Cyngor Sir Ceredigion County Council
Premises licence number
Part 1 - Premises details
Postal address of premises, or if none, ordnance survey map reference or descriptionFRIENDSHIP INN
Post town
SY24 5JA
Telephone number
Annex 1 - Mandatory conditions
Mandatory conditions where licence authorises supply of alcohol
(1)No supply of alcohol may be made under the premises licence-
(a)at a time when there is no designated premises supervisor in respect of the premises licence, or
(b)at a time when the designated premises supervisor does not hold a personal licence or his personal licence is suspended.
(2)Every supply of alcohol under the premises licence must be made or authorised by a person who holds a personal licence.
Mandatory condition where the premises licence includes a Condition that at specified times one or more individuals must be at the premises to carry out a security activity:
(1)Each such individual must be licensed by the Security Industry Authority.
(2)But nothing in (1) above requires such a condition to be imposed—
(a)in respect of premises within paragraph 8(3)(a) of Schedule 2 to the Private Security Industry Act 2001 (c. 12) (premises with premises licences authorising plays or films), or
(b)in respect of premises in relation to—
(i)any occasion mentioned in paragraph 8(3)(b) or (c) of that Schedule (premises being used exclusively by club with club premises certificate, under a temporary event notice authorising plays or films or under a gaming licence), or
(ii) any occasion within paragraph 8(3)(d) of that Schedule (occasions prescribed by regulations under that Act).
(3) For the purposes of this section—
(a) “security activity” means an activity to which paragraph 2(1)(a) of that Schedule applies, and
(b) paragraph 8(5) of that Schedule (interpretation of references to an occasion) applies as it applies in relation to paragraph 8 of that Schedule.
Annex 2 - Conditions consistent with the operating Schedule
General- all four licensing objectives
- Very strict adherence to all four licensing objectives. Primarily No happy Hours or ANY incentives to encourage excessive drinking
The prevention of crime and disorder
- Strict adherence to all policy objectives in particular ensurance that no intoxicated person are allowed on the premises and ensurerance that all customers behave responsibly
- Ensure that all persons being served are 18 by insisting on I.D. if in doubt.
- CCTV system, approved by Dyfed Powys Police, being installed in family Room and Beer Garden by 01 January 2006
- Full outside lighting
- The DPS or a personal Licence holder will be on the premises between 2100 and 0300 daily
- Any drunk person will be removed from premises
- Bad behaviour or quarrelsome persons will be warned and any repetition will cause them to be evicted from premises
- Close liaison with all other licensed premises in village to avoid any trouble
Public safety
- All accesses clearly marked with special provision by all staff to ensure help and protection for disabled persons
- CCTV being installed in Family Room and Beer Garden as described in b).above
- Full outside lighting . Electrical system protected by RCD’s and subject to annual inspection
- Fire extinguishers checked annally
- First aid Afacilities
- Public liability Insurance
- No overcrowding. Suggested occupancy max figures-
1100-2330 – 140 persons
2330-0300 – 95 persons (Beer Garden Closed)
- ALL glasses, bottles, ashtrays etc cleared and cleaned at regular intervals
The prevention of public nuisance
- NO entertainment, no noise
- Ensure a quiet and orderly departure from the premises at all times, any person not obeying this instruction will be barred from the premises
- Beer Garden will be closed and cleared by 2330 nightly
- Any person on premises causing nuisance or disturbance will be warned and if the behaviour continues they will be barred from the premises
The protection of children from harm
- No gambling machines or cigarette machine on the premises
- CCTV being installed in the Family room and beer garden
- Children under 16 are restricted to Family Room and Beer Garden and must be accompanied by an adult. Note that accompanied means being in the same room as the child
Annex 3 - Conditions attached after a hearing by the licensing authority