From: "cark" <> | Block Address | Add to Address Book

To: "Michael S. Caldwell" <>


Subject: Roberts (what did you expect, Jones?)

Date: Fri, 24 May 200202:37:54 -0400

Hey All:

This link is a list of Roberts and others. I haven't spent much time looking at it. There is a mention, as a source, of I would guess a book written by Seaver.

I think this is the second place I have seen this book, and I will be looking for more info on it. There is no information given here, as to title or publisher.

Although I can't locate our Mary on the list (there are a couple without any information), Robert Morgan and Robert Richford are there.

The John Roberts mentioned here will take some time for me to look at. I did see at least one presumed to be a son of John, several with wills in Maryland, and at least one in CecilCounty.

The two areas that are weakest still in my proposed Roberts line are:

1.) although dates of Mary Roberts parents marriage and the dates of their children's birth correlate with the date we have for Matthew Hair's Mary's birth, and the family was in Westmoreland at the right time, etc., we still don't have a definite tie in.

2) John Roberts Jr

in going through all the posted gedcoms at that had even a couple of Roberts that looked like they belonged, there were many differences as far as Robert Morgan Roberts' father. There were a few that had RM's father (the names varied) married to a Sarah Morgan. I had this in my gedcom for quite a while, because it seemed correct as per the naming convention, before making the change to John Jr. Some gedcoms had RM's father being born in PA, some had him younger than RM or the other extreme, too old to be starting a family. I found one mention of his father:

Note: Robert Morgan Roberts was a Rev Sol. He was also a member (documented) of the All Souls Church of England in MD. His father was a member of St. Stephen's Episcopal, Earleville, N Sassafras Parish, MD as was his father. (John Roberts was also a Rev Sol.). E. A. Davis

I have read this over probably too many times, but, I see a mention of RM's father and his grandfather, both living at some time in Maryland. The mention that John Roberts was also a soldier led me to believe that his father's name was John. His son would have been too young and his grandfather too old.

I weighted the Steve Seiple's gedcom a little heavier than the other's because he was listed as the Robert's family researcher in MercerCounty, and I assumed wasn't speculating or pulling info from an undocumented gedcom. Seiple's gedcom had the Johns, Jr and Sr.

I believe the majority of the gedcoms found their way back to a John from Wales but some had an extra individual between RM and the ancestor from Wales.

This was and still is my best guess based on what I had, but really needs some documented support. I've been trying to find records from the Church mentioned above, and other records in Cecil Co but have nothing yet.

I'm hoping we'll find a Roberts bio, or maybe this Seaver book somewhere and things will improve.

I have several quotes from Bishop RR Roberts many bios posted on the web as being from Welsh ancestry on his father's side and Irish on hi mothers.

I also have this quote from a posted bio:

The Bishop's great grandfather, on his father's side, was from Wales; and his maternal great grandfather was probably from Ireland.

This establishes the Bishop, his father (Robert Morgan), his grandfather John (from the above note) and then his great-grandfather as being originally from Wales. This excludes the gedcoms that had a fourth Roberts in this loop, a GGgrandfather from Wales.

I believe that MarylandCounties and Townships under went many divisions and renaming like Pennsylvania's. I haven't found a definitive site that lists all the changes by date.

Maybe a trip to Maryland will become our best solution.



I have another gedcom site that listed Mary married to Matthew Hair. I think it only goes back to Robert Morgan. Unfortunately, the link isn't working tonight, and I don't know if it will again.

I have a few others with only the last page number different. But I can't even get the site to work tonight.

From: "cark" <> | Block Address | Add to Address Book

To: "Michael S. Caldwell" <>, "Dave" <>

CC: "Dave" <>

Subject: Re: Hart - Hopewell

Date: Sun, 26 May 200201:04:17 -0400

----- Original Message -----

From: Michael S. Caldwell

To: cark

Sent: Saturday, May 25, 200211:27 PM

Subject: Hart - Hopewell

Hi Michael:

Too bad for us about the John Hart connection. This area is so involved in that history. When I was very young I played at the Hart farmhouse. It was owned then by a Col. Hammond USMC retired. From what I understand he is a pretty famous charator also. Korean war veteran, artillery.

I remeber helping when he was replacing the front porch and being about as tall as the crowbar I was using "to help". I remember thinking he had to be the heaviest thing I had ever lifted and could only "work" with it for a minute at a time.

Dave and I took some pics for you. We have a couple of the house, the plaque in the front from the Sons of the Revolution I believe, and some of his monument in the OldSchoolBaptistChurch. Dave will be posting those soon but I'll send you a couple now.

Hopewell is about 20 minutes from Trenton, Princeton, and Fleminton. If there is anything else of interest to you in this area let us know.

I have located a site that has copies of the Oldham bible. Not real good quality, looks like they were photocopied and faxed to someone, but legible enough for confirmation. Elizabeth Oldham was the Bishop Roberts wife. You haven't told me if you got to that site yet or not.

This is the Oldham research repository. The Oldham bible pages are posted there. I don't want to get anyone worked up, but I am looking into a link between the Roberts family and Daniel Boone. The real kicker is there may prove to a similar connection in the Oldham family and Davey Crockett!

I also sent a letter to my oldest friend today, informing him about my new interest in genealogy. Not to drop names but my friend is John J. Butt, Ph.D. Professor of History at JamesMadisonUniversity in Virginia. I'm sure he will help in any way he can. He must have contacts at other Universities and libraries around the country. Also he did his graduate work in Medireview Studies at St. Andrews in Scotland. I'm sure he still has contacts there and I know he has spent hours pouring over ancient documents.

I know how you are looking forward to getting to Westmoreland again. I like that whole area out there, Somerset and Westmoreland. I think my favorite thing was on our last trip, turning onto the road where Matthew's house was. We crested a hill and saw all those acres of naturally landscaped beautiful farmland in various stages of the spring preparation.

Well that's about it for now. Dave is on AIM and just told me about problems with links I've been sending.
