From: Craig Heiser
Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2011 9:01 PM
To: MFC Membership
Subject: New Member Candidate


I would like to submit a new member candidate to MFC: Mark McNulty. Like new members we’ve admitted over the years, Mark is known to several members in our group which gives me confidence he will be an excellent addition to our group. A brief bio is further down for your consideration, and I would ask those who know McNulty to add their perspective on what he brings to our group.

When Mark asked me to step into the role of President of MFC one of the first things we discussed was membership and the careful balance between being too exclusive and too eager to grow. As he and I reflected on what makes our group “click” I arrived at a few basic criteria that shape my thinking:

  1. MFC is a collection of great guys who enjoy each other’s company while demonstrating high integrity to God, Family, Friends and Golf (it’s even on our website)
  2. MFC is a collection of passionate golfers who understand and respect the broad parallels between the game and life
  3. MFC is a collection of people who “get” what we are all about – the golf, the dining, the camaraderie, the passion
  4. MFC is a collection of men who have wives and family that exceed them in every way

To sum it up, I want to be sure anyone we bring into MFC will give as much as they get out of our club (and is someone I could imagine sharing a room with at Pine Dunes at the Woody Cup).

I have known Mark McNulty for 20 years initially through our common work at Accenture, but over time as a friend and our families have become friends. We’ve played a fair bit of golf together and taken golf trips together along with Jeff Miers. Mark grew up in Houston, attended UT and has lived in Houston ever since. He and his wife Janet are raising 3 wonderful children and the strange connection of youth sport has brought McNulty into the same teams as both Mark Murdock and Mike Maggi. Mark attended Masters Friday last year and immediately advised Janet to hold this date open indefinitely because he knew if he ever failed to attend he might not be invited back. When I approached Mark about joining MFC he was immediately enthusiastic, and only asked for more information about the calendar to be sure he could follow through on a commitment to participate.

In all the time I’ve known Mark I have yet to meet someone with a bad thing to say about him, and I am frequently surprised by how broad his network of relationships is. We’ve worked through very challenging work environments (perhaps not as stressful as coaching Youth sports) and I have always appreciated Mark’s confidence, ability to find humor in whatever situation we find ourselves in, and commitment to find a successful outcome. When we’ve traveled together to play golf he always brings a competitive game (often while telling you how little he has played, how old his clubs are, etc.) and a great attitude that makes the experience better.

Presuming the group is in agreement, I would like to invite Mark to participate in our Masters Week extravaganza to meet the rest of our group and introduce him at Quakers and Cowboys as our newest member of MFC.
