Email Address / Company / First Name / Last Name / Job Title / Categories / City
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Maggie / Acosta-Morales / AVP, Customer Relations / MTGOpsEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Shannon / Adams / Vice President / MTGExecEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Diana / Ahmeti / AVP-Finance / MTGOtherEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Dave / Alderton / VP, Compensation / MTGHREW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Billy / Allen / AVP, Origination Compliance / MTGAudComplEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / J.T. / Altieri / Assistant Vice President - Call Center Operations / MTGOpsEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Pedro / Alvarez Jr / Senior Vice President, Structured Finance / MTGOtherEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Troy / Andersen / Senior Vice President / MTGExecEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Robin / Anderson / Vice President of Operations / MTGOpsEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Robert / Appel / Executive Vice President of Servicing / MTGOpsEW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Ken / Archer / Vice President - Finance / MTGOtherEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Allie / Atwood / Assistant Vice President, Investor Relations and Corporate Development / MTGAudComplEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Ron / Ausemus / Vice President, Vendor Procurement & Governance / MTGOtherEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Eric / Austin / SVP HR Operations / MTGHREW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Ramie / Baker / Vice President of Foreclosure / MTGDefaultEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Alexander / Baren / Vice President / MTGExecEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Nina / Barron / AVP, Acquisitions / MTGExecEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Pamela / Behrens / SVP Benefits / MTGHREW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Maria / Belfield / Assistant Vice President Associate General Counsel / MTGLegalEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Tony / Benware / AVP, Talent Acquisition / MTGHREW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Mark / Bevans / SVP / MTGExecEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Les / Blotsky / Vice President - Secondary Marketing / MTGOrigEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Alan / Blunt / Vice President / MTGExecEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Paul / Boone / AVP Vendor Procurement & Governance / MTGOpsEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Patrick / Bowman / Vice President Foreclosure / MTGDefaultEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Jay / Bray / Chief Executive Officer / MTGExecEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Jon / Briggs / SVP, Training and Employee Development / MTGTrainingEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Al / Broadway / SVP - Servicing / MTGOpsEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Roberta / Brockman / AVP - Business Continuity / MTGExecEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Alan / Brodie / VP, Customer Service / MTGOpsEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Curtis / Brooks / Assistant Vice President, Leadership and Technical Training/ Servicing Training / MTGTrainingEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Brant / Brown / VP - Finance || Capital Strategies / MTGOtherEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Brian / Brown / VP of Origination Finance and Operations / MTGOrigEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Daniel / Brown / Vice President, Finance / MTGOtherEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Larry / Brown / Vice President-Financial Operations / MTGOtherEW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Thomas / Brown / Assistant Vice President / MTGExecEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Ben / Brunson / Vice President - Default Operations / MTGOpsEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Daniel / Byerly / AVP, Fulfillment Operations / MTGOpsEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Keenan / Cain / Assistant Vice President / MTGExecEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Taylor / Campbell / Assistant Vice President - Freddie Mac Division / MTGOpsEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Dawn / Campos / VP, Property Preservation Solutionstar / MTGOpsEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Lincoln / Carroll / Vice President, Default Strategy / Call Center Strategy / MTGOrigEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Theresa / Chase / AVP, Reverse Mortgage Investor Reporting / MTGAudComplEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Fan / Chen / AVP, Head of Marketing Analytics / MTGOrigEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Tiffany / Chinchurreta / Vice President, Change of Law Manager / MTGLegalEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Scott / Clark / Senior Vice President Investor Accounting / MTGOtherEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Shannon / Clay / SVP, Cash Management / MTGOtherEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Austin / Cobb / Assistant Vice President Customer Service Outsourcing / MTGOpsEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Phill / Cobb / Senior Vice President / MTGExecEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Renae / Cobb / Assistant Vice President Compliance / MTGAudComplEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Latrice / Collins / Performance Enhancement Vice President / MTGOpsEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Jeff / Connell / Senior Vice President Default Management Solutions / MTGOpsEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Tonia / Conner / AVP Acquisitions / MTGExecEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Patrick / Couture / Senior Vice President / MTGExecEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Dee Ann / Cox / VP, Tactical Initiatives / MTGOrigEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Caroline / Cranz / Vice President, Operations Risk & Controls Oversight / MTGOpsEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Vince / Credle / Senior Vice President, National Operations & Fulfillment / MTGOpsEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Max / Crum / Vice President, Talent Acquisition / MTGHREW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Jill / Cruz / AVP Foreclosure / MTGDefaultEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Bill / Cukr / Senior Vice President / MTGExecEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Gary / Davenport / Assistant Vice President Loss Recovery / MTGDefaultEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Amber / Davis / AVP Originations - Planning & Performance / MTGOrigEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Beth / Davis / Vice President - Human Resources / MTGHREW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Belinda / DeArman / Senior Vice President / MTGExecEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Leslie / Deich / SVP, Analytics and Decision Science / MTGAudComplEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Jason / DeVoney / VP, Quality Assurance / MTGAudComplEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Caitlin / DeYoung / Executive Vice President - Chief Administrative Officer / MTGExecEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Brenna / Diffey / Assistant Vice President / MTGExecEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Dana / Dillard / EVP - Chief Customer Officer / MTGOpsEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Ryan / Donahue / Assistant Vice President / MTGExecEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / John / Draghi / E Vice President of Capital Planning and Strategic Partnerships / MTGExecEW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Matt / Drottz / AVP - Servicing Compliance / MTGAudComplEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Brandonn / Dukes / Vice President, Finance / MTGOtherEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Paul / Durocher / Finance Manager - Reverse Mortgage Loss Analytics / MTGOtherEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Timothy / Eads / Vice President (Account Resolution) / MTGOtherEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / David / Eastin / AVP / MTGExecEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Mark / Echerd / Senior Vice President - Finance / MTGOtherEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Robert / Eckenrod / Vice President of Operations / MTGOpsEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Michael / Eckrote / SVP Finance / MTGOtherEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Courtney / Ehinger / SVP, Core Servicing / MTGOpsEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Kirk / Ensign / AVP of Discharged Bankruptcy / MTGDefaultEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Shelly / Epp / AVP - Transaction Management / MTGOpsEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / David / Ewing / Assistant Vice President Accounting / MTGOtherEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Michael / Fant / Asst. Vice President of Finance / MTGOtherEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Farhan / Farooqui / Senior Vice President, Human Resources / MTGHREW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Bob / Federici / Associate Vice President - Marketing Analytics / MTGOrigEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Eric / Field / AVP - Operations Manager, Direct Operations / MTGOpsEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Andy / Finn / VP / MTGExecEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Sandy / Finotti / Vice President [training strategies for mortgage servicer] / MTGTrainingEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Alan / Flanagan / AVP Litigated Foreclosure / MTGDefaultEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Matt / Floyd / Vice President-Associate General Counsel / MTGLegalEW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Kevin / Friday / Assistant Vice President - REO / MTGExecEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / LeAllen / Frost / Vice President & Associate General Counsel - Litigation / MTGLegalEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Toby / Gallegos / SVP Customer Relations / MTGOpsEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Joel / Gendron / Vice President / MTGExecEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Elizabeth / Giddens / Senior Vice President, Deputy General Counsel & Corporate Secretary / MTGLegalEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Brent / Gillen / Assistant Vice President / MTGExecEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Richard / Gilmartin / Senior Vice President / MTGExecEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Craig / Gonzales / Assistant Vice President - FNMA Investor Reporting / MTGAudComplEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Ramiro / Gonzales / AVP Servicing Compliance / MTGAudComplEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Juan / Gonzalez / SVP, Originations CFO / MTGOrigEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Sharon / Goody / Vice President / MTGExecEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Doug / Gordon / Corporate Vice President, Real Estate & Facilities / MTGOpsEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Beth / Gormley / Vice President & Associate General Counsel, Corporate and Securities / MTGLegalEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Daniel / Gray / Senior Vice President, Government Relations / MTGLegalEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Santhi / Gullapalli / AVP Finance / MTGOtherEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Scott / Halfacre / VP of Retail Underwriting / MTGOrigEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Becky / Halfmann / Vice President / MTGExecEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Carol / Harms / AVP | Repurchase / MTGOpsEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Greg / Harnisch / VP - Independent Review Group / MTGAudComplEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Lori / Harp / Assistant Vice President / MTGExecEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Keith / Hart / Vice President Program Manager / MTGOpsEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Patricia (Pat) / Hartman / VP, Performance Enhancement / MTGOrigEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Noah / Heldt / Vice President - Servicing / MTGOpsEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Robert / Heller / Vice President / MTGExecEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Heather / Hendrix / AVP Operations / MTGOpsEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Justin / Henry / AVP, Investor Reporting / MTGAudComplEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Mike / Heyen / Senior Vice President, Mortgage / MTGExecEW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / David / Hickey / VP Reverse Mortgage Group / MTGOpsEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Jon / Hicks / EVP Operations / MTGOpsEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Kenneth / Hill / Vice President of Portfolio Management / MTGExecEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / David / Hisey / Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer / MTGOtherEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Stacy / Hodges / EVP / MTGExecEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / John / Hoffmann / Senior Vice President, Corporate Communication / MTGOpsEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Michael / Holcomb / Vice President, Corporate Development and Investor Relations / MTGAudComplEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Brian / Hooper / Assistant Vice President Foreclosure / MTGDefaultEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Jonathan / Hrubetz / AVP / MTGExecEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Cherise / Hubbard / Assistant Vice President Compliance- State Regulatory Affairs / MTGAudComplEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Todd / Hunter / Vice President, Asset Performance, Servicing / MTGOpsEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / John / Hutchens / Vice President / MTGExecEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Scott / Isaacson / Assistant Vice President Servicing Assurance Manager / MTGOpsEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Frank / Ivey / SVP, Human Resources / MTGHREW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Michael / Jansson / AVP, Advance Management / MTGOpsEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Ingrid / Jaschok / Senior Vice President / MTGExecEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Sandi / Jefferson / Vice President Document Administration / MTGOtherEW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Justin / Jenkins / Assistant Vice President / MTGExecEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Erin / Johnson / Assistant Vice President / MTGExecEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Scott / Johnson / Vice President, Finance / MTGOtherEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Chris / Joles / Assistant Vice President Risk Repurchase / MTGOpsEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Tiffany / Jones / Assistant Vice President, Transaction Manager / MTGOpsEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Manasseh / Kamau / Assistant Vice President / MTGExecEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Peter / Karr / Vice President - Treasury / MTGOtherEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Humera / Kassem / VP, Human Resources / MTGHREW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Kristopher / Keith / Assistant Vice President /Associate General Counsel / MTGLegalEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Jim / Kelley / SVP of Operations / MTGOpsEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Chris / King / Senior Vice President, Business Development / MTGOrigEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Kent / Knox / Vice President Strategic Sourcing / MTGOpsEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Douglas / Krueger / Executive Vice President of Capital Markets / MTGExecEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Ryan / Kuether / Assistant Vice President / MTGExecEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Judy / Kunhardt / AVP, Benefits and HRIS / MTGHREW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Jeff / Kurhan / AVP, Branch Support - Production Assurance / MTGOpsEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Adrienne / Kvello / AVP, Associate General Counsel / MTGLegalEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Ramesh / Lakshminarayanan / Executive Vice President and Chief Risk Officer / MTGOpsEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Danielle / Lally / AVP / MTGExecEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Edward / Lam / EVP - Finance / MTGOtherEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Erin / Landry / Claims Vice President / Default Claims AVP / MTGOpsEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Cameron / Larkin / SVP, Finance / MTGOtherEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Daryl / Larson / AVP, Default Operations / MTGOpsEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Ryan / Larson / Assistant Vice President - Marketing / MTGOrigEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / John / Lee / Senior Vice President Compensation, Benefits and Human Resources / MTGHREW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Thomas / LeFlore / Assistant Vice President / MTGExecEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Kent / Lemon / SVP Strategy / MTGOpsEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Harold / Lewis / President and Chief Operating Officer(former Senior Vice President Default Servicing ) / MTGExecEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Steve / Lichti / Senior Vice President / MTGExecEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Michael / Lima / Senior Vice President - Capital Markets / MTGExecEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / David / Little / Executive Vice President Default Servicing / MTGOpsEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Scott / Loddeke / SVP, Correspondent Operations / MTGCorrWholEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Julia / Longsworth / AVP Due Diligence/Operational Risk / MTGOpsEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Geno / Lopez / Assistant Vice President / MTGExecEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Lisa / Malich / Senior Vice President / MTGExecEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Michael / McCollum / Vice President Loss Mitigation / MTGDefaultEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / James / McDermott / SVP Default / MTGOpsEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Patrick / McDermott / Vice President - Finance / MTGOtherEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Rhonda / McDonald / Vice President Bankruptcy Loss Mitigation / MTGDefaultEW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Bradley / McDow / AVP - Reporting and Analytics / MTGAudComplEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Sean / McGowan / Vice President, Human Resources / MTGHREW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Todd / McGowan / SVP, Head of Direct to Consumer Operations / MTGOpsEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Scott / McIlhaney / SVP Risk Management / MTGOpsEW / DFW
Laura.McIntyre / Nationstar Mortgage / Laura / McIntyre Wales / AVP, Finance / MTGOtherEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Daryl / McLeod / svp / MTGExecEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Jason / McReynolds / Vice President Loss Mitigation / MTGDefaultEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Jamieson / Merrill / Vice President - Corporate Development & Investor Relations / MTGAudComplEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Regina (Stamm) / Miano / Vice President Leadership Development / MTGHREW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Brandy / Mikulenka / AVP Community Outreach / MTGOpsEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Christopher / Miller / AVP / MTGExecEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / John / Milligan / SVP Marketing / MTGOrigEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Kathy / Milligan / SVP Acquisitions & Document Management / MTGAudComplEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Todd / Milstead / Assistant Vice President, Change and Release Management / MTGOpsEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Bryan / Minassian / Assistant Vice President / MTGExecEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Steve / Mix / Executive Vice President / MTGExecEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Joe / Moe / Channel CFO/ AVP Finance / MTGOtherEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Phillip / Montes / Assistant Vice President Customer Relations / MTGOpsEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Nichole / Moseley / VP, Human Resources / MTGHREW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Scott / Moss / VP / MTGExecEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Barbara / Moysaenko / Assistant Vice President / MTGExecEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Craig / Mundhenk / Senior Vice President, Process Engineering / MTGOpsEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Marshall / Murphy / Executive Vice President of Corporate Development and Investor Relations / MTGExecEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Cynthia / Murray / AVP, Post Closing Manager / MTGOpsEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Joel / Murray / Chief Accounting Officer / MTGOtherEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Janelle / Myers / Vice President, Government Division / MTGLegalEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Ella / Namaksy / Vice-President and Associate General Counsel- Human Resources / MTGLegalEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Greg / Neal / AVP of Secondary Marketing / MTGOrigEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Thu / Nguyen / Assistant Vice President, Quality Assurance / MTGAudComplEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Charles / Nutter / VP Loss Mitigation / MTGDefaultEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Mark / O'Brien / EVP Organizational Development / MTGExecEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Delane / Olin / Assistant Vice President, Training / MTGTrainingEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Brian / Olson / Senior Vice President (CAE) Internal Audit / MTGAudComplEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / John / Ortega / Vice President / MTGExecEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Amber / Owens / Assistant Vice President - Attorney Oversight / MTGLegalEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Shelli / Pannell / Senior Vice President-Operations / MTGOpsEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Devin / Parent / Secondary Contact-Assistant Vice President Loss Recovery Compliance / MTGAudComplEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Amar / Patel / Executive Vice President of Portfolio Investments / MTGCorrWholEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Chad / Patton / Executive Vice President / MTGExecEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Scott / Payne / Vice President - Originations Marketing / MTGOrigEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Jesse / Pearson / AVP Fair Lending / MTGAudComplEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Corey / Pellet / AVP, Training & Development / MTGTrainingEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / David / Perez / AVP Government and Community Partnership / MTGOpsEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Christine / Poland / Senior Vice President, Risk & Controls / MTGOpsEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Megan / Portacci / Assistant Vice President, Investor Relations & Corporate Development / MTGAudComplEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Bill / Pratt / SVP / MTGExecEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Al / Price / Senior Vice President, Business Development / MTGOrigEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Jeff / Puckett / Vice President Sales / MTGOrigEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Pamela / Quarry / AVP Closing/Funding / MTGOrigEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Ashley / Ragan / AVP Customer Relations / MTGOpsEW / DFW
/ Nationstar Mortgage / Mizanur / Rahman / AVP / MTGExecEW / DFW
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