Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q. Where do I find the course syllabus and other class information?


Q. Where do I find the course materials?


Q. How do I get started with the class?

A. You would need to go to and sign up as a student using the

Course Code: CCLCY-XUMDL (Case Sensitive)

Q. What is the Course Code?

A. Course Code: CCLCY-XUMDL (Case Sensitive)

Q. Do I need a credit card to buy online access to the course materials?

A. Yes.

Q. What textbook do I need for this class?

A. We are using Intermediate Algebra by Miller, O’Neill, Hyde; 2nd Edition, Hard Cover; 2010 Copyright. For this class you would need the online access only at Buy the textbook with access code at Hartnell College Bookstore.

Q. Why do I need to pay for the online access while I already paid for the class?

A. Paying for the online access is like paying for the textbook for the class as you do in a regular class.

Q. Do I need a physical textbook for this class?

A. No. You may use the e-book that is available online, but if you would like, you may go to the Hartnell Bookstore and buy the actual textbook with online access code for about $150.

Q. I already have a new/used textbook without access code, will it work?

A. No. You will need to have online access for this class since it is an online course and the materials are all online. As a matter of fact having a physical textbook is optional.

Q. Do I need to bring a form of ID for the midterms and the final?

A. Yes. Acceptable forms of IDs are government issued Driver’s license, Hartnell Student ID, Passport etc. However, there may be exceptions since there are undocumented students who take the class as well.

Q. If I am undocumented then what do I do about my identification?

A. Please do let me know well ahead of time if you are undocumented and I will relax the identification requirement and will come up with an alternative. Please do note that I am a teacher, not an immigration officer, so you should have absolutely no worries about telling me about your immigration status and it will be kept confidential.

Q. What is one important requirement for this class?

A. Be able to clearly follow electronic instructions such as instructions on the course information site: and instructions by email.

Q. How is the summer class different from a regular semester class?

A. In the summer class we cover the same materials as we do during the regular semester hence things go by very fast. Since there are only six weeks, in one week during the summer we cover an equivalent of three week’s lessons during the regular semester. Therefore it is vital that you keep up with the materials covered; if you fall behind it will be extremely difficult to catch up.

Q. What to expect in an online math class?

A. In this class, the course materials are online. The homework, exams, class videos, and help are all online. So you will have the resources available to you and you should be proactive in getting things done.

Q. I have never taken an online math class and this is my first one.

A. Please note that online math class requires you to be very proactive and get things done on time. If you are going to procrastinate then you will face challenges in this class. So please prepare yourself accordingly and spend the required time for the class.

Q. How much time do I need to spend for the class?

A. I expect, on the average, you to spend about 2 hours per day on this class; but this may significantly vary based on your level of understanding and comfort with learning math contents online.

Q. How do I get online help?

A. After you sign up at just play around with the software and you will see that it is pretty self-explanatory. If you want to ask me questions just click on the Ask My Instructor link and then type in your question. You do not need to write down the problem as the system will automatically send me the question.

Q. How do I best learn how to use the software?

A. Just sign up, log in, and play around with it for about half an hour and you will see that the links on the assignment pages are very self-explanatory and helpful.

Q. How to study for this class?

A. Just do the online homework and make sure that you are comfortable with these problems.

Q. Do I need to watch all the online video lectures?

A. Video lectures are optional and you watch those on an as needed basis.

Q. What can I expect in the midterms and the final?

The midterms and the final exam problems are going to be very similar to the online homework problems, hence if you study the online homework problems thoroughly then you should do well in the midterms and the finals and consequently in the class.

Q. Can I use notes in the exam?

A. No.

Q. What percentage do I need to get an A in the class?

A. Grade Assignment: Less than 60% is F. 60% to <70% is D, 70% to < 80% is C, 80% to < 90% is B, 90% and above is A.

Q. How is my grade calculated?

A. Here is a sample weight; see the syllabus at for actual weights

Example (not actual) Grading Criteria:
Homework 10% Midterms (total 3, 15% each) 45%
Final (Comprehensive) 45%

Your grade is calculated using the weighted mean. Let us assume that a student gets the following scores:

Homework 90%

Midterm 1 80%

Midterm 2 90%

Midterm 3 75%

Final Exam 85%

Then the student’s grade will be calculated as follows:

The student got 84% out of possible 100%, hence the student will get B in the class since it falls between 80% and 90%.

Q. I got this problem right, but the online system says that it is wrong.

A. There are some occasions when you may have entered the solution slightly differently but the system does not recognize it; in that case you will be penalized for that particular problem. But there is no point in worrying about that as this tiny penalty will have almost insignificant impact in the bigger picture. But if you are really concerned for any particular problem then let me know and I will manually change the score and give you credit.

