Friends of the Cottage Surgery – Patient Reference Group [PRG]
Minutes of the meeting held on 16Feb 2012
6 p.m. at the surgery
Gordon Ambler MBE
David Barker
Claire Ayres
Anne Gray
Rod Hudson
Nathan Spong
Margaret Taylor
Ann Irving, Chair & Scribe
Steve Clay, GP
Jennifer Quilter, Assistant Practice Manager
ApologiesLes Pole, Judy Riley, Emma Pattison, Fiona Neale, Taheri Master, Karenna Galer-Coombes
Welcome to new members:
Nathan Spong and Karenna Galer-Coombes
Minutes from previous meeting on 10 November 2011
Finance report
Jennifer Quilter, standing in for the Chair, informed the group that the account balance was £1,500
Developer’s Section 106 agreement – update
The amount shown in the Officer’s Report for the former Forest Rock Garage site in Woodhouse Eaves was £11,000. The PRG agreed that Charnwood BC should be asked when this amount might become available.
Proposed new driveway / entrance
Dr Clay outlined his planning application for a new entrance drive and additional car parking. The closing date for comments is 17 February. Depending on whether or not the application is to be decided by an officer or at a Plans Committee, a decision should be issued within the next few weeks.
Walk in Centre consultation – update
The Loughborough Echo for 17 February carried the decision to move the Centre to LoughboroughHospital towards the end of 2012 where it would become an Urgent Care Centre. There had been 869 questionnaire responses [Qs], 200 other comments [Cs] and a petition signed by 637 [Ps]. Voting was as follows [NB: the numbers don’t always tally]:
For the move: 460 [Qs] + 131[Cs including 105 with some concerns] = 591
Against: 409 [Qs] + 151 [Cs] + 637 [Ps] = 560 [637 Ps not counted in]
PPG Chairs Network
A meeting of PPG Chairs in the West Leicestershire Clinical Commissioning Group would be held on 27 February 2012 from 1500-1700h. The Chair of the Cottage Surgery PPG had agreed to attend, together with the scribe, and would report back to the next PPG meeting.
West Leicestershire Clinical Commissioning Group Stakeholder Meeting 23 November 2011
Report from Judy Riley held over to another PPG meeting
Pro-active Care workshop 24 January 2012
Jennifer Quilter & Margaret Taylor had attended. The proactive scheme aims to better co-ordinate care rooted in people’s homes or the community, and that is one of the principles at the heart of clinical commissioning. The workshop was for patient and carer reps, GPs, practice nurses & managers, provider hospitals etc to explore how to make it work, how to overcome barriers, and work out what the next steps are. One aspect of this is the idea of developing virtual hospital wards which GPs and others could access out of ours so that, for example, patient records from wards could be made available. A draft would be produced.
Patient Survey - draft results & Action Plan
Margaret Taylor and Jennifer Quilter supplied some preliminary results. 100 questionnaires had been submitted, covering most of the required age and gender categories. Preliminary results should be available by 20 February and the PPG would be asked to work on an Action Plan at its next meeting in a month’s time.
Next meeting Thursday 22 March 6 p.m. in the surgery
The only agenda item will be the development of an Action Plan
The meeting closed at 7.25 p.m.