Give One-Get One

Purpose: This interactive strategy gives students an opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of new content information by making personal connections to the learning and exchanging ideas with peers.

Description: Set up on a barter system, this strategy engages all students in the learning process, causes them to be active listeners, and promotes a reflective community of learners. Give One-Get One can be used as an activating, comprehending or summarizing strategy depending on the way the open ended statements/questions are phrased.


  1. Prepare a Give One-Get One grid consisting of six to twelve boxes or direct students in creating a grid.
  2. Explain that this strategy consists of three steps:
  1. Students record three personal ideas relating to the new learning/topic of study.
  2. Students exchange ideas with each other.
  3. Small groups of students review the different perspectives gained during the idea exchange.
  1. Instruct students to take a few moments to review the beginning statements or questions in each of