Q. Is my grade based on the percentage that I see in the online system?

A. Please note that your grade is not based on the raw percentage that you see in the online system. Your grade is based on the calculation of weighted mean based on your orientation, homework, midterms, and final. Online grade is your homework grade which is only 10% of your total grade.

Q. I do not have the money to buy the textbook now, but is it o.k. to buy the book in a couple of days and get started? Also will I get penalized for the late homework due to not having the textbook?

Please get the textbook/online access ASAP and get started. If you cannot get the textbook/online access by the end of the first week then you are late and will start playing catch up game. I do strongly recommend that you get the book and online access right away and get started.

Q. Can I buy the book online from, eBay, or other similar sites?

No. This is a special package where you would need the textbook and online access code. Only Hartnell College Bookstore has the special package that contains the new textbook and the access code. Therefore you will have to buy it from Hartnell Bookstore.

Q. Can I buy a used book?

No. If you want to buy the physical book then you will have to buy the new book with access code. Only Hartnell bookstore has it. This is a book that is wrapped in plastic with an envelope on the back of the book.

Q. What do I tell the Hartnell Bookstore about this book?

When you go to the Hartnell bookstore tell the workers there that you want the textbook for online class, not the regular class. Also you should mention my last name: Hussain

Q. How much is the book?

Last time I checked it was about US$150, but the price may have gone up lately.

Q. Is online access to e-Book sufficient so that I could save some money?

Yes. If you are comfortable then you do not need to buy the physical book from the bookstore, you may just sign up at for $80 which will give you access to the e-Book and all the other things that you would need. But please remember that some students prefer to have an actual book so that they could turn the pages and see things, highlight or what not. Therefore, it is a matter of personal choice whether you the actual book or go through the e-Book.

Q. Do I need to go to the campus to take the test?

Yes, you would need to come to the campus to take the test. All the midterms and the final exams are held on the campus. Before any exam I hold review sessions; even though these are optional, it is highly recommended.

Q. What if I miss a midterm or the final?

A. The midterms and the final exam dates and times are already announced, so you should have no excuse in missing any exam unless there are some unforeseen and/or unavoidable circumstances. In that case official documents have to be presented to me to as justification for not taking the test.

Q. What is Web 2.0?

A. It is a set of web applications/tools that we will use in the class to promote learning. Examples include, but not limited to, Wikipedia, Wikispaces, Goggle Docs, Classroom 2.0, Facebook (Social Networking), YouTube etc.

Q. What is the best way to get my question answered?

A. Send me a question from the online system and I will respond to it.

Q. Can I text my teacher?

A. Yes, you may text me and I will respond. Also I may text you if you are not keeping up with your work.

Q. Can I chat on Google?

A. You may do Google Chat (gchat) with me and ask me questions. My Google mail is ; please add my email to your gchat list then you can see my status.

Q. Do I need internet connection at home or can I work at school?

A. You will need high speed internet connection at home and this is a requirement for the class.

Q. Do I need a computer or laptop?

A. Yes you would need to have 24/7 access to a computer/laptop for this class. This is also a requirement for the class.

Q. What if my computer/laptop breaks down?

A. You are expected to fix the computer/laptop quickly else you would fall behind.

Q. How do I add the class?

A. You will need an add code to add the class and I will provide you with an access code. Once you have the add code you would need to go to PAWS and register through express registration.

Q. What if I have difficulties registering at PAWS?

A. Please contact admissions and records for help.

Q. How come I do not see my class at

A. Please note that you will not see the course link at because I do not run my class there. You will need to sign up at using the information provided in the course information link

Q. Will I get dropped from the class?

A. I do not normally drop students from the class even though I reserve the right to do so. It is your responsibility to drop the class if you would like to, else you would get an F grade.

Q. What is the best way to contact my teacher?

A. By email: or

Q. Do I need to set up a Hartnell College Gmail account?

A. Yes, unless you already have one.

Q. How do I set up Hartnell College Gmail account?

A. Go to this link and follow the instruction under title How to get started with Student Email: and set up the email account.

Q. Can I forward my email from Hartnell Gmail to my personal email account?

A. Yes. Go to this link and search (press Cntrl and F buttons simultaneously) for the word forward then you will see the necessary information about forwarding Hartnell Gmail emails to your personal email.

Q. How often should I check my email?

A. At least once a day. This is required for communication purposes for the class.

Q. Should I forward my emails to my smart phone?

A. Yes, if you have smart phone.

Q. Can I call my teacher?

A. Yes, but between 8 a.m. and 9 p.m. (Pacific Standard Time)

Q. Can I Skype with homework problems?

A. Yes.