From lambeth at Sat Apr 1 10:03:50 2006

From: lambeth at (Gregory S Lambeth)

Date: Sat Apr 1 10:08:32 2006

Subject: [Birdnotes] Osprey

References: <>

Message-ID: <>

At 8:00am this morning, I had an Osprey hunting over Crystal LakePark. The bird eventually perched on a tree near Race Street and was still there when I left at 9:00am. I won't blame anyone who thinks this is little more than an April fools joke, but honest, it's true.

There were lots of sparrows in Crystal Lake and Busey Woods. I had 7 Fox Sparrows in my binoculars at one time! I can't remember that happening before. There were several Field Sparrows near the AnitaPurvesCenter as well as Chipping, White-throated and Song. I had several Towhees and a few Brown Thrashers, also.

The Cooper's Hawks were working on a nest just to the left of the main trail right after you cross the Salt Fork.

There are large numbers of Golden-crowned Kinglets and Brown Creepers around, too.

Greg Lambeth

From ryetimothy at Sat Apr 1 12:26:22 2006

From: ryetimothy at (Timothy Rye)

Date: Sat Apr 1 12:26:25 2006

Subject: [Birdnotes] Bald eagle and osprey at LakeCharleston

Message-ID: <>

Hi all,

I had a great time birding at LakeCharleston two nights ago! I tried

posting a day or so ago, but it didn't go through. Here's what I saw:

1 male bald eagle

2 osprey (one of which grabbed a fish as I watched)

300-500 American Coots

2 Mallards

5-6 Hooded Merganzers

2-4 Great Blue Herons

Belted Kingfisher (also saw it snatch a fish from the water)

30 or so turkey vultures

Scaups (difficult to determine if they were lesser or greater)

The rest of the birds that I saw were difficult to identify, given that they

were either too far away or between me and the sun. There may have been

teals, common merganzers, or common loons. There were also a number of

gulls, but there may have been other birds that I missed.

Timothy Rye


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From bernies at Sat Apr 1 14:00:11 2006

From: bernies at (Sloan, Bernie)

Date: Sat Apr 1 14:00:14 2006

Subject: [Birdnotes] Hotel birdwatching

Message-ID: <>

I believe this was a first for me...birding from a hotel room. :-)

I was at a conference this week at the Chateau Hotel in Bloomington-Normal. There is a big retention pond to the east of the hotel, to catch water runoff from all the shopping center parking lots. Late one afternoon I glanced out my window and saw some activitiy on and by the pond. I had my binoculars with me. I continued to casually observe over three days when I had the opportunity.


* Several crows were half-heartedly harrassing a pair of geese, sort of dive-bombing them. The geese became very agitated. That's the first interaction I've seen between those species.

* The most groundhogs/woodchucks I have ever seen in a single view - six! They were spaced out fairly evenly over a large grassy area adjoining the retention pond. They were split more or less evenly between two color variations...a very nondescript brown, and a very reddish brown.

Some sightings over the course of three days (note: some, like the Common Loons, I saw only once the three days I was there). There were lots of times when the only waterfowl around seemed to be Canada Geese and Mallards.

Canda Goose (approx half dozen)

Mallard (3-4)

American Coot (maybe a dozen)

American Black Duck (pair)

Common Loon (pair)

Buffleheads (probable...lot of glare off the water at the time...half dozen)

Great Blue Heron (one, flying overhead)

Several smallish waterbirds that I was unable to identify because of glare

American Crow (half dozen)

House Finch (quite a few)

Purple Finch (1)

House Sparrow (a few)

Killdeer (heard one, just one time)

Grackle (couple dozen)

Eurpoean Starling (4-5)

American Robin (a dozen)

Cardinal (1)

Bernie Sloan


From dafekt1ve at Sat Apr 1 16:49:26 2006

From: dafekt1ve at (Bryan Guarente)

Date: Sat Apr 1 16:49:29 2006

Subject: [Birdnotes] Local spots: Champaign/Urbana

Message-ID: <>

Went out on Thursday with Chris Erb to Crytal Lake and Perkin Road Marsh. Birds of interest included:

Increased numbers of:

Eastern Phoebe

Golden-crowned Kinglet

Field Sparrow

Dark-eyed Juncos

Blue-winged Teal

First of the seasons (or close to it):

Chipping Sparrow (1)

Greater Yellowlegs (1)

Tree Swallows (5)

Wood Thrush (1, seen by Chris only)

Yellow-rumped Warbler (1 calling)

Today I went to look for Steve Bailey's Western Meadowlark. I never found it, but heard it multiple times. I am hoping that someone can get a look at this bird, because my experience in the past is that some meadowlarks can do both calls (western and eastern). This is what the major problem was in Colorado when trying to ID an Eastern Meadowlark. You could not depend on song. There still are no accepted records of Eastern Meadowlark in Colorado despite Sibley's map showing Eastern Meadowlarks into NE CO. You cannot believe everything you read I guess.

