Sri. BinodKumar
Barasat, 24-Parganas, W.B.
Respected Sir,
Sub: Issue of EPIC Card - An 80% Disabled unable to avail facilities offered by
Govt. for years together.
I, Sri. ASHIM GHOSH, aged 31 yrs, a post polio paralysis of both lower limbs 80% disabled person, a resident of Paschimpara, Bongaon, North 24-Parganas, West Bengal applied for issue of a Voter Identity Card to the appropriate Election Commission office at Bongaon each and every opportunity offered by Election Commission of India. Unfortunately it is found that neither EPIC has been issued nor any reasons for non acceptance of request have been intimated. In this connection all detail particulars are furnished below for appraisal of every sympatric persons of India.
[A] Applications made for enrolment as voter on standard format submitted by me and Electoral officers notice thereon for appearing for hearing are as follows.
1) Application receipt dated. 14.10.04 and hearing fixed on 12.11.04 - Attended.
2) Application receipt dated. 07.11.05 and hearing fixed on 25.11.05 - Attended
3) Application receipt No. WB-TTT-0554296 dt. Nil and hearing fixed on 09.12.00 - Attended.
4) Application receipt dated. 22.01.07 and hearing fixed on 10.02.07. - Attended.
5) Application receipt dated. 24.11.08 and hearing fixed on 15.12.08. - Attended
Result is NIL in each occasion i.e. EPIC not issued and reasons not made known. I had, though being a disabled poor person unable to move without 2 escorts had attended all hearings and chased with concerned offices but failed to get any sympathy from Election commission office. Probably Disable persons are not liked by Election Commission office to allow being a Voter of country.
[B] 1) According to North 24 Parganas District Primary School Council., School leaving certificate issued on 07.02.2007 for academic 1986-1989 my date of berth is 14.01.1978.
2) According to BongaonHigh School (Estb-1886), Board Index No.: 149-125, Council Recogn. No.: F 369 / BS / (A) / 83, Certificate for session 1993-94 my date of berth is 14.01.1978.
Both the certificates have been produced ECO as an authentic documents of my residence as well as date of berth.
[C] Handicapped Certificate baering No. 2437 Dated.11.11.2003 [Code-OPH] issued in my favor by CDPO/ICDSP. Bongaon-Govt. of West Bengal is a government record showing my age, address, and disability for 80% assessed by Medical Board of the Govt.Hospital. Etc.
[D] I am a Ration Card holder bearing No. 856413 dated 13.12.1996 issued by competent authority of Govt. of West Bengal, of my residence area of the locality.
[E] I am having PANCard bearing No. ASJPG1689E issued by Income Tax Department, Government of India.
It may kindly be seen from what has been brought out at above that although all the above said documents mentioned at above were issued by Government authority over the years and brought to the knowledge of Election Commission Officers for enrolment as a Voter by issuing an EPIC card, which they ignored for 5 occasions during the years 2004 to 2008 as detailed at above.
As I am an 80% OPD Disabled person, cannot move freely to meet and chase different officers / offices to get EPIC card, I have been NEGLECTED, IGNORED AND OTHERWISE treated, debarred to get an EPIC card. I am a very poor disabled person and in the event EPIC card is issued to me, I would have get a loan made available to Person With Disabilities under various scheme of Government of India which I am debarred due to extreme negligence / ignorance to a Disabled Person
But for my acute disability, inability to speak & to move freely to meet DM & DEO at Barasat, I would have explained in detail the case in person for better appreciation and suitable remedial actions.
In the light of matters / constraints brought out at above, I would like to request your good self to kindly pass suitable orders so that an EPIC card is issued to me at the earliest possible. All the original Documents referred to at above will be made available to requisitioned officials as and when called for. Yours faithfully,
AshimGhosh 17-11-2009
Paschimpara, Bongaon,.
North- 24 Parganas, West Bengal.
E-mail ID: "
From: AshimGhosh <>
To: ,
Date: Sat, 19 Dec 2009 20:06:46 +0530
Subject: Issue of EPIC to a 80% Disabled pending :-
19-12-09 [Reminder-2] 80% Disabled Case
Sri. BinodKumar
Barasat, 24-Parganas, W.B.
Respected Sir,
Sub: Issue of EPIC Card - An 80% Disabled - unable to avail facilities offered by
Govt. for years together.
