YCC Info Packet

What Is YCC?

The Youth Club Championshipsmarks the end of the Youth Club season and is sponsored by USA Ultimate. Each August, boys, girls, and coed teams from around the country head to Blaine, MN to compete in the championships. This year, DiscNY, the USAU for the New York City area, is sending a boys and a girls team to YCCs.Our YCC players learn from high level, experienced coaches, compete with players from different schools in New York, and face teams with the best youth players in the nation.

Time Commitment:

Playing for a YCC team is both a big commitment and a great opportunity. Players interested in YCCmust attend tryouts and submit the attached the YCC Application. Players who are selected to the team are expected to:

1)Play in the Monday night YCC league (at McCarren Park)

2)Attend weekly practices from June until YCCs in early August

3)Attend YCCs – August 7-9 in Blaine, MN

4)Players need to inform coaches of any commitments such as summer camp, family vacations/trips that will interfere with their participation in the above.

Important Dates


Sunday, May 3, 2-6pm at Brooklyn Bridge Park Pier 5

Sunday, May 17, 2-6pm at Brooklyn Bridge Park Pier 5

Monday, June 1, 5:30pm at McCarren Park

Please attend at least two try out dates.

Scholarship Application Due (see attached): June 1

Notifications of Team Selection:June 15

Team Dues Deposit Deadline ($100):June 20

Purchase Flight made by:July 1

Remaining Team Dues Deadline ($250):July 15

YCC Tournament: August 7-9

Financial Information

Total estimated cost: $700-750
Team Dues total $350 - Covers uniforms, YCC tournament fee, transportation and hotels at YCCs, support for required chaperones/coaches for practice and travel.

Flights to MN: $350 - $400– Booking early can save money

*If teams attend another tournament during the summer, it will cost about $100

(Note: Players must have paid for their 2015 USAU Membership, $25)

All Dues should be sent via check or money order made payable to DiscNY with YCC + Player’s Full Name in the memo. Please send checks:

Elizabeth Fritz

110 Lenox Road, Apt 3H

Brooklyn, NY 11226

**If you cannot pay by check, please contact the coordinator directly to make other arrangements

Scholarship Opportunities

Players in need of financial assistance should submit the attached form to DiscNY. Scholarships will be reviewed andawarded by the end of June. Submitting a scholarship application does not guarantee assistance. Submitting an applicationdoes not impact team selection.

Parent/Guardian Responsibility

  • Fill out medical release forms
  • Pay YCC Dues
  • Purchase flights
  • Contact Coordinator with questions. (Liz Fritz: 717-951-6935, )

Player Responsibility

  • Provide medical release forms to parents/guardians and return to coaches
  • Show up for practice – ON TIME
  • Notify coaches as early as possible if missing practice
  • Inform coaches promptly of any injury
  • Apply for scholarships as needed on time (by June 1)

DiscNY Role and Responsibility

  • Fulfill all USAU administrative requirements
  • Select teams and submit rosters
  • Securing approved and screened chaperones for all events and travel
  • Communicate and coordinate with parents, coaches, and players throughout the season
  • Suggest flight choices

Contact Info:

Please direct questions to Liz Fritz, YCC Coordinator


Phone: 717-951-6935

Checks Payable to DiscNY with player’s name and “YCC” in memo sent to:

Elizabeth Fritz

110 Lenox Road, Apt 3H

Brooklyn, NY 11226

For USAU membership please visit:

DiscNY YCC Scholarship Application

Use this form to apply for financial aid to Youth Club Championships (YCC). Any person – the player, a coach, parent/guardian, a relative, friend, teacher, or other – may apply for a scholarship on behalf of a player.

Please complete all requested information below and email this form to Elizabeth Fritz () or print and submit in person at YCC Tryouts.

All information on this form is confidential. Only DiscNY Board members and YCC Coaches will view this application. Information will not be shared with any other parties without permission of the applicant. Applying for a scholarship will NOT impact a player’s selection for the team.

1. Name of Event
2. Name of Youth Player
3. Full Name of Person Submitting Application (if other than player)
4. Relationship to Player and Contact Number
5. What school does the player attend?
6. Player Phone Number
7. Player Email Address
8. How many people live in the player’s household?
9. What is the annual household income for the family?
10. Does the player receive any kind of financial aid at school? (e.g. Reduced Lunch, free meals, tuition scholarship)
11. How much can the player/family contribute toward the player’s participation? (total cost approximately $700-$750, including flight)


If the player is submitting this application independently, the essay portion may be completed in partnership with an adult familiar with the child. This can be a parent, friend, coach, relative, camp counselor, teacher, religious leader – any adult familiar with the player. Please name the adult and the relationship to the player in the essay below if applicable.
12. On a separate page, please explain any other factors affecting the player’s need for a scholarship and what the player hopes to gain by playing at YCC.


13. This section should be completed by player’s the parent or guardian
☐By checking this box, I certify that I have reviewed this application and to the best of my knowledge the information is true and accurate.
Type or print parent name here:
Parent Phone: