Pilgrims Way AGM 2012 Reports
Pilgrims Way
Congregational and Methodist Church
AGM 2012 Reports
Sunday 18thNovember 2012; after morning service
Pilgrims Way, East Ham, London E6 1HW
Minister’s Report
Church secretary
Community Centre Co-Ordinator...... 8
Junior Church………………………………………………………………………………………….11
Junior Mission For All2
Wednesday Fellowship Report
Finance and Property
Pilgrims Rest Café - Saturdays5
Communion Stewards / Communion Rota
Wednesday Coffee & Nearly New7
Flower Arrangers9
Other groups which share our premises
Minister’s Report
Minister’s Report
We have seen a drop in our membership this year –partly due to people moving away. George and Margaret Davies have had their membership transferred to Cheltenham and Briony Milne has had her membership transferred to Brentwood. May Judd sadly died during this year and Carrie and Mark Palmer, Manish Kurude and Margaret Williams have been removed from the membership roll. We were delighted to welcome Abigail Gbadeboh into the membership of the church in January and the membership figure is currently 106 – seven down from last year.
The loss of committed members has a significant impact on our financial situation and this has been one of the main issues we have been grappling with both as a church and a circuit this year. I am very grateful to Debbie Cornelius Powell (our Community Centre Coordinator) for the progress she has made in increasing our income through our lettings - and also to the Finance & Property Committee (especially Olu and Julian) for their hard work on preparing a budget for the coming year.
One of the highlights of this year has been our LEP (Local Ecumenical Partnership Review) and I was delighted with the way in which you all engaged with this process. The report was very affirming of where we are but also gave us some clear pointers as to what we might work on. We are already beginning to do that.
Other new ventures this year have been my weekly blog and the revival of the church website. Hopefully they are enabling you to keep track of what is going on – and to find out where your minister is!
I want to express particular appreciation to the Elders for the way in which they have supported me during this year. They are wonderfully generous with their wisdom and their love.
I am deeply grateful to all of you for your faith, hope and love. You are an inspiration to me and I thank God daily for the mission and ministry we have been given in this place.
Nicola Vidamour
When Debbie Martin suggested that the church would benefit from having a group of Elders, prayers and consideration was given to finding people suitable for the role and so it was that Briony Milne became one of the first Elders. Briony was an ideal choice as through her demeanour she epitomisedthe fruits of the Spirit. Sometimes Briony felt that her disability did not allow her to fulfil the expectations of church members but she was always available via phone or email. With her relocation to Brentwood, the Elders and Pilgrims Way Church have lost a valuable member of the team. Please continue to pray for Briony.
During the year, the Elders have regularly visited Shirley Rogers, Phil Beaumont, Joyce Gentry, Em Green, Mac and Ruth Din. News of people and events at Pilgrims Way are shared as well as the giving and receiving of Holy Communion. Those visited and those visiting have and find joy in their time together.
The Elders are a visible presence each Sunday morning with one of them defined as 'on duty'. They continue to support the church by attending other groups and meeting regularly once a month with Nicola to share concerns.
One concern in recent months has been ill founded rumours circulating amongst the congregation. Nicola and the Elders have been distressed and perturbed by the gossip.
Exodus 23: 1 remindsus in the words of John Wesley that "sometimes we cannot avoid hearing a false report but we must not receive it, we must not hear it with pleasure, nor easily give credit it to it."
The Elders are always available to be a listening confidential ear for anyone with personal worries or anxiety about the church. Their phone numbers can be found in the church directory.
The report from the LEP review made many positive comments about Pilgrims Way Church but it also gave us some challenges. We pray that with God's help the church will respond and grow in faith.
The Elders
Gillian Striesow
As Briony Milne has moved to a new area, we are grateful to Paul Charman, Charles Biney, Sue Jex, Andy Nisbett and Nicola Haynes who take turns to play for us!
Rosetta Parkins
Church secretary
First of all I hope you all managed to get some sort of a break during the summer and are feeling refreshed, renewed and raring to go.
Over the last year our church and congregation has been very joyous and pleasant under the leadership of Rev Nicola Vidamor. Although some members have left we have had a number of new members, thanks be to God.
Nicola Haynes has started a singing group with the youngsters and we hope one day we will have singing ministry.
The crèche is still in progress and doing well. As for me I had a lovely holiday in Barbados with my family, we also had a lovely time at the church weekend at Feldon Lodge.