Ref: My prayer E-mail dated. 17-11-2009 [ Attachment all Documents]
1st Reminder E-mail dated. 13-12-2009
Your kind personal attention is invited to my prayer through E-mail dated 17-11-2009 followed by its reminder E-mail dated 13.12.2009.
I will be grateful if you kindly direct your machinery to issue an EPIC card based on applications submitted as detailed at my letter dated 17.11.09 at the earliest possible so that a poor extreme disabled person can avail various schemes for PWDs offered by Government of India.
Thanking you. Yours faithfully,
19th Dec '2009
ccAshim Ghosh <>,
Madhumita Puri <>
dateSat, Dec 19, 2009 at 8:22 PM
subjectIssue of EPIC Card - An 80% Disabled unable to avail facilities offered by
hide details 12/19/09
Dear Sir,
Please do find attached letter that already sent to byou by Mr.Ashim Gosh an disabled person, who also contacted me in intervention about his problem in getting EPIC card, please do confirm what reason in delay for issuing EPIC card to mr.Ashim Gosh, if you any documents in need, please let me know so that i could succeed in helping disabled persons at a real way.
Hoope that you should do his request sympathically and follow his rights with dignity in a well manner.
Thanking you,
yours sincerely,
For Online Donations :
Donate liberally for SOCIETY FOR CHILD DEVELOPMENT at:
On Wed, Dec 23, 2009 at 5:31 PM, DEO N24 <> wrote:
Junk Score: 2 out of 10 (below your Auto Allow threshold) | Approve sender | Block sender | Block domain
As directed by DEO & DM I would like to apprise you the following points :
We have received your mail and gone through pedantically.If you kindly place the counter part of 001C form to this end it wouyld be helpful for us to trace the case.Moreover, from your detailed representation your status as voter [i.e. AC No. / Part No. / Sl No. ] is not clear on account of which we are not ascertained whether you have enrolled as voter or not.If you kindly specify your details in this manner it would be quite helpful for us.For EPIC, you don't have to come to District HQ or SDO Office, Just fill up the 001C form duly signed (It is available in website- ceowestbengal.nic.in) along with 2 copies of photos and send it to this end. We are assuring that necessary course of action will be taken from this end.We are also forwarding the copy of your letter to Sub Divisional Officer, Bongaon for enquiry and reporting.However, we are extremely sorry for any inconvenience in this matter.
Your cooperation in this regard is highly solicited.
Thanking you ,
Officer In Charge
District Election Cell
North 24 Parganas
On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 11:18 AM, DIO Barasat <> wrote:
The DEO / N-24 Parganas, O.C. District Election Cell
Barasat. North 24 Parganas, W.B.
Respected Sir,
Sub: Issue of EPIC to a disabled Sri. AshimGhoshPaschimpara,
Bongaon. North 24- Parganas. (95 / 138)
Ref: DIO / Barasat’s E-mail to me dated. 22-12-2009.
In obedience to your letter mentioned above I hereby submit the particulars as desired and arranged to send the attested copies of documents in support for your kind perusal and further necessary action.
All family members reside at the same premises with me holding EPIC are belong to under mentioned polling area:-
Part No. Polling Station NameElectoral Roll
(As on 01.01.2009)
GandhipallyAKBalaF . P School ,Room - 1
Final Roll
The following copy of documents duly attested have been sent to you by courier dak for your perusal and kind necessary action:- 1) PANCard 2)Handicapped Certificate 3. Medical Board Certificate 4) Two School certificates 5) Ration card 6) Only 2 copies of instructions issued in 2003 and 2008 by Local Election Officer to attend hearing fixed and 7) Municipal Councilor’s Certificate along with Original application duly filled in (Form No. 001C) as directed. (eight pages in all)
Thanking you once again for sympatric consideration made to this disabled person by your department.
Yours faithfully,
Dated, 5th Jan ‘2010
533, Paschimpara, Bongaon, N-24 Parganas
E-mail :
The DEO / N 24-Parganas, O.C. District Election Cell,
Barasat, North 24-Parganas, West Bengal.
Respected Sir,
Sub: Issue of EPIC card to a Disabled Sri. AshimGhosh a
Resident of 533, Paschimpara, Bongaon. (N-24 Pargs)
Ref: 1) Your E-mail dated. 22-12-2009
2) My E-mail dated. 05-01-2010 and all sets of relevant
documents duly attested sent by Dak courier on 05-01-2010
References at above.
