North Branch Area Hockey Association
February Membership Meeting
February 25, 2015- 6:35 pm
In Attendance:
Jessica Richter, Craig Moline, Tim Hink, Kevin Bollman, Ryan Swenson, Ryan Coleman, Alex (3 Diamond Pull Tab rep)
Travis Richter, Barb Miller
Secretary Report
- Motion to approve minutes for the month of January, 2015 - motion carried
President’s Report
- All fees must be paid prior to regionals. Association does pay for Regional tournament. ($550.00).
- A Peewee’s advancing to Regionals. Games are held at Fogerty and Anoka. First game is at 2:00 Friday at Fogerty Arena.
- Zero Tolerance for refs- some teams (not NB) were fined for harassing ref’s during games.
- Next President’s meeting is in April.
Vice President’s Report
Gambling Report
Gambling Report: February 24th, 2015
Month Ended January 31st, 2015
Site Name/ # of Boxes Closed / Gross Receipts / Prizes Paid / Net Receipts / Shortages/OveragesBig Daddy’s (15 Boxes) / $58,502 / $53,101 / $5,401 / $122
Pizza Pub ( 15 Boxes) / $64,771 / $57,547 / $7,224 / $5
Oak Inn ( 14 Boxes) / $51,115 / $44,609 / $6,506 / (-$26)
Stars & Strikes ( 10 Boxes) / $40,829 / $35,122 / $5,707 / (-$4)
The Fuse ( 13 Boxes) / $55,753 / $49,062 / $6,691 / (-$224)
Totals Boxes 67 Boxes / $270,970 / $239,441 / $31,529 / (-$127)
Allowable Expenditures for Gambling February, 2015.
Oak Inn Rent$2,000.00
Pizza Pub Rent$3,000.00
Stars & Strikes Rent$1,500.00
Big Daddy’s Rent$2,500.00
The Fuse Rent$2,000.00
Copies and Office Supplies$150.00
John Trudeau CPA $1,000.00
3 Diamond (games/supplies)$5,000.00
Charitable Products LLC$700.00
County Market (Meat Raffle)$450.00
Bruce’s Foods (Meat Raffle)$900.00
Shared advertising with The Fuse$200.00
SureThing Gambling Software$1000.00
Central Gaming (Dispensing Device S&S)$8,000.00
SFM Risk Solutions (WC Audit)$487.00
New Site Equip Fees. (Rush Hour Bar)$4000.00
MN GCB New Lic. Fees$150.00
Lawful Purpose Expenditure
City of Wyoming 10% Donation$700.00
City of Harris 10% Donation$700.00
City of Harris/Harris FD$500.00
NB Coaches Assoc. (Volleyball)$500.00
NB 7th Gr. Girls Basketball$500.00
Pine City Civic Arena (Ice Bill)$3,735.00
Brock Hamre$500.00
Isanti Ice Arena$18,240.00
Actual Allowable Expenditures for Gambling January, 2014.
Oak Inn Rent$2,000.00Actual $1,275.20
Pizza Pub Rent$3,000.00Actual $1,444.80
Stars & Strikes Rent$1,500.00Actual $1,137.40
Big Daddy’s Rent$2,500.00Actual $1,110.20
The Fuse$2,000.00Actual $1114.20
Copies and Office Supplies$150.00Actual $140.67
Postage$49.00Actual $0.00
John Trudeau CPA $1,000.00Actual $1003.65
Payroll(Wages/Taxes/Invoices)$5,000.00Actual $4887.98
Miscellaneous$700.00Actual $531.65 (Bruces Foods $130.00; John Trudeau $3.65 City of Wyoming $398.00 )
3 Diamond (games/supplies)$5,000.00Actual $3352.20
Charitable Products LLC$700.00Actual $0.00
County Market (Meat Raffle)$450.00Actual $360.00
Bruce’s Foods (Meat Raffle)$800.00Actual $930.00
Shared advertising with The Fuse$150.00Actual $106.43
ECM Post Review (Job Hiring)$250.00Actual $66.49
Actual LPE’s for January, 2014
City of Wyoming 10% Donation$400.00Actual $798.00
City of Harris 10% Donation$400.00Actual $182.92
Actual: $16,929.22
We had to let another employee go this month.
