FROM: President, YDA, Inc.

TO: YDA, Inc.Members

SUBJ: Welcome Letter for 2006 – 2007 SeasonAugust 10, 2006

  1. To all NEW Members, the Executive Board and I would like to welcome you to the Youngstown Dart Association, Inc. We hope this endeavor will be pleasant and we look forward to meeting you in the future. Whether you have played in a dart league before, we will make every effort to ensure you enjoy your time as YDA, Inc. members and try to keep you informed about all happenings and events.
  1. To all returning members, the Executive Board and I would like to thank you for keeping the YDA, Inc. alive and growing. Without you, the YDA, Inc. would not exist. As returning members we would like to say that we will make every effort to make your season as enjoyable as possible. Keeping you well informed on league happenings is paramount and we will make every effort to do so.
  1. One of the most important items we feel each member should be aware of is the Objectives of the YDA, Inc. They are also included as Article III of the YDA, Inc. Rules and Regulations.

a) Promote the sport of darts throughout the Youngstownand MahoningValleyareas.

b) Coordinate the activities, tournaments and functions of the league, andpositively represent the YDA Inc. on a local, statewide and national basis.

c) Provide advice and counseling to sponsoring firms in establishing local darting tournament competitions.

d) Establish YDA, Inc. rules of play and regulations utilized during YDA, Inc. sponsored competitions and YDA, Inc. sanctioned competitions.

e) Improve the conditions of play in YDA, Inc. sponsored competitions and YDA, Inc. sanctioned competitions.

f) Develop and distribute a newsletter.

g) Development of tournaments for non-profit organizations.

  1. Along with the objectives, weencourageeach member, to make every dart night enjoyable for themselves; as well as for visiting players and spectators. This can be achieved by following the rules and regulations and using a little common sense. Though the rules and regulations are provided to guide you, common sense and common courtesy should always prevail.
  1. In closing, I would like to welcome and thank each of you again. Remember to have fun, be courteous to the other members and good luck this season.


President, YDA, Inc.