Unfortunately we lost our coffee morning which is very sad for us but we hope that something else will take its place.
Thanks so much
Rosetta Parkins
Community Centre Coordinator’s Report
A year flies by so quickly. This time last year the Church Administrator had just retired and you were awaiting the start of the new person in post.
On the 1st November 2011, I commenced working at the church with the Grand title of Community Centre Coordinator. I didn’t know what to expect but was very excited and looked forward to the challenges the job would bring and I have not been disappointed.
I took on a well run ship with two excellent members of staff, those being the cleaners, Patricia Mandel and Teresa Santos. They continue to undertake the cleaning to a very good standard, and cover for each other during times of absence and annual leave,
During the year we have seen new groups using the building, but have lost the yoga class which used to be run on a Friday afternoon. We have had some one off events, namely a Diabetes Awareness Day, which was facilitated by Boots the chemist, Local GP surgeries, and a drug company. Also Newham Childminder’s Association used Myrtle Hall at Easter for a fun day. Both these events were well attended.
More recently I have been approached by people who wish to use Myrtle Hall on a regular basis during the day, resulting in a Monthly Pensioners tea dance and a group using the hall on three days a week for the elderly and people with learning disabilities. It is such a joy to know that as a church we are reaching out to the wider community.
A recent review of charges has recently been undertaken, and all our regular user groups have been informed in writing of new prices which will become effective from 1st January 2012.
We have recently concluded rent review negotiations with the Little Butterflies Nursery, who lease the space on the 1st floor. I am pleased to announce that a rent increase will be implemented from 28th November 2012. Renewal of the lease is due in November 2013, and we shall be arranging meetings early in the New Year to begin discussion on this issue. The church is also in the process of replacing faulty heaters in the baby room.
I would just like to thank you all, for the ways you have accepted me and made me feel welcome. However, I must mention in particular Nicola Vidamour, who has offered continuous support when needed. Especial, thanks goes to Sue Jex, for the extensive induction programme that was prepared for me and for being on hand, (despite retiring), if I needed her.
This is my first annual report since I started running the Traidcraft Stall, so this report will cover the time since then. The church paid for the first Traidcraft order so that I could stock a good range of products. I have since paid the church back that amount. All subsequent orders have been paid for by me.
I applied to Traidcraft to become a registered Fair Trader in October 2010 and held my first stall at the Christmas Bazaar in November that year. By 31st August 2012 I had run 16 stalls at Pilgrims Way(including stalls at Bazaars and Table Sales) and 6 at High Street South. This is not as many as I would have liked but other Sunday duties had to be fitted in.
The total stock purchased from Traidcraft amounts to £2,870.54 and total sales £2,052.35. At first it was difficult to know what stock to buy and so I was left with quite a bit of stock which had passed its Best Before Date, but as time went on I began to find out which products people were likely to buy and which were not worth stocking again. According to Traidcraft most Fair-traders operating in churches find that they rarely if ever make a profit once losses from out of date stock are taken into account. I try to offset this a little by selling such stock at reduced prices. It is legal to do this as Best before Dates are not be to be confused with Use by Dates. Food past its Best before Date is perfectly safe to eat, but may very gradually deteriorate in quality. Chocolate for instance will last for several years and still taste extremely good.
We were recently granted Fair Trade Church status by the Fair Trade Foundation and this will be advertised on the church website and our certificate displayed on the Traidcraft notice board.
Please continue to support Traidcraft as with our help they support some of the poorest people in the developing world.
Sue Jex
Junior Church
During the past year we have seen a slight dip in Junior Church attendance especially in the seniors as some have moved on or to other churches. Some of us continue to join with the Youth Circuit at Manor Park for their events and activities which allow our children to mix with other Christians in the Circuit. During December the churches within the circuit are planning a Group Nativity which again allows our children to share their faith with others of similar age Group. We also are putting together a video for Faith in our Schools and some of the junior church will partake in discussion about their Christian experiences and what God means to them. The video once completed will be shown in Schools as part of the Syllabub.
During the Year we ourselves at Pilgrims Way have continued with seasonal craft Activities first before Easter and then again preceding Harvest allowing children from the circuit to join with us. We also have Sundays before communion dedicated to singing and learning of songs and Hymns which sometimes can be very energetic.
Should you feel that you can help us in any way within any of the Junior Church groups please speak to Nicola or one of the junior church leaders.
