TO:Virginia Federation of Families
Virginia Integrated Network of Family Organizations
Virginia Association of Counties
Virginia Municipal League
Virginia Association of Local Human Services Officials
Virginia League of Social Services Executives
Virginia Association of Community Services Boards
Virginia Court Services Unit Directors Association
Virginia Local School Superintendents Association
Virginia Council of Administrators of Special Education
Virginia Council of Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court Judges
Virginia Coalition of Private Providers Associations
CSA Coordinator’s Network
CSA State and Local Advisory Team
Community Policy and Management Teams
Family Assessment and Planning Teams
Voices for Virginia’s Children
Virginia Poverty Law Center
FACES of Virginia Families
Just Children
Policy Work Group Members
FROM:State Executive Council
DATE:April 1, 2011
SUBJECT:Revision of the Code of Virginia §2.2-2648 D 20 as enacted by the 2011 Virginia General Assembly (House Bill 1679 (Chapter 397)and Senate Bill 1171 (Chapter 413))
Attached please find a documentwhich outlines a revision to the Code (§2.2 2648 D20)
clarifying statutory language regarding certaincircumstances under which Comprehensive Services Act state funding may be denied to local governments. A specific time frame is included in the statutory language to permit public comment and review by the State Executive Council prior to its adoption of new policies to be effective July 1, 2011.
The attached document provides background information as to the rationale for the revision andthe roles of other state agencies in the possible denial of state pool funds, the duty of local governments to report violations, and describes action steps taken by the Office of the Comprehensive Services and the State Executive Council in response to reports which may result in the denial of state pool funds to a locality. Attachment A briefly describes the statutory responsibilities of each entity involved in CSA as well as references on where to find applicable federal and state law and requirements, including those related to state licensure of providers of services.
In accordance with SEC policy and statutory law regarding public comment, the attached draft CSA policies are being distributed for public review and feedback. Please note the timeframe below and information regarding how and to whom to submit any public comments on the proposed policies.
March 31, 2011SEC considers/approves the proposed draft policy for distribution and public comment
April 1, 2011Draft policy distributed and posted by the Office of Comprehensive Services
May 31, 20115:00 p.m. deadline for submission of public comments to OCS
June 16, 2011Distribute proposed final version of policies, including response from SEC members to public comment and explanation of any changes from 4/1/2011 draft
June 23, 2011Draft policies considered for adoption by SEC at quarterly meeting
July 1, 2011Policies as adopted by the SEC to be effective this date
Public comment submission
Written comments will be accepted by mail, e-mail, fax or hand-delivery. If you or your
organization prefer to mail, fax or hand-deliver a paper version of your comments, we ask that you also submit an electronic version to aid the OCS in the process of compiling the comments for the State Executive Council’s consideration. Please indicate on the paper submission whether or not you are also providing an electronic version.
Comments must be received by the Office of Comprehensive Services no later than 5:00 p.m. on May 31, 2011. Please send all comments to:
Ms. Marsha Mucha
Office of Comprehensive Services for At-Risk Youth & Families
1604 Santa Rosa Road, Suite 137
Richmond, Virginia23229
E-mail address:
Phone number:(804) 662-9816
Fax number:(804) 662-9831
Information about the public comment process may also be found on the CSA web site at
To assist in facilitating the compilation of public comment and ensure that stakeholder groups are recognized appropriately, please include the following information on your submission:
- Name
- Title and Organization
- Address
- E-mail address
- Alternate e-mail address, if preferred for response
- Phone number, if available
- Primary stakeholder group (such as parent, local department for social services, court services unit, community services board, local government administrator, judge, etc.)*
- Locality (city or county)
*Please indicate the capacity in which you are submitting the comments. For example, an individual may be a local department for social services director, but also the chair of the community policy and management team. Please indicate which group (LDSS or CPMT, or both) the writer is representing.
Please distribute the proposed draft policies widely within your organization. Thank you for your attention, review and comment on the proposed policies. Your input and contributions to the process are important.
Request for Submission of Public Comment
Revision of COV §2.2.-2648 D 20
Office of Comprehensive Services