By this time you might have received at your office all the documents along Form No. 00IC duly filled in as directed vide letter referred to (1) at above.
Incidentally it is to mention that B.D.O / Bongaon vide his letter No. 01/Elec/10 dated 05-01-2010 [copy placed at Attachment for ready reference] advised me to be present at my residence on 07-01-2010 at 1.00pm for verification by enquiry team on spot. In terms of directive, the enquiry team headed by Jt.BDO came to my residence and asked for documents for their inspection. All the original documents sent to your office were made available to the team. Over and above, as demanded by the team an original copy of deed executed by my uncle (Mama) that I am of the premises since 1982 and fully dependent on him were also made available. The team desired that all copies of documents duly attested to be handed over to them for record, which has been complied with.
Factual position of the development is submitted for your kind information please. Hope this disabled’s case will be solved at the earliest possible and oblige.
One Attachment
Yours faithfully,
533, Paschimpara, Bongaon,
North 24-Parganas, West Bengal.
7th January ‘2010
The DEO / D.M, N-24 Parganas, O.C. District Election Cell
Barasat. North 24 Parganas, W.B.
Respected Sir,
Sub: Issue of EPIC to a Disabled Sri. AshimGhosh, 533 Paschimpara, Bongaon. North 24- Parganas. (95 / 138)
Ref: DIO / Barasat’s E-mail to me dated. 22-12-2009.
In obedience to your letter mentioned above I have already submitted all the particulars / Original application duly filled in (Form No. 001C) as desired by you vide letter dated 05-01-2010 through dak currier agency, and e-mailed on the same day.
Since acknowledgement did not reach this end so far .will you be kind enough to confirm that the papers sent have been received by your office to act upon at the earliest and oblige.
Thanking you. Yours faithfully,
AshimGhosh8th Feb '2010
The DEO / D.M, N-24 Parganas, O.C. District Election Cell
Barasat. North 24 Parganas, W.B.
Respected Sir,
Sub: Issue of EPIC to a Disabled Sri. AshimGhosh, 533 Paschimpara, Bongaon. North 24- Parganas. (95 / 138)
Ref: (1) DIO / Barasat’s E-mail to me dated. 22-12-2009.
(2) My E-mail letter dated. 08-02-2010
Your kind attention is invited to the correspondences made referred under reference at above.
In obedience to your letter mentioned above I have already submitted all the particulars / Original application duly filled in (Form No. 001C) as desired by you vide letter dated 05-01-2010 through dak currier agency, and e-mailed on the same day.
Since acknowledgement did not reach this end so far .will you be kind enough to confirm that the papers sent have been received by your office to act upon.
Thanking you. Yours faithfully,
AshimGhosh22nd Feb '2010
AshimGhosh <>
toDEO N24 <>,
dateTue, Mar 2, 2010 at 9:56 AM
subjectDEO's forwarding letter dated 22.02.2010? - Issue of EPIC to a Disabled Person.
hide details Mar 2
To: DEON24 <>, , ,
“Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:
Technical details of permanent failure:
Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the recipient domain. We recommend contacting the other email provider for further information about the cause of this error. The error that the other server returned was: 550 550 #5.1.0 Address rejected (state 14)” This may kindly be noted that web address of DM / Barasat alwaya bounced back and do not receive any e-mail..
Ref: DEO / N 24 Pgs-BST?’s No. 72 / Elec (D) / XII /92 / 09-10 Dated 22-02-2010
Since the letter in question is issued from an Administrative Office of DEO / DM cum DEO it can be expected that it should be issued observing the official procedures prevailing for an administrative office in the country. Unfortunately it is observed that there exist some deviations and as such the case is being referred for confirmation. Deviations observed are as follows:-
1. My address being recorded not in accordance to the address used and communicated virtually leads to a confusion to others.
2. No postal stamp is available on the cover of the letter in question and the same was delivered in a dilapidated condition from a person other than postal peon.. Letter cover and letter were separated each other at the time of delivery. All these are departures form accepted norms of an administrative procedure of issuing a letters.
Under the aforesaid circumstance it is earnestly requested to kindly look into the case and confirm that the said forwarding letter was at all issued by your good office. Scanned copies of letter as a whole are being separately for your kind perusal. On receipt of your confirmation sentence wise remarks will be sent to you for clarification & further actions.
With regards,
AshimGhose 2nd Mar ‘2010
[Due to extreme physical disability E-governance correspondence is solicited].
