Sophomore AVID 202- Ms. McKoy
Final Exam
To show your true understanding of AVID this year, you will create a portfolio representative of your growth. This portfolio is very similar to what you do for student led conferences, so do not stress!
Due Date: May 25 and May 27. The portfolio is due at the beginning of the class period. You will not be allowed to retrieve it from another location.
Bonus: If you turn this is with all of the proper elements in place on May 20, then you will receive 10 bonus points of the assignment!
Grading: The portfolio will be graded on the checklist that appears on this handout. The final exam is 10 percent of your entire semester grade.
Format: Material should be submitted in a bound folder or binder with dividers as described below. Loose papers or those inserted into pockets will not be accepted until it is fixed. All responses have to be word processed and use the following guidelines:
- One-inch margins on all four sides
- 12-point Times New Roman font
- Correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation
- When retyping the assigned question, place that question in 12-point Times New Roman italics.
Cover (5 points of 100 total points possible)
Typed cover sheet with first and last name, number, class period, and date portfolio is being submitted.
Tab 1
AVID section (15 points of 100 total points possible)
- Divider labeled “AVID”
- Your word processed response to the following: Discuss your progress in AVID during the second semester. Describe how you will apply AVID techniques and strategies to your junior year (one paragraph).
- Word process a list of the books you have read during the semester and provide a one-paragraph answer to the following question: During each class, time is set aside for Sustained Silent Reading (SSR). What life lesson have you learned by reading during this time? How have your interests as a reader grown during the semester?
Tab 2
Communication (20 points of 100 total points possible)
- Divider labeled “Communication”-To understand and clearly and confidently express ideas, opinions, information, attitudes and feelings to and from diverse audiences, through a variety of media.
- Choose a piece of work from any class that best represents communication from this semester. Do not submit the original.
- In a paragraph, answer these questions: Why is this an example of your communication from the semester? How have your communication skills changed from the beginning of this semester? How has AVID helped you improve your communication skills?
Tab 3
Critical Thinking (20 points of 100 total points possible)
- Divider labeled “Critical Thinking”- To draw conclusions, solve problems or create through analysis, reflection, interpretation, reasoning and evaluation.
- Choose a piece of work from any class that best represents critical thinking from this semester. Do not submit the original.
- In a paragraph, answer these questions: Why is this an example of your critical thinking from the semester? How have your critical thinking skills changed from the beginning of this semester? How has AVID helped you improve your critical thinking skills?
Tab 4
Personal Responsibility (20 points of 100 total points possible)
- Divider labeled “Personal Responsibility”- To be self-aware; to identify, access and utilize skills, knowledge and resources towards development as a life-long learner, and to be accountable to one’s self.
- Choose a piece of work from any class that best represents personal responsibility from this semester. Do not submit the original.
- In a paragraph, answer these questions: Why is this an example of your personal responsibility from the semester? How have your critical thinking skills changed from the beginning of this semester? How has AVID helped you improve your personal responsibility skills?
Tab 5
Social Responsibility (20 points of 100 total points possible)
- Divider labeled “Social Responsibility”- To effectively work and lead in groups, families and communities by actively demonstrating respect and accountability to others and their differences.
- Choose a piece of work from any class that best represents social responsibility from this semester. Do not submit the original.
- In a paragraph, answer these questions: Why is this an example of your social responsibility from the semester? How have your critical thinking skills changed from the beginning of this semester? How has AVID helped you improve your social responsibility skills?
Works Cited:
Peters, Gregory. "Structural and Curricular Design: What Changes When an
EssentialSchool Commits to Exhibitions." Essential Schools. Coalition of Essential Schools, 2010. Web. 11 May 2010. <