The Grange P-12 College

Respect, Learning & Working Together – Bullying Prevention Program

Tell us about The Grange P-12 College

The Grange is a learning community where students are educated and equipped with life skills and values to be active and successful members of society.

Our students thrive in an environment of collective pride and achievement. TheGrange provides an enriching education that commences with preps and continues through the secondary years to VCE. The continuity of curriculum and a seamless transition through primary to secondary years benefits our students both academically and socially.

The two campus structure provides an intimacy which allows all students and staff to know each other - this creates a sense of belonging and community, one which empowers the entire school.

What is the project?

The program Your Digital Footprint is aimed at cyber-bullying prevention, empowerment and creation of positive digital citizenship and cyber-safety practices for students. The focal point of the Your Digital Footprint prevention program is the impact that online bullying behaviour has on the student’s offline life.

What are the aims of the project?

The project aimed to:

•Increase knowledge and skills around the issues of cyberbullying and cybersafety using Project Rockit.

•Provide opportunities for students to recognise that they are all leaders and have bystander responsibilities in both the school environment and in cyberspace.

•Increase awareness of youth specific services through contact with the Wyndham Legal Services, and Werribee Community Police.

How was project been implemented?

•Core teacher planning group met and planned the timeline.

•Project Rockit booked for Year 5/6 and for Year 8 Values Day.

•School liaised with Werribee Community Police and Wyndham Legal Services to be present on panels with Year 8 students on the Values Night.

•Year 8 Values Day – all Year 8 students were involved in Values workshops, participating with police and Wyndham Legal Services.

Has the project been a success?

Project benefits:

•Increased the students’ knowledge and skills around the issues of cybersafety.

•Increased understanding of leadership responsibilities.

•Increase awareness of youth specific services through scenario discussions with Wyndham Legal Services and Community Police.

•Parents present at the Values Evening were made aware of the services provided by the Wyndham Legal Services and Werribee Community Police.

•Reduction in the reported incidents of bullying.

What is the future of project?

The project will continue. The Year 8 Values Day will be retained and will include workshops on exploring the values of Respect, Learning and Working Together; the community panel and Project Rockit Cybersafety workshops. The school will also follow up with a parent evening panel night.


Joanne Camozzato


Case Study | © 2014 | Department of Education and Early Childhood Development