
DATE:[Insert Date]


FROM:[Full Agency Name]

SUBJECT: Board-governed Agency Attestation

In support of the Agencies & Appointments Directive (AAD)requirements and the publication of the Consolidated Financial Statements (CFS) of the Province of Ontario for the year ended March 31, 2016, this Memo provides our assurance that, to the best of our knowledge and belief, the [agency name], herein referred to as ‘the Agency’,is in substantial compliance with all applicable legislation, regulations, directives, and policies; has maintained an effective system of internal controls; and has established and maintained a system of internal controls that supports the integrity and reliability of ourfinancial reports.

This attestation is based on the Chief Executive Officer’s (or equivalent authority) confirmation, in the capacity ofoperational and administrative head, to the Board of Directors that the Agency is in substantial compliance with the following Statements of Responsibility:

  1. Reporting Requirements
  • The Agency has prepared and submitted mandatory reporting requirements at the frequency established under the AAD and relevant legislations and regulations to the responsible minister for approval. These mandatory reporting requirements include Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), Annual Report and Business Plan.
  • The statements and schedules supplied by the Agency in support of the financial reporting, have been prepared in accordance with applicable accounting standards (e.g. Public Sector Accounting Standards, Public Sector Accounting Standards + 4200 PSAB for Government NPOs, International Financial Reporting Standards or other provincially approved framework), legislation, and Instructions and Guidelines as issued by the Office of the Provincial Controller.
  1. Legislative / Policy Requirements
  • The Agency is in substantial compliance with all applicable statutory requirements. These applicable statutes may include, but are not limited to, the Public Service of Ontario Act, Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Adjudicative Tribunals Accountability, Governance and Appointments Act, Financial Administration Act, French Language Services Act and the Archives and Recordkeeping Act.
  • The Agency is in substantial compliance with all legislative requirements pertaining to transactions with material financial impact to the Agency and to the Province’s financial statements and such transactions were recorded accurately in accordance with authorized legislation including the Financial Administration Act.
  • The Agency is in substantial compliance with all applicable Directives and Policies issued by the Ministry of Finance/Treasury Board Secretariat/Management Board of Cabinet.
  1. Internal Control System
  • The Agency internal control systems are designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for reporting purposes. The Agency has reviewed the Internal Control over Financial Reporting (i.e. assets, liabilities, revenue and expenses) and concludes that they were designed appropriately and operating effectively to help mitigate financial reporting risks in all material respects throughout the year ended March 31, 2016.
  • The Agency has reviewed the results of internal control assessments (including, where applicable, those related to outsourced services, reports from their internal audit function, the management letter of recommendations from its external auditor and any reports by the Auditor General) for identified material deficiencies and has taken or will take appropriate actions to address these deficiencies.
  • With respect to the requirements of this attestation, all material exceptions and associated risks, along with related remedial action plans have been disclosed in writing in the attached Agency Exception Report and reported to the ministry.
  • The Agency has disclosed instances of known material fraud (if any) per the 2015-16 Agency Fraud Awareness Schedule.
  1. Record Keeping
  • The books and records contained all transactions with material financial impact on the Agency and all such transactions are reported in accordance with applicable reporting requirements, directives, policies, and legislative requirements in all material respects.
  • Business records have been maintained by the Agency and the rules and procedures applied are sufficient to safeguard and control public property, as supported by periodic internal audit of financial and management systems of control.
  • Management’s documentation and working files that support the preparation and completion of this Certificate and related Exception Report and Fraud Awareness Schedule are complete and available for review by the Office of the Provincial Controller Division, the Ontario Internal Audit Division and/or the Office of the Auditor General of Ontario.

Board-governed Agency Attestation

Based on the above, and our review of the items noted in the attached 2015-16 Agency Exception Report, and 2015-16 Agency Fraud Awareness Schedule, we are attesting that, to the best of our knowledge and belief[Agency];

ois in substantial compliance with all applicable legislation, regulations, directives, and policies;

ohas maintained an effective system of internal controls; and

ohas established and maintained a system of internal controls that supports the integrity and reliability of the agency’s financial reports for the year ended March 31, 2016.


Agency Chair Date

[print name / signature]


Chief Executive Officeror equivalent

(if applicable) Date

[print name / signature]


VP Financeor equivalent

(if applicable) Date

[print name / signature]

Cc Deputy Minister


  • Agency Exception Report
  • Agency Briefing Note (if applicable)
  • Agency Fraud Awareness Schedule

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