Sue Stinson- Junior Church Secretary
Junior Mission for All
We are very grateful to Pauline Rodway for her years of service in this role and are delighted that Kelechi has agreed to take over from her.
Wednesday Fellowship Report
Our informal meetings continued during the last year.
We usually have a short service with a visiting speaker or some kind of shared activity, followed by tea and biscuits and a chat in the Myrtle Hall.
If you are free on Wednesday afternoons you will be welcome to join us. If you have something interesting to tell us about your experiences please let Thelma Harrison know.
Diane Charman
Finance and Property
The Property Team
The Finance & Property team comprises OluAdiyan, George Davis for part of the year) Sue Jex, Julian Maicheal, Paul Stokes, Devbbie Cornelius-Powell, Alex Adams, Michael Striesow and Rev. Nicola Vidamour. The chair of the team is Julian.
Finance Matters
- 2011/12 Church Audited Accounts: The treasurer and assistant treasurer (Olu and Sue) are currently finalizing the accounts. The accounts will be audited by an external auditor. The Finance & Property team will review these accounts prior to presentation at the AGM.
- The Treasurer’s Report: Presentation of theAccounts
- Bequests: The congregation were asked for suggestions as to the best use of bequest monies. After expenditure on the Kitchen Refurbishment, monies still unused will be spent as agreed by the church meeting.
- Circuit Contribution: Following a request from the Circuit for an increase, which was agreed in a church meeting, Pilgrims Way now contributes £38,900 per annum, an increase of £2,400 from our previous contribution.
- CFB Accounts:From next year 2012/13 Pilgrims Way will operate 2 accounts with the Central Finance Board. The additional account will separate the Bequest Monies from the church’s Reserves and Annual Surpluses’.
- Nursery Lease Agreement: The Nursery Lease Agreement is due for renewal next month. The Community Centre Coordinator and our minister will be meeting Patsy from the nursery to agree this. Independent advice from surveyors and Valuation Officers will be sought.
- Lettings Income: The Community Centre Coordinator), and Paul Stokes are currently reviewing all our lettings income with a view to increasing them. This is to keep up with increasing cost and rental incomes in line with market rents. It is anticipated that the review will be completed in time for the increases to implement from January 2013.
Property Matters
- Kitchen Refurbishments:Now complete and fully functioning. The
Final refurbishment cost (including contributions received for various units from the “old “kitchen) was approximately £100.00 above our original estimate of £30,049.00
- Closed Circuit TV: The installation of a CCTV within the church premises is currently being undertaken by Paul Stokes.
- church Windows: The Finance and Property Committee has requested a report from Jennifer Raagas (our consultant) giving
Indications of the likely costs and types of replacement windows available. The report will take into account, rising energy costs andOptions such as solar panels etc.
- Repair and Maintenance: The list of reliable contractors (previously used) and Repair Schedule drawn up last year is still in use and seems to be working well.
Prepared by: Julian Maicheal
Chair: Property and Finance
Pilgrims Rest Café - Saturdays
In January I brought to the Church meeting a proposal that the Saturday Coffee should close. It was with heavy hearts and after much discussion that the volunteers felt this was the inevitable outcome. The numbers of customers had dropped to only a few and the closing of the kitchen, during refurbishment, would more than likely result in them finding a new meeting place.
The doors closed for the last time at the end of January with much regret from the volunteers and customers.
I give thanks to God for the dedication of the people who baked and served the community for so many years, in particular Mac and Tena who even in their 80's still found physical strength and energy to serve the Lord.
Gillian Striesow
Communion Stewards / Communion Rota
Current position
Communion Stewards/Rota
Current position
- The Communion Rota is operating well. There are currently 8 names on the Communion Rota.
- New recruits are needed to ease repetitions of the same names. A suggestion to include older members of the junior church has yet to be implemented.
- Most existing stewards are unable to serve at evening communion services- currently only 2 names available for the evening rota
Recent changes
- Hygiene Procedures introduced in response to the Swine Flu Pandemic are still in force.
- Copy of New Hygiene Procedure is taped to the inside of the communion cupboard, as well as being circulate to all stewards.
- Disposable hand-wash (soap) as well as Paper Doyleys for serving tray are also currently in use
- The AGM thanks members of the congregation who continue to contribute with regular supplies – grape juices, paper doyleys, cleaning material etc
Prepared by: Julian Maicheal(Communion Rota Co-ordinator)