The Monthly Fee for John Trudeau (Accountant) has gone up to $941.40 from 792.50 ($148.90) due to us adding another site. I have got pricing from A-OK Bookkeeping in Stacy. They would be around $500.00/mo. Or we can order software from Sure Thing MN Gambler that would do all the reports. It would take more on my end with data entry; however it would save us close to $11,000 a year. Sure Thing would cost $695 for the initial set up/first year and $500.00 a year after that. My suggestion would be to go with Sure Thing on a trial basis. If it is not working out or is too time consuming we can switch to A-OK. John Trudeau is willing to help in the transition and would still do our 990/990T Taxes along with our annual audit.
There is other software out there, CG Made Easy, Gambling Manager Asst. etc. They are all close to the same cost. Surething was recommended to me from John Trudeau and Forest Lake Hockey Assoc.
We signed a new lease with Rush Hour Bar in Rush City. I am hoping to be in there by April 1st 2015.
- Motion to approve Gambling Report for the month of January, 2015- motion carried
- Motion to carry lawful expenditures for month of January, 2015- motion carried
- City of Wyoming
- City of Harris
- Harris Fire Department $500.00 donation for Fire Dept. Fundraiser at the Fuse. Ryan will attend the event and sell Shake A Days tickets.
- North Branch Coaches Association (for volleyball)- $500.00
- North Branch 7th Grade Girls Basketball - $500.00
- Ice Bill- $3,000 also a bill coming from Isanti for $18,200.
- Travis Richter request for Saint Francis child- (Brock Hamre) with muscular disorder and RSV respitory disorder. Board agreed on $500.00
- Rush City- new site at Bullrush. Typically cities will request a percentage to the city. Rush City is requesting a 50% donation from our net receipts be donated back to their municipality – organization of our choice within their trade area.
- Possible pull tab machine going into Stars and Strikes rather than having them sold over the counter. Alex from 3 Diamond presented pull tab machine options. Purchase vs. Lease options. Board decision to lease without maintenance plan for pull tab machine- motion carried
- John Trudeau- monthly fee has increased $150. (near $1,000 per month). Ryan’s suggestion- changing bookkeeper and electronic file through this person for $550 per month. Savings would be near $5,000 per year. Or $700 software which Ryan would input the accounting info. Annual audit would still be done via accountant. Ryan is willing to try the $700 software for 3 months. If it doesn’t work out, he suggests changing accountants from Trudeau to less costly accountant. – Board agrees with Ryan’s suggestion. He will order the software. Trudeau will still complete the annual audit.
Treasurer’s Report
- Motion to approve Treasurer Report for month of January, 2015- motion carried
1095.480- Arena
21152.87- Fundraising
53675.35- General Account
4112.50- Outstanding Fees for 2014/2015 Season
Old Business
- Arena
$1.09 square ft. is the price city of Stacy originally proposed for the land the arena sits on. NBAHA offered $.36/ sq. foot which came to about $58,000.00. Mayor called Craig back and counteroffered $.50/ square foot. Amounts to roughly $78,000.
- Motion to pursue land purchase in Stacy for $78,000.00 for NBAHA Arena- motion carried
- Suggestion from Barb Miller to have Candi Rindahl draft purchase agreement.
New Business
- Fundraising- profit for pizza sales $6,083.93. 1249 total pizzas were sold.
- Power Play- still undecided where and when Power Play will be held. Power Play dynamic may be changed this year. Ideas of a summer or fall event, rather than spring were discussed.
Meeting Adjourned: 8:02