Chipstead Sailing Club
RYA Youth Courses – Stages 1 & 2 Introduction and Basics; Stages 3 &4 Improvers
Three-day courses: Course Code YS1 Stages 1-2 Tuesday May 29th –Thursday May 31st(0900 – 1630)
Course Code YS2 Stages 3-4 Tuesday May 29th– Thursday May 31th (0900 – 1630)
Course Code YS3 Stages 1- 2 Monday Aug 6th - Wednesday Aug 8th (0900 – 1630)
Course Code YS4 Stages 3- 4 Monday Aug 6th – Wednesday Aug 8th (0900 – 1630)
Courses YS1 and YS2 RYA Youth Stages 1–2 are for beginners and provide a basic introduction to sailing with some experience of handling and steering a boat. Courses YS3 and YS 4 RYA Youth Stages 3–4 build on the experience gained in Stages 1 & 2 giving you the confidence to sail in any direction in light winds and launch your own boat – and you can regard yourself as a sailor and not a beginner! Stage 4 gives you the training and experience to sail a double handed boat as crew or helm and solve a variety of problems afloat and is the natural entry point for more advanced courses. The courses are almost totally practical – you will spend a lot of time sailing in Optimists, Teras or Toppers. Drinks are provided but bring your own lunch and snacks.
(Note that the minimum age for these courses is 7)
Data Protection Act 1998: The above information including the questions as to your health and ability will be used by us to process your booking for the course and for your safety whilst you are on one of our courses. It will not be passed on to 3rd parties
Chipstead Sailing Club
About You (Please use capitals where possible)Name: Date of Birth:
Post Code:
Tel No: Mobile:
Club Member: Y/N and Boat class
Sailing Experience:
Swimming Ability: Confident OR Can swim 50m with buoyancy aid
Medical condition
If you have any medical condition such as asthma, epilepsy, allergies, angina or other heart condition please detail on a separate sheet including any treatment being received and note in the declaration box below.
Fees for the 3day Courses are £130:00. Non-members must join the Club on an Introductory 4 week membership package for £60.
(Note that the minimum age for these courses is 7)
Course applied for: YS1/YS2/YS3/YS4 Fees enclosed: £
Emergency Contact
Name: Tel No:
Declaration and Signature
I have read and accept the booking conditions for the course and voluntarily accept the risks associated with water based activities. I give permission for photographs or video footage to be taken for the purposes of the training course or incidental to the running of CSC, possibly for publication in Club magazines or general publicity.
I declare that I am medically fit to undertake the course and
have added information concerning any medical conditions. I understand that the Club and its instructors do not accept any responsibility for loss or damage to property or any personal accident or injury.
Signed - Parent or Guardian: Date:
Medical conditions: please circle
None OR see attached
Additional Information & Booking Conditions
Equipment and clothing: Club Boat usage, buoyancy aids, log books and instruction booklets are included in the course fee. You will get your feet and legs wet. Please wear soft shoes such as trainers and please bring at least one spare set of clothing – and a towel. There is a capsize drill at the end of day 1. Wet suits etc. should you wish to use one are available from local shops or the internet.
Booking: Telephone/ email bookings are provisional until your booking form and cheque reach us at least 10 days before the course starts and dates are confirmed. We accept late bookings at our discretion. Refunds are not payable in the event of a cancellation by you within 4 weeks of the start of the course unless a replacement can be found. The Club and Instructors do not accept responsibility for personal property, accident or injury, illness or loss of life.
Attendance: You need to attend all sessions to complete the course. We do not give a discount or refunds for part or non-attendance. If you have to cancel we will normally try and accommodate you on another course – but that may not be possible.
Cancellation and Changes: We need a minimum number of participants on each course. If we have to cancel we will advise those booked a week beforehand and will refund any fees paid. If a course is cancelled due to adverse weather or other circumstances we will, if possible, offer you a place on another course. The Club does not accept responsibility for any delays or changes to the arrangements that are outside the Club’s control including adverse weather conditions.
Safety: In the interests of Safety the Senior Instructor in charge of the course (or other Centre representative) have absolute discretion over boating activities having regard to the weather conditions, equipment available and their assessment of the trainees abilities.
Children under 16 require a parent or guardian to be present each day who are encouraged to assist with the course perhaps with launching/recovery or making drinks. Forms are available for parents to designate a ‘guardian’. Those aged 16and 17 are the parent’s or guardian’s responsibility and need to be signed in/ out each day.
Please send your completed booking form with a Cheque payable to: Chipstead SC Training Centre to: JANE MARSHALL, CHIPSTEAD SAILING CLUB, CHEVENING ROAD,CHIPSTEAD,SEVENOAKS TN13 2SD
Email enquiries:
Telephone enquiries: 01959 533075
Website with details/FAQs: Club Tel No:
01732 454875
Data Protection Act 1998: The above information including the questions as to your health and ability will be used by us to process your booking for the course and for your safety whilst you are on one of our courses. It will not be passed on to 3rd parties
Chipstead Sailing Club
Finally to help us- where did you hear about the Club/Course: Club Member □ Through Friends/Members □ Open Day □ LocalPress Advertising □ Club Web Site □ RYA Web Site □ Local RadioAdvertising □ Other □
Data Protection Act 1998: The above information including the questions as to your health and ability will be used by us to process your booking for the course and for your safety whilst you are on one of our courses. It will not be passed on to 3rd parties