Other birds at the swine ponds were:

33 Mallards

4 spankin' Ruddy Ducks

3 Wood Ducks

23 Blue-winged Teal

American Kestrel

Rock Pigeon

Mourning Dove

White-crowned Sparrows

Song Sparrows

Eastern Meadowlark

Red-winged Blackbird

Common Grackle

House Sparrow

Bryan Guarente

Atmospheric Sciences Graduate Assistant

Champaign, IL


Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. PC-to-Phone calls for ridiculously low rates.

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From jdunkel at Sat Apr 1 16:50:35 2006

From: jdunkel at (John Dunkelberger)

Date: Sat Apr 1 16:50:44 2006

Subject: [Birdnotes] Osprey

In-Reply-To: <>

Message-ID: <>

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From charleneanchor at Sat Apr 1 19:41:28 2006

From: charleneanchor at (charlene anchor)

Date: Sat Apr 1 19:35:04 2006

Subject: [Birdnotes] Allerton bird walk

Message-ID: <>

7 people showed at Allerton this A.M. We were supposed to walk for 1 1/2 hours but instead spent most of our time standing around between the Visitor's Center and the 4-H Camp. Species seen and/or heard (mostly seen) were:

Great Blue Heron, Turkey Vulture, Blue-winged Teal, Mourning Dove, Red-bellied Woodpecker, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Downy Woodpecker, excellent view of a Hairy Woodpecker, Northern Flicker, nice views of a Pileated Woodpecker, Eastern Phoebe who looked like it was inspecting a possible nesting area under some eves, Blue Jay, American Crow, Tree Swallow, Black-capped Chickadee who was excavating a nest hole, Tufted Titmouse, beautiful views of 2 Red-breasted Nuthatches, White-breasted Nuthatch, Brown Creeper, pair of Carolina Wrens, one of which flew off carrying nesting materials, Golden-crowned Kinglet, American Robin, Brown Thrasher, European Starling, Song Sparrow, Northern Cardinal, Red-winged Blackbird, Common Grackle, House Finch, Pine Siskin and American Goldfinch.

We also saw many newly excavated woodpecker holes of various sizes. I was surprised we didn't see any Red-headed Woodpeckers which I have seen in that area before. It would have been nice to have completed all 7 woodpeckers!

Charlene Anchor

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From bprice at Sat Apr 1 23:15:11 2006

From: bprice at (Brock Price)

Date: Sat Apr 1 23:15:17 2006

Subject: [Birdnotes] Homer / Fairmount

Message-ID: <005701c65614$6b0da9b0$5a41fa3f@YOURCD7BB1D575>

Homer Lake:

Only thing new for Homer Lake this year were Blue-winged Teals.

Fairmount Highlights:


Green and Blue-winged Teal

Hooded Mergansers ( all female )

Numerous Snipe

Lesser Scaup

Northern Shovelers

Brock Price

Champaign / Vermilion Co's.

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From Frank21 at Sun Apr 2 01:53:42 2006

From: Frank21 at (Frank)

Date: Sun Apr 2 01:53:47 2006

Subject: [Birdnotes] Osprey

References: <>

Message-ID: <001a01c6562a$8fd3dec0$6b01a8c0@BLACKDELL>

I think I saw the Falcon Friday near prospect and I-74 at 4:30 PM Friday pursuing a bird, probably a pigeon, over I-74. I didn't see the result as I was past him.

Frank Cooper

----- Original Message -----

From: John Dunkelberger


Sent: Saturday, April 01, 2006 4:50 PM

Subject: RE: [Birdnotes] Osprey

The Audubon phone has had 5 calls today -- 2 were about the osprey at Crystal Lake, 2 about hawks eating pigeons in downtown Urbana (may be 2 different hawks since the calls were 2 hours apart), and 1 about the Wesley peregrine -- has anyone seen him lately?




