Syllabus for General Physical Education


Aubrey Biddle Hollis Bethea

Travis Smith Chet Forsh

Charles Wallington Broderick Jamison

Credit Earned: 1 Unit when passed

General Physical Education Class is designed to provide students with the opportunity to improve skills and knowledge in each sport encountered. The emphasis is placed on teaching the basic skills and improving the skill related parts of fitness as well as an opportunity to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle. You may be required to do some fitness testing to assess your current fitness level and your improvement.

Class will meet in the assigned area unless otherwise instructed. You will need to dress out and participate daily if you hope to get a good grade in this class.

Dress out: Dressing out means to change top and bottom and wear the proper shoes. The Physical Education Dept. reserves the right to restrict any item(s) of clothing that is deemed inappropriate for the school setting.

Security: Do not leave anything of great value unlocked or unsecured. You may rent a locker for $2.00 per semester. It is best to leave valuables at home. If you are not comfortable with security give your valuables to your teacher prior to dressing out. THESE ITEMS ARE ALWAYS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY!!!


“We are here to learn and to have fun while learning’

Discipline in my class is based on mutual respect. I respect you, you respect me, and all of you respect each other. If we do this consistently we will have few if any problems.

Unacceptable Behavior: Any behavior that may cause harm, physical or emotional to anyone, self included. Also included are any violations of school policy or local laws. Be sure to report all injuries to your teacher.

Consequences: Community Service, Physical Activity, Verbal Reprimand/Warning, Detention, Parent Conference, and or Office Referral. These are not in any particular order.

Due to the fact that this is mostly a class based on participation, attendance is of great importance. If you miss a class activity for any excused reason you will be required to do a one (1) page written report on a subject related to team sports, lifetime sports, fitness, health , or some reasonably related subject. This work should include all bibliographical information.

Grade Breakdown: 50% grade for summative assessment will consist of dress out and participation and performing particular skill tests and or exercises. This may be assessed by observation as well as objective measures. 30% formative assessment will based on Q/A, and observation of skills. 20% will be based on a final exam.

Your signature below implies that you understand and agree to abide by the policies set forth for this class by the Douglas County High School Physical Education & Health Department.

Thanks for your cooperation,

The Physical Education Department:



Parent Signature______Date______

I also agree to make periodic checks on my child’s progress with my child as well as with the instructor, or Infinite campus. You may go to the System wide or to the school website for infinite campus information, as well as specific teacher e-mail addresses. School Number 770-651-6500