From: Ann Reed (email to be supplied upon request)
Thank you for your website which I was directed to, by the way from the Gentle Wind Project website while reading about their legal case. I never did believe their negative writings, especially the book on negative healing which tries to label psychological groups. I do own several tools, however. I have read everything on your website and am familiar with your resources. I find the copy of Gentle Wind's tax records most incriminating. Thanks for your response.
Thank you for this more personal response. The tax records don't seem strange, theyare, in my opinion, incriminating. Moe claims that they have mortgaged everything,cashed intheir insurance policies, etc., to devote themselves to making healing tools, and then it turns out that she's making over $50,000 a year and has all expenses paid! I did wonder how they managed to travel to New Zealand penniless.I am a registered nurse, but because I'm not happy withorthodox medicine, I work part time doing private duty and madeunder $20,000 a year for the past 5 years, yet bought 4 instruments for a family member who is ill. I had 3 buyers for one of my instruments, but referred them to GWP for more information. GWPtook my customers selling to them directly.GWPnever sent me a manual for one of the instruments, when I requested one, they wanted $30 more, they also refused to let metrade in my instruments.What greed.
The fact that they practice "sexual magic" is very concerning to me. I would not have expected this from such a conservative looking group. Others who have beenassociated with these type of activities include victims of ritual abuse, satinism, Sai Baba, ETs, AliesterCrowley, etc., not a very spiritual group to be associated with.
I took down my GWP posters this morning.
I do understand your reluctance toopen up to just anyone under yourcurrent situation. I am angry about being duped, but you have invested so much. It was very brave of you to leave and take the time to sort things out. Every day I am encouraged more and more to trust my own guidance and not look outside for validation orspiritual enlightenment. Thanks for your openness.
I truly hope that more instrument holders will evaluate your website and make the break from GWP. I remember calling the GWP number and speaking to Gloria several times. She wasalways abrupt and nasty; Iwondered why a spiritual person could be so angry all the time. She was the one who told me how poverty stricken they were. I know Gloria is not part of the "inner circle", but she makes the rounds of the seminars with Moe, so must know what is going on financially.
-- Ann Reed, email to be supplied upon request
I never got very involved with GWP other than purchasing the tools. I read their books and although I agree with what they say about religion, found their writingstobe very negative and did not share them with others. Ihave adegree in counseling psychology and teach mind/body connections. I could not agree with their categorizing of people, especially the "have somethings" and the "want somethings," as we all shareboth these aspects. So, I don't feel that I got involved with mind control as someone who was more directly involved with the group may have. Have you done any searches on mind control and sexual rituals? When I first learned about mind control several years ago, I was outraged and did quite a bit of internet research. Sexual rituals and sexual abuse is a major part of mind control and is what I find most repulsive about your revelations.
Yousay that one of the reasons people get angry is because they are pressured to do things that their higher self knows is not good for them.I agree with this completely and can apply it to my job situations as well. I do believe you that Gloria has a good heart, I've seen her at two workshops and she was pleasant there, but she did refuse to let me "buy up" and trade inwhen new toolswere available which I thought was part of the bargain when we purchased tools.
I heard of GWP on a meridian energy egroup, and then went to their website. I emailed them; they gave me the name of a woman in ____ who had an advanced tool and another woman in _____. I visited both women.
____, in _____, had a huge wall chart. She wanted to sell it so that she could buy a more advanced tool. She told me she paid $850 for it. I paid her $400. This is what I tried to sell for $100, but GWP now sells them new for $150!
The woman I visited in ______wasinto a lot of New Age healing techniques. She had a very expensive early tool. I think she paid over $10,000 for it and she was very unhappy with GWP, but didn't say why. If you wish, I could try to get her email addressso you could contact her.
It's been at least 2 years since I bought my last tool and yes, I did have to sign a contract. I went through my GWP file and was unable to find a copy of the contract, but see from their price lists that they are very careful to call their prices "donations". Statements like "The only way this Project can continue is through contributions from the general public. We very much need your help,"are in conflict with what their tax return indicates, as far as I'm concerned. I don't see anything in writing aboutreselling the tools or buying up. I think ______told me this and it was reinforced at the 2 advanced seminars I attended.
I don't see how GWP could ever win a lawsuit against any of you. I think the material they have on their site about the lawsuit is more incriminating to them then helpful. It is how I located you. Has a court date been set?
Do you know how the tools were actually made? How the exact design of the posters came to be? Has anyone ever taken a puck apart to see what is inside? I just read on one of the GWP forms that they reserve the right toshut down the instruments2 years after purchase. It isspooky to think that they have the power to do so. With the newer tools, they claim that some sphere enters the body permanently.
- Ann Reed
I've beenvery busy, am teaching a new class and my sister is very ill with cancer....she is the one I bought the pucks for.
-- Ann Reed, email to be supplied upon request