A82 WORKING GROUP MEETING – 3rd April 2008


PRESENT: Chairman Cllr Brian Murphy, Scott Dingwall, Alasdair Ferguson, Cllr Michael Foxley, John Hutchison, Stewart MacLean, Cllr Donald MacDonald, Emma Tayler

1. APOLOGIES: Cllr Duncan MacIntyre, Cllr Roddy McGuish, Dave Duthie, Neil MacKay, Cllr Bren Gormley

2. Update on previous actions agreed - noted as follows:

Action / Comment
Finance / HITRANS contribution of £2,500 has been received
Argyll & Bute contribution not yet received but Cllr Donald MacDonald stated that it was in progress.
Not progressed discussions with Highland Council re: funding as yet. / Cllr Ben Gormley to progress
Resources / John has outlined what will be the main focus of his work over the coming months.
Emma will continue to provide meeting support for the working and main partnership at present.
Geographically broaden support / Mtg taking place in Stornoway on the 23 April. Brian is ordinating. W.Isles council are organising media coverage. Invite to be extended to appropriate hauliers.
Ally to forward invites to appropriate hauliers.
Call for Argyll & Bute to nominate someone form their area to attend the meeting in Stornoway. / Brian to forward meeting details to Ally.
South Isles contact – Waiting for Donald Manfield to get back re: appropriate/suitable person.
Western Isles – need to get support through targeting music event etc taking place over the coming months. Key person(s) need to be identified in Uist and Barra. / John Huchison to ask Donald to also identify people in Uist and Barra.
Skye – Group agreed a delegation from the working group (inc A&B) needed to be sent to meet with Skye members/interested parties. Jan Laing (Ward manager) in Skye has expressed she is happy to assist. Robert Muir has indicated to Scott that the level of awareness in Skye is pretty good already. / Emma to liaise with Jan regarding potential dates/attendees.
Tec Services Mtg 10 April 08 / Brian approached Neil Gillies re: RAP for FW-Inverness. Neil indicated that he is unwilling at present to talk about this.
Next full meeting – 8th May 2008. Work needs to be done to get onto the agenda. Acknowledgement that HITRANS and HC need to influence Transport Scotland to get FW-Inverness RAP. / Working group to continue pressing
National road safety consultation on agenda – will give a potential opportunity,
Mtg with Convener & Vice Chair required if not getting on the TEC services agenda. / Ally to draft letter to convenor, copied to John Laing and pas to Emma for forwarding on.
E-petition / Closing date agreed (4.4.08). Petitions committee date a problem as they are now indicating the 10th June. Stewart and John Huchison will not be available. John and Brian to pursue a sooner date.
Meetings with MSP’s / Ally & Stewart are meeting with Fergus on the 18th April. (informal ?) Understand that Stewart Stevenson has a meeting date of the 2nd May pencilled in, still no official response though. / John Huchison to check with diary secretary
Meeting with Jim Mather – Argyll & Bute councillors pursuing

4. Publicity material

·  Car stickers – Art work was agreed and an order has now been placed for 5000.

·  Information leaflet A second draft was distributed to those present. Lengthy discussions took place regarding layout/content and how many should be printed. Further amendments were agreed. (separate note taken). Agreed order to be placed for 30,000

·  Banners – 12 banners have been ordered

·  Paper petition – to be set up

Ally is looking into a banner for a lorry curtain side.

The Ward Forums take place on the evenings of the 10th & 11th March, A82 campaign is on the agenda.

Michael is looking into the distribution of leaflets through papers.

Max Macleod has prepared an article for possible use in Lochaber life.

5. e-petition

Some further discussion took place regarding final wording following advice from the petitions clerk. It was noted that the petition can be up and running within a day or two of submission. Agreed the petition should go live for the launch.

6. Meetings with Ministers

Letters have gone out.

7. Website

Stewart Maclean and John Hutchison to meet regarding this.

8.  Campaign action plan

John Hutchison will update as required.


Action / Comment
Brian Murphy / Continue to pursue discussions regarding campaign financial contribution from Argyll & Bute
To contact John Laing re: launch
Bren Gormley / To contact National Park and extend invite to launch
John Hutchison / Submit petition to be live for the launch
To contact parliamentary secretary for Patrick Harvie
Speak to Argyll & Bute re: banner erection
Set up paper petition to download
Refresh Strategic timetable
Draft a distribution plan for leaflets
Acknowledge Hamilton’s family agreement to use of image for leaflet
Consider Max MacLeods draft LLife article
Start submission of parliamentary questions
Write protocol for speakers (launch)
To contact Gordon re: being at the launch
To revamp press release and liaise with Gordon
Write FAQ’s for launch pack
Action / Comment
Michael Foxley / To finalise leaflet with Ken and Neil, organise print for 30,000
To contact Oban Times re: possible distribution
To look into getting PDF file of leaflet for placement on website etc.
Ally Ferguson / To organise lorry banner
To extend launch invite to Hauliers
Gordon Fyfe / To deal with press invites & liaison with media
Stewart MacLean / To liaise with John Hutchison regarding A82 website
Emma Tayler / To confirm & finalise venue arrangements (50 for catering) for launch
To organise back up venue
To organise packs for launch
Source PA system
To organise material for Ward Forums (10th & 11th March)
To contact Gordon re: advance filming
To put out invites to launch

9.  Date/time of future meeting(s)

Working Group Thursday 20th March 2008, 9am – 10am, North Committee Room, Fort William

Main Partnership Thursday 20th March 2008, 10am – 12 noon, Council Chambers, Fort William