Friend of Hele’s Meeting – Wednesday 19 April 2017 @ 7.00pm


Ali Kohler (Chair), Tracey Partridge (Treasurer), Vicky Castle (Secretary), Sara Barron (Vice Chair), Nick Evans (Governor), Justine Mason (Principal), Julie Felwick.



1.  Chair welcome

Ali opened the meeting and thanked everyone for coming.

Justine thanked Julie F for all her hard work for the time she has been Chair of the Friends Group, and presented a bouquet of flowers on behalf of the school.

2.  Treasurer report

Tracey advised that the balance as of 19.04.17 was £12,112.55

£3,500 has been paid out for the library refurbishment and the annual fee of £113.00 has been paid to the PTA UK for membership.

Approx £5000 is still to be paid out for successful bids as detailed in the last meeting.

There are also payments to be made to Adelie, our uniform supplier that are awaiting authorisation.

We discussed having a minimum amount of £2000 in the account and perhaps having 2 bids per year instead of one.

3.  School report

Justine advised that the new Maths block is finished and in use by staff and students.

The old huts have been demolished and there is now extended car parking.

The Government has made a £400,000 fund available which we have been awarded. This will be used to clad the Sports Hall in keeping with the cladding on the Science block. This will add structure to the building and will also look good. There will be a new Community Sports Office built using this funding also.

The Multi Academy Trust consultation will start next week. There will be a 2 week staff consultation to start on Monday, also a letter to parents will go out on Tuesday advising of a 4 week consultation with a meeting date so that parents can attend the meeting and ask any questions they may have. The MAT will be known as ‘Westcountry Schools Trust’ from September 2017.

Ofsted are due to visit – they visit every 2 years and their last visit gave ‘Requires Improvement’.

4.  Fundraising events

Bags 2 school – the bags will be collected on 04.05.17.

Sara and Ali will be in school for 8.00am on 04.05.17 to take in the collections and see them into the van. Vicky to speak to Kev Farnham about the current lost property and get a date for the students to be able to take a look at the lost property to see if they can identify any of it to be theirs. Once this has been done, we can bag up non uniform to give to bags 2 school and recycle any unnamed PE kits/uniform into used uniform to sell. Any profit will be put back into the school.

The fashion show is not viable before the summer term therefore it could possibly be booked for the new year.

Ali K discussed holding a barn dance, however it was felt that this could be a risky venture as Friends would need to pay out a lot of money before the event, which may not be supported therefore could make a loss.

A quiz night was suggested as this would not need an initial outlay.

5.  AOB

Uniform afternoons to be held at 3 primary schools with Pete from Adelie have been confirmed.

Monday 12.06.17 @ 3.30pm - Old Priory

Tuesday 13.06.17 @ 3.30pm – Boringdon Primary

Thursday 15.06.17 @ 3.30pm – Woodford

We will need volunteers to help with these events so will send out an email requesting this nearer the time. Resources to be asked to make up some Friends of Hele’s badges, so that volunteers are easily identified.

Vicky to ask Becky Kelman if the Maths sets can be ordered for the new year 7 intake.

AGM agreed for 21.06.17 @ 7.00pm

Meeting closed at 8.30pm

Vicky Castle