Birdnotes mailing list

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From bernies at Sun Apr 2 10:50:14 2006

From: bernies at (Sloan, Bernie)

Date: Sun Apr 2 10:50:24 2006

Subject: [Birdnotes] Osprey

References: <>


Message-ID: <>

Re: the Wesley Peregrine...I check the steeple a couple of times a day on weekdays and have not seen it there in quite a while.

But then I have the impression that the bird was on the steeple fairly regularly when the evening light reached a certain level. As the daylight lengthens, perhaps the falcon might show up later in the day (clock time)?

Bernie Sloan

----- Original Message -----

From: John Dunkelberger <mailto:>


Sent: Saturday, April 01, 2006 4:50 PM

Subject: RE: [Birdnotes] Osprey

The Audubon phone has had 5 calls today -- 2 were about the osprey at Crystal Lake, 2 about hawks eating pigeons in downtown Urbana (may be 2 different hawks since the calls were 2 hours apart), and 1 about the Wesley peregrine -- has anyone seen him lately?




Birdnotes mailing list

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Birdnotes mailing list

From spendelo at Sun Apr 2 14:27:04 2006

From: spendelo at (Jacob Spendelow)

Date: Sun Apr 2 14:33:21 2006

Subject: [Birdnotes] Prairie Ridge to Champaign, Sunday 4-2-06

Message-ID: <>

Sonja Kassal and I started this morning watching Prairie Chickens from the

blinds at Prairie Ridge, then birded our way back to Champaign. Highlights

along the way:


Northern Harrier

Greater Prairie-chicken - 9 adult males, one first-year male (quickly

driven off the lek by the others), 2 females

Northern Bobwhite - a pair in the cemetery

Short-eared Owl - 1

Northern Mockingbird

American Pipit - ~30

Vesper Sparrow

Field Sparrow

Eastern Meadowlark - astonishing numbers, as usual for this area


A number of ducks on the far side were too distant to identify, mostly

scaup sp., but good looks at an immature BALD EAGLE catching a fish. Many

sparrows, titmice, Carolina Chickadees, woodpeckers, etc.


Several hundred ducks, including:



Green-winged Teal

American Wigeon

Northern Pintail

Northern Shoveler

Blue-winged Teal

Ruddy Duck

Ring-necked Duck

Lesser Scaup






5 Eurasian Collared-Doves

Good birding!

Jacob Spendelow


From LewsaderBud at Sun Apr 2 16:11:51 2006

From: LewsaderBud at ()

Date: Sun Apr 2 16:12:10 2006

Subject: [Birdnotes] West Newell Rd.

Message-ID: <>

Just came from Heron Park on West Newell Rd (Danville). Saw 9 Great

Egrets. Along with the usual birds, Blue-wing Teal, Canada Geese,Northern

Shoveler, Mallards, Herons, Turkey Vultures, Ring-billed Gull, Red-wing blackbird,

Tree Swallows, House Finch.

Bud Lewsader

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From bernies at Mon Apr 3 15:55:36 2006

From: bernies at (Sloan, Bernie)

Date: Mon Apr 3 15:55:38 2006

Subject: [Birdnotes] Turkey sighting - in Champaign!

Message-ID: <>

Just received a report that three turkeys were sighted in the grassy

fields west of UI's Memorial Stadium.

I think that might be the first sighting in Champaign??

Bernie Sloan


From vaiden at Mon Apr 3 16:45:07 2006

From: vaiden at (Vaiden, Robert)

Date: Mon Apr 3 16:45:10 2006

Subject: [Birdnotes] Turkey sighting - in Champaign!

Message-ID: <>

They were right along the south edge of Windsor Road (the cow pasture

next to forestry) Saturday morning just before 8...several deer were

bedded down nearby...



-----Original Message-----


[mailto: On Behalf Of Sloan,


Sent: Monday, April 03, 2006 3:56 PM

To: Birdnotes

Subject: [Birdnotes] Turkey sighting - in Champaign!

Just received a report that three turkeys were sighted in the grassy

fields west of UI's Memorial Stadium.

I think that might be the first sighting in Champaign??

