Freshman English Syllabus
1st Semester
Be a Decent Human Being.
Instructor: Ms. Martin Location: Room 418
E-mail: Phone Number: 630-784-7300 ex. 8087
Welcome to Freshman English! Our language is at the heart of human communication, and odds are, English is one of the most important courses you will take in high school. Think about it ... English teaches us to critically and creatively think! To speak articulately and express ourselves! To listen to others and be listened to! To examine the world around us! In order to get the most out of the experience, we have a few responsibilities in the classroom.
Required Course Materials:
1. A Notebook (with perforated edges)
2. A Binder with the following tabs:
Perfect Narrative and Grammar
Short Stories
A Separate Peace
Great Expectations
Bless the Beasts and Children
Advertisement Project
3. Pens or pencils
4. Annotation Materials: post-it notes, highlighters
5. A copy of Great Expectations (more details to follow)
Ms. Martin’s Classroom Expectations and Procedures
Student Responsibility: As teenagers you often feel like you are bossed around and constantly told what to do, especially at school. Even though I might be the elder giving you instructions, please realize that you are very much in control of your life. I do not simply hand out grades, you earn them. You must take responsibility for your own education by asking questions, coming in for help, and trying your hardest. Try to be proactive instead of reactive! Never forget: I am here for you.
Assigned Seats: Seats will be assigned, and students will follow that plan. If a change is necessary, speak with me after class, or give me a note explaining your request. I expect you to be ready to learn by the time the bell rings. That means you are in your seat and have the necessary materials on your desk. At the end of the period remain seated until the bell rings. Keep your seat in your seat!
Food and Beverages: No food is permitted in this class. This is a peanut-free room. A water bottle is allowed.
Electronic Devices: No. All electronic devices must be powered down before entering the classroom and may not be used during class without the permission. If I see or hear your cell phone it will be confiscated and disciplinary action will follow.
Leaving the Room: Use the restroom during passing period. Bring your materials to class (writing utensils, paper, books, folders, homework, etc.). Only in the case of an emergency will students be allowed to leave the room and they must sign out. You must ask for permission before leaving the room for any reason.
Late Work:
Major Assignments: Must be submitted early or on time, otherwise you can only get up to 75% credit (-25%). Assignments must be handed in before 2:15 pm! Get them here by any means necessary. Also, if you know ahead of time that you’ll be absent on the day of a deadline, see me to make arrangements.
Daily Assignments: You can turn in late work for up to 80% credit (-20%). I understand that “life happens” — meaning that there are, at times, reasons why we are not able to complete our work. If this is the case, come talk to me prior to the assignment due date and we can work something out. If I notice a change in work completion, failure to complete assignments, or just general confusion on a topic, we will require you to attend a make-up resource session during your ACCESS period, study hall, or before/after school.
Absences: It is your responsibility to catch up.
I keep a webpage with daily class assignments, powerpoints, and announcements that is updated weekly. Students can access it anytime or use it to receive assignments if they are absent, need to make up work, or if they misplace their homework. If you are absent from class check my webpage to get missing assignments or notes. It is your responsibility to catch up! This means that if an assignment was due while you were absent you turn it in to me without me asking for the assignment. This means that if we took a quiz while you were absent you ask for an ACCESS pass to take the quiz in the English Resource Room. This means that you check the daily folders or the webpage for handouts and ask a peer for assistance.
You can access my webpage by going to the Wheaton North Website>English>Erin Martin Staff Page>Freshman A
Class Participation: Students are expected to provide meaningful insight through class discussion and participation. Participation must be relevant, reflective, and educational.
Grades: I update grades weekly. If you have any questions or concerns about your grade, please talk to me about it. Always double check your grade in StudentVUE! The following is a summary of how your grade will be broken down this semester. Here are the percentages: Tests/Quizzes 30%, Participation/Preparation 10%, Writing 40%, Final 20%
A student who earns an A is not simply meeting the requirements; he or she is going above and beyond the set expectations. For more information please review the Freshman A Grading Guidelines.
Email: If questions come up outside of school hours, please feel free to email me at . Just remember who your audience is (me, your English teacher) so please be precise and formal in your writing.
Questions? ASK! You can find Ms. Martin in room 418 before/after school! Instructions:
1. Go to
2. “Create Account” – Top right
3. DON’T enter your email yet! Select Student below “Create a New Account”
4. On the “Create a New Student Account” page enter the following information:
Class ID:
Class Enrollment Password:
Your First Name
Your Last Name
Your Email Address (This will be used to log onto Write it down!)
Your Password (This will be used to log onto Write it down!)
Secret Question
Question Answer (Write it down!)
5. Submit Papers! The “attach” method is preferred. Difficulties?
1. Problem solve. I don’t take excuses.
2. Click on the Help tab (Top Left) and search for solutions.
3. Submissions: Create a Ticket (proof), Email me your assignment, AND Print a hardcopy.
4. No Computer: Get a pass to use a computer during ACCESS.