Minutes of committee meeting on Tue May 7 2013
- Apologies for absence : JF
- Minutes of committee meeting of 05.03.13: accepted
- Matters arising:
- Computers: RH -no change
- Bakery panels: MM -has not yet done them. RH is liaising with John Cochrane re the accompanying plaque.
- Website developments: JD -new front page pending.
SW – info from AW re QR codes pending
- AGM review: well attended.
- Library Extra
- Tuesdays and Saturdays: Tuesdays have presented no problems, though they are quiet. It was suggested that the absence of a PO could be a contributory factor, as folks catching buses to Seaton or Axminster may use the libraries there.
Saturdays – librarian Kate has found the V's help invaluable at a busy time, and has expressed her appreciation.
- Coffee mornings ; have been quiet. St Andrew's Church has planned to hold Community Coffee Mornings from 21st May every Tuesday from 9-11am, which will cause a clash. JD has spoken to the Rector and awaits consultation with the organiser Sara Randall.
- Children’s activities: In spite of widespread publicity, the Easter competition organised by the Boyts attracted no entrants. The Easter Eggs purchased as rewards and prizes were donated to the Devon Air Ambulance coffee morning. Book Tracking numbers are increasing, and 2 more Children's V's are needed. Requests will be included in the next newsletter and C&C article.(for which RH needs a fourth person to complete his team). It was suggested that the FoCL application form be amended to include offers of volunteering.
6. Treasurer’s report: AK – current balance is £ 2885.18
7. Membership Secretary’s report : (JF absent)
8. Statistics and the usage of Colyton Library.:JD-new statistics from DLS ( taking into account the refurbishment closure) show that both issues and user numbers have dropped, as they have for most of the other small (category 5) libraries. Though this may be a general trend, local contributory factors may include the loss of the PO (see Item 4 ) and proximity to other libraries. JD will request the figures for Seaton and Axminster to see if they have gone up. The self-service machine may encourage families to take out all their books on one card. To ensure the library's future, more usage needs to be encouraged. A “Use it or Lose it” message could be included in the next newsletter. RH and AK plan to meet with SB to discuss Stock Renewal, as there have been complaints re the pace of change..
9 Next events
- Marcia Willett – Author’s event in Totnes, shared with Friends of Totnes library - July 18, 2013 –
SW- publicity has been done by e-mail, with paper delivery to non-e- mail users in hand. To date 17 tickets have been sold.
The pro forma was completed.
- Anne Widdecombe event – JD had made contact with her PA, she is willing to come but earliest available date is May 2014. A mid-May
afternoon at the Town Hall with cream tea on a Tu/Wd/Th is suggested.
Regular Town Hall bookings are to be checked.
- Other suggestions: Mr Lai's off to speak will be suggested to SB for the October Health Week
10. Newsletter
- Not required at present
11. AOB
12. Date of next meeting
Tuesday, August 6, 12.30 pm after the coffee morning.