8 July 2014/4:00 pm
FROM: HCHS Site-Based Council
SUBJECT: Minutes from the Site-Based Decision-Making (SBDM) Council, July 2014
1. The High School’s SBDM Council meeting for April 2014 was held in the Henry County High School conference room on Tuesday, 8 April 2014, from 4:00 pm-4:45pm. Members present: Shannon Sageser, Lisa Huckaby, Phillip Guthrie, Katie Ruff, and Phyllis McGuire.
A. Agenda Approval. Agenda approved by consensus.
B. Minutes Approval. June minutes approved by consensus.
C. Good News Reports. Great graduation! 95.7% of students graduated.
D. Public Comment. NTR
E. Election of Officers. Lisa Huckaby was elected Vice-Chairperson. Phillip Guthrie was elected Secretary. Officers approved by consensus.
A. Teacher Vacancies: After consultation with counsel decided to hire Laura Adams as the new English teacher. Melissa Sharon resigned as Social Studies teacher. The job is posted and we can hire on July 28th. Interviews are planned for the week of July 21st.
B. Teacher rooming Assignments: Laura Adams will be assigned to Melissa Sharon’s room. The new Social Studies teacher will float.
C. Final CCR number for 2013 – 2014: 63% of our graduates were college and career ready with the bonus of both we have a score of 80. This is a 13 point gain from the previous year.
D. 2014-2015 Student Handbook: Austin Hunsaker proposed the following changes to the student handbook:
Page 3 – Changed bell schedule to a 5-period day.
Page 5 – Changed classification to reflect a 5-period day.
Page 6 – Removed the lines about making up the zero and being placed in ALC until the assignment is finished. Removed from both the first and second offense section.
Page 7 – Added the line: Student refusal to hand over a cell phone when in violation of policy will result in adverse disciplinary action.
Page 8 – Streamlined the wording in the dress code. Added: Styles change and the administration of the High School has the right to deem any attire inappropriate. If you are unsure about an article of clothing, inquire before you wear it. Students out of dress code, will be placed in ICE unless you have appropriate clothing.
Page 13: Added: under NO circumstance will a student be allowed to check out of school to go to each lunch.
Changes were approved by consensus.
Meeting adjourned by consensus at 4:33 pm. The next meeting will be 5 August 2014 at 4:00pm.
Phillip Guthrie
SBDM scribe