The District Magistrate cum Election officer
North 24-Parganas, West Bengal.
Sub: Issue of an EPIC to a disabled:-
Ref: All earlier communications on the subject issue.
Your kind oersonal is invited to the subject issue with a request to convey your administrative orders and oblige. Thanking you, Yours faithfully,
ashimghosh 30.03.10
Sri. BinodKumar
District Magistrate / DEO
Barasat, North 24-Parganas, W.B. (, , , ,)
Dear Sir,
Sub: Issue of an EPIC to a disabled:-
Ref: All earlier communications on the subject issue may be seen at Annex.
In connection with subject issue your kind personal attention is invited to your letter dated 23.12.09 and my letter to you dated 05.01.2010 (copies available at attachment for ready reference). All the documents, certificates etc and form No. IC001 duly filled in ( i.e. :- 1) PANCard 2)Handicapped Certificate 3. Medical Board Certificate 4) Two School certificates 5) Ration card 6) Only 2 copies of instructions issued in 2003 and 2008 by Local Election Officer to attend hearing fixed and 7) Municipal Councilor’s Certificate along with Original application duly filled in (Form No. 001C) as directed. [eight pages in all] ) have been sent to you office as desired vide letter dated 23.12.09.
In consideration of above factual position and documentary evidence presented you are requested to kindly pass suitable Administrative orders for issue of the EPIC at the earliest and oblige.
With regards. Yours faithfully,
AshimGhosh 8th April '2010
[Due to extreme physical disability E-governance correspondence is solicited].
Visit Web site: or
Sri. BinodKumar
District Magistrate / DEO
Barasat, North 24-Parganas, W.B. (, , , ,)
Dear Sir,
Ref: My E-mail to you dated. 08-04-2010
Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:
Technical details of permanent failure:
Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the recipient domain. We recommend contacting the other email provider for further information about the cause of this error. The error that the other server returned was: 550 550 #5.1.0 Address rejected (state 14)."
E-mail ID of DM-North 24 Parganas was obtained from official web site of GoB. In view of mail failure report quoted above and as suggested letter dated 08-04-2010 is repeated through Yahoomail. Yours faithfully,
AshimGhosh 9th April '2010
26-04-2010 R E M I N D E R
Sri. BinodKumar
District Magistrate / DEO
Barasat, North 24-Parganas, W.B.(, , , ,)
Dear Sir,
Sub: Issue of an EPIC to a disabled:-
Ref: All earlier communications on the subject issue may be seen at Annex.
In connection with subject issue your kind personal attention is again invited to your letter dated 23.12.09 and my response to you dated 05.01.2010 (copies available at attachment for ready reference). All the documents, certificates etc and form No. 001C duly filled in ( i.e.:- 1) PAN Card 2) Handicapped Certificate 3. Medical Board Certificate 4) Two School certificates 5) Ration card 6) Only 2 copies of instructions issued in 2003 and 2008 by Local Election Officer to attend hearing fixed and 7) Municipal Councilor’s Certificate along with Original application duly filled in (Form No. 001C) as directed. [eight pages in all]) have been received your office as desired vide your letter dated 23.12.09.
Since the EPIC is yet to issued you are earnestly requested to convey your Administrativeorders In consideration of above factual position and documentary evidence presented to you for a spell of 28 years for issue of EPIC to a disabled since early childhood who has been neglected by all including poor, illetarate parents. Hope this extreme disabled will get justice from you.
With regards. Yours faithfully,
Please see Attachment - full case
AshimGhosh 26th April '2010
[Due to extreme physical disability E-governance correspondence is solicited].
fromDIO Barasat <>
toashim ghosh <>
dateSun, May 9, 2010 at 3:49 PM
subjectRe: Fwd: Issue of an EPIC to a disabled- Kind Personal of DM cum DEO/24-pGS (N)
hide details 3:49 PM (17 hours ago)
The mail id is the mail id of NIC, North 24 Parganas Distrcit Centre.
Any way, all the letters addressed to DM coming from your end in this mail id are definitely forwarded to the concerned mail ids.
So you please put your mail directly to the mail ids
/ /
With regards,
Kind personal attn: Sri.VinoodKumar, DM & DEO
/ /
Contd. to E-Mail dated 09-05-2010 on the subject issue addressed to Sri. VinoodKumar, DM / DEO- N-24 Parganas, West Bengal, India.