Friends of William Clarke Park
Feb 2006 – ISSUE 3

Web-site: E-mail:

Many thanks to all those who helped make our Patch Winter Warmer (& previous days lantern-making) such a fantastic success back in December. For those of you who couldn’t make it, we had a grand day out with lantern-making workshops, tree dressing, bouncy castle, hot soup from the Hartington Pub, mugs of Mulled wine, a roaring campfire, a welcoming for a new tree donated by Cllr. Joyce Edmund-Smith, a rocking performance by the Spectones and a firey finale by Poi Passion. About 300 people came along, feedback was a big thumbs up and all costs were covered, helping to establish the Winter Warmer as the third jewel in our (hopefully) annual cycle of Patch events.

The FWCP committee and various working groups have set plenty of plans in motion for this year. A sketch of these is laid out below including the imminent Bird-box making day on 25th Feb. Please spread word to friends, family and neighbours to help make these a success. Also, if you’re able to be involved in some of the organising we really would appreciate more members getting involved with the various working groups – especially on Events Group where we will need a lot of input very soon.

Bird Box & Bat Box Making Session

Saturday 25 February

2.30pm - 5pm, in the Patch (see poster please display if poss.)

(setting up from 1pm)

This event is has been organised by the FWCP Wildlife Group. The idea to make and fix up, about 25 boxes to encourage bird-life in the Patch. All welcome. Tools (saws, hammers, work-mates & ladders) will be provided but do bring more along if you’re able to.

2006 Patch Events

Easter Event - Sat 8th April (afternoon)

PatchFest - Sat 8th July (2pm – 8pm)

Winter Warmer - Sun 10th Dec (2.30 – 5.30pm)

FWCP Open Meetings

The committee will now be meeting on the last Thursday of each month from 8pm with quarterly 'open' meetings, publicised to all members And the wider public. These will generally be timed to be in the run-up to our main events.

Thu 30th March, 8.00 – 9.30pm

Thu 29th June, 8.00 – 9.30pm

Thu 28th Sep – AGM 8.00 – 9.30pm

Thu 30th Nov 8.00 – 9.30pm (venues to be arranged)

FWCP Committee

Our co-ordinating committee meetings are scheduled for the following Thursdays - 2ndMarch, 27th April, 25th May, 27th July, 26th Oct, (8pm – 9.30pm).

Update: Wendy Hill recently resigned from the committee having moved out of the area.

ClaireWills has alsostepped down as secretary. Many thanks to them both after such a full on year, where their input has been invaluable in getting the group so well established.

The following members have been proposed to join the committee:

Suzanne Hyde, Phil Mulligan & Alex Langridge.

Other current committee members are (12 committee members?) Duncan Blinkhorn (Chair), Mark Bolwell (Treasurer), Rory Grant, Caroline Burrows, Wilf Nichols, John Cuthbert, Dave Meakins, Kevin Parker & Claire Wills.

If interested in receiving minutes or for other details contact Duncan 07944-52706 or e-mail .

Working Groups

The main groups are as follows with names of key contacts in brackets.

·  Wild-life group (Rich Howarth / John Cuthbert)

·  Playground group (Rory Grant)

·  Events group (Phil Mulligan)

·  Gate-keepers (Dave Meakins)

·  Tarmac Area Development (Duncan Blinkhorn)

·  Fundraising (Suzanne Hyde)

·  Young Friends (Sharon Donnelly)

Wildlife Group – As well as organising the bird-box event, the group has conducted a survey of wild-life in the Patch and developed some proposals for planting and management for the Patch. When these ideas have been firmed up, the group will seek wider consultation with other members, local residents and park users through leaflets, notices and/or meetings. If material is available for the Easter event, this might be used for publicising these proposals.

Playground Group – has been liaising with Rob Dunbrell at the City Council to look at how to spend the £15,000 allocated to improve the playground area. These plans will be put to a wider meeting for consultation later in the year. For more information, or to get involved contact Rory Grant on Btn. 671786

Events Group – the dates are set for this year’s events, we now need to get together a band of enthusiastic folks to make them happen. We need people to focus on different aspects – especially for PatchFest such as performance, stalls, refreshments, publicity, activities for children & YP, site equipment & set-up, etc…

If you can help please contact Phil Mulligan on 07787-878061 or Btn.264987

Gate-keepers group – The plan is to resume evening gate-locking when British Summer Time resumes at the end of March. Like last year, a rota of local key-holders will be organised to cover locking and unlocking.

Tarmac Area Group – We plan to meet with residents of Old Viaduct Court to build relations with them and invite their views about the Tarmac area and how it can be improved in the longer term without impacting negatively on residents. For more info contact Duncan Blinkhorn on 07944-152706

Fundraising Group - an application has been made to B&H City Council for a ‘community festival grant’ to help towards the cost of three events this year. We are also looking at funding from Awards for All to support cycle training with Bike for Life on the Tarmac area during the summer.

Friends of William Clarke Park

Membership Form

I / We would like to join the Friends of William Clarke Park (membership is free)

“…to protect & promote William Clarke Park (also known as ‘The Patch’) in its role as a green space & wildlife habitat providing a focus for local community life.”

Name(s) ______

Address: ______


Postcode: ______

E-mail: ______(we prefer to circulate news by e-mail where possible)

Tel: ______Mobile: ______

Local school, community grp or business connections (if appropriate):


I’d be interested in helping with the following Working Group(s) – tick as appropriate

Wild-life Group £

Playground Group £

Events Group £

Gate-keepers £

Tarmac Area Development £

Fundraising Group £

Young Friends £

Publicity (inc. Newsletter & Website) £

I can help deliver leaflets & or Patch News to other households where live Yes / No