Bernie Sloan



Birdnotes mailing list

From sdbailey at Mon Apr 3 18:18:23 2006

From: sdbailey at (Steve Bailey)

Date: Mon Apr 3 18:18:30 2006

Subject: [Birdnotes] Allerton Park & Champaign birds

Message-ID: <>

I was able to do a little birding this past Sat. while giving presentations

and leading bird hikes at Allerton Park in Piatt Co. Around the Red Barn

near the prairie on the south side of the park were two PILEATED


a BLACK_CAPPED CHICKADEE excavating its own nest site in a small 3-4 ft.

stub, among other common species. Across the road to the south in the ag

fields was a singing male VESPER SPARROW. A hike out to the GREAT BLUE

HERON rookery provided looks at dozens of nests and birds on nests and

still adding sticks. Also along the river there and the grassy fields

coming to the site were two EASTERN PHOEBES, a singing BROWN THRASHER, 3-4


SAPSUCKERS (including a gorgeous male!), a pair of calling BARRED OWLS, and

a BROWN CREEPER. Near the Visitor's Center was a RED-BREASTED NUTHATCH and

at least 5 PINE SISKINS coming to the thistle feeder there. This is the

highest count that I think I have heard of this spring anywhere in the

state! Unfortunately, the park decided to take out the several, small,

evergreen trees (white cedars or yews?) that were growing up against the

north side of the Visitor's Center building. Just a few weeks ago, I had

found anywhere from one to 3-4 NO. SAW-WHET OWL pellets underneath each of

those trees, from earlier roosting spots from the bird that had spent most

of its time just west of the building.

There were two PIED-BILLED GREBES on the small Lowe's pond Sat. afternoon

along Prospect Ave., made famous a few years ago by the Sandhill Crane that

hung around there for several days. Good birding!

Steve Bailey


From bernies at Tue Apr 4 11:30:08 2006

From: bernies at (Sloan, Bernie)

Date: Tue Apr 4 11:30:47 2006

Subject: [Birdnotes] Turkey sighting

Message-ID: <>

One turkey was sighted a few minutes ago (11:20AM) at the west end of

Montclair in Urbana.

I've noticed that the last several sightings reported to me over the

past few days have involved fewer than four turkeys. There was an Urbana

sighting with three turkeys, another one with two turkeys, the Champaign

sighting with two turkeys, and this morning's sighting of one turkey. In

the past the sightings have almost always involved four turkeys.

Wonder if the family group is starting to disperse?

Bernie Sloan


From bprice at Tue Apr 4 11:54:29 2006

From: bprice at (Brock Price)

Date: Tue Apr 4 11:54:52 2006

Subject: [Birdnotes] Collins Pond

Message-ID: <002801c65808$71265cc0$b441fa3f@YOURCD7BB1D575>

Collins Pond Highlights:

Ruby-crowned Kinglet

White-breasted Nuthatch ( pr.)

Y-bellied Sapsucker

Yellow-rumped warbler

Brown Creeper

Golden-crowned Kinglet

Caroline Wren

Field Sparrow ( open field before Collins Pond )

White-throated Sparrow

Fox Sparrow

Homer Lake:

Chipping Sparrow

Purple Finch

Brock ( Champaign Co.)

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From charleneanchor at Tue Apr 4 12:17:44 2006

From: charleneanchor at (charlene anchor)

Date: Tue Apr 4 12:10:47 2006

Subject: [Birdnotes] Short Meadowbrook walk

Message-ID: <>

TREE SWALLOWS were checking out the box at the Overlook this morning. The male couldn't convince the female to go inside but she did land on the roof with him!

Saw some birds between the east fence and "The Marker" statue. Singing were SONG SPARROWS, BROWN THRASHER, GOLDFINCH, RED-WINGS, with a male chasing a female, GRACKLES, with males courting females in the top of the evergreens. Saw BROWN CREEPER and my first BLUE-GRAY GNATCHER of the season. A brief silence when a COOPER'S HAWK flew over. An EASTERN MEADOWLARK was singing from somewhere in the south prairie west of the bridge but didn't have time to go further. Lots of FLICKERS and heard TOWHEE calling. PHEASANTS running around...wonder how many are out there. One day I counted 13.

Charlene Anchor

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From bernies at Tue Apr 4 18:55:47 2006

From: bernies at (Sloan, Bernie)

Date: Tue Apr 4 18:55:52 2006

Subject: [Birdnotes] Mystery Birds

Message-ID: <>

Was at the northwest corner of Wright and Green on campus about 5:00PM

tonight when I noticed a flock of six large dark birds coming from the

east-southeast. First noticed them when they came into my field of view

over the roofline of the Illini Union. They were relatively high up.

They slowly and deliberately moved from the east-southeast to the

west-northwest, more or less traveling into the prevailing breeze (they

would change course every now and then, but over the long haul kept

heading in the west-northwesterly direction). They appeared to increase

their altitude the farther west they went.