoy; the Speakers' Bureau coordinator is Rev. Dr. Kara Hawkins; both Mary and Kara are Directors, and various ADL ministers, including Rev. Gregory L. McCoy, Rev. Kathleen Bergman, Rev. Stephen Newman, Rev. Lee Slusher, and others, serve as Alternate Directors.
On May 3, the Heartland Chapter again co-sponsored the annual Table of Faiths event, hosted by GKCIC, and it again had a "faith booth," where local ADL ministers had information about our ADL organization and chapter. At the booth, information was also disseminated about the Annual Interfaith Thanksgiving Dinner, a major interfaith event in the city with a 30-year history and hosted by Heartland Chapter since 2010. This year the dinner will take place on Sunday, November 8, at a venue to be determined. Updated information will appear at our chapter web site as details emerge.
Join us whenever you are in the area, either at one of these events, or at our regular monthly meetings.
President: Rev. Mary Gibson McCoy,
V.P.: Rev. Gregory L. McCoy,
Secretary: Rev. Dr. Kara Hawkins,
Treasurer: Rev. Marci Reardon
Mid-Atlantic Chapter
Mid-Atlantic Chapter Members celebrated the spring equinox -- through rain, snow, hail and wind -- by gathering in Shepherdstown, WV! A fine time was had by all, catching up on news & views, and hoping fervently that real spring would arrive soon! Our monthly phone calls, quarterly celebrations and summer retreat at Shenandoah give us opportunities to learn about and support each other as we strive to be lightworkers. If you live in our region and have not yet joined us, please contact Rev. Michael Tobolski, as we would love to get to know you!
From left to right: Christine Meer (Michael's spouse), Rev. Jo Ann Pessagno, Rev. Randy Filmore, Rev. Barbara Harris, and Rev. Michael Tobolski.
Rev Mike Tobolski, President
Tennessee Valley Chapter
No news to report at this time.
President: Rev. Eve Robinson 423-794-9376
VP: Rev. Janet E. Busvek
Secretary: Rev. Lisa Gilchrist
Treasurer: Rev. Kay McClain-Davis
Past President, Rev. Dr. Linda Marie Nelson
Astrology for May 2016
Linda Bender's
Sky Picture
The Sun is in Taurus, The Bull, through the 20th. On the 1st the Sun sextiles Neptune in Pisces. It is a very spiritual and artistic transit. On the 3rd the Sun trines Jupiter in Virgo which emits a terrific positivity and great confidence. It is The Bull's birthday through the 20th and it is a beautiful year of fun and creativity, but you will need to take care of yourself.
Taurus, Jupiter is in your fifth solar house of pleasure, romance, children and creativity until September 9th. With Jupiter in your fifth house you can have the wonderful benefits of Life, but when it travels to your sixth solar house (as it moves into Libra) of service, work and health for the next thirteen months you will be helping others, but you will also need to take care of yourself. You will need to get the proper amount of rest and eat properly; if not careful you can gain a lot weight by overeating....
Read the Entire Piece here.
Tabernacle of the Stars, May 2016
Rev. Joy Aphrodette Gambon
The New Moon in Taurus occurs on May 6, 2016, at 03:29:27 PM EDST.The Lights form a beautiful Grand Trine in Earth with retrograde Jupiter in Virgo and retrograde Pluto in Capricorn. They also form a double quincunx to retrograde Saturn in Sagittarius! This is a powerful cycle to make new decisions on the basis of past history both globally and personally. The key is to be thorough in evaluation and to achieve a more profound vision for the future within a practical framework. Go deep!
The Full Moon in Sagittarius occurs on May 21, 2016, at 05:14:22 PM EDST. The Moon conjoins retrograde Mars in Sagittarius as they both oppose the Gemini Sun! This is a fabulous cycle to multi-task and quickly finish up what needs to get done! DO double check your work for best results. This is also an excellent time to get back in touch with those who refresh and enlighten you. Current social and theatrical events can bring back powerful memories. Share the excitement!...
Read the Entire Piece Here
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Carrie Hart
Carrie Hart takes you into a deep connection with Spirit, helping empower you to move out of self-doubt, fear and confusion and into love, confidence, clarity, joy and courage.
From individual sessions to specific programs, from power animal retrievals to deeply moving group Spirit Circles with Jesus, Carrie uses her pure channel to the many aspects of Spirit to unfold you to the wonder, beauty and love that you truly are.
Her events on the Full Moon and New Moon are deeply energizing and a wonderful way to experience the way Carrie brings Spirit to you.
Click here to explore the complimentary events you may join. You were born to shine out, to share your talents and skills, and to show the world who you truly are.
Click here to see how Carrie can help you shine!
The Alliance of Divine Love | 828-388-2102| Email | Website
707 Brooklyn Ave. Hendersonville, NC 28792
From:The Alliance of Divine Love <>
Subject:Third-Friday ADL E-News May 2016
Preheader:April 2016 Contributions from the Ordained Ministers of ADL
Hi, just a reminder that you're receiving this email because you are a member or student in The Alliance of Divine Love. Don't forget to add to your address book so we'll be sure to land in your inbox!
You may unsubscribe if you no longer wish to receive our emails.
This is the mid-month edition of "Love in Action," featuring submissions by ADL ministers.
Visit the ADL national site
Click Here to Register for
the 2016 National ADL Conference.
Don't Miss It!
June 23-26, 2016
See you there!
Many Blessings!
Rev. Dr. Peg
New Ordination
Rev. Tanya Tiger
joined our ranks as an ordained ADL minister May 13, 2016!
She is an eloquent writer (see below) and will be contributing some of her prodigious skills to the co-creation of an ever-better ADL E-News!
Welcome, Rev. Tanya!
The Echoing of Loss
Tanya Tiger, new minister
When your heart is breaking and there are no words to describe the way you feel how do you go on? What is it, within us, that gives us the strength to put one foot in front of the other when all we want to do some days is curl up and fade away? I am often told that I am strong. I hear the words, “I don’t think I could survive if I lost a child!” or “Bless you for being so strong!” The truth is, yes… I am strong, but I still feel the pain and ache of loss. Some people seem to believe that strength equates to an absence of fear, pain, sadness, or anger. This is not the case. True strength equates to feeling all of those things, sometimes at once, and still moving forward. True strength is found in the willingness to be vulnerable, exposed, and willing to try again. True strength is found in the ability to suffer a tragic and traumatic blow to the core and still be willing to put yourself out there, knowing fully that you could be hurt again.
I am strong, but so are many of the people who say that they don’t think they could experience the death of their child and still go on. You don’t realize, until you are in that moment, just how capable you are. It seems superhuman to those who watch, but to the one living it… it’s simply survival. I did not choose to be this strong. Life delivered me into a situation which only had two possible responses -- go on living or die. I chose to live and that… that is when I discovered how strong I really am. Ask any parent who has lost a child, and they will tell you how deep their pain runs, how many nights they lay awake -– staring at the ceiling -– playing that moment over and over in their head, crying so hard they could barely breathe, and then getting up the next morning to take care of what needed to be taken care of. They chose life, knowing it would be hard, and also knowing that to do otherwise would only serve to add more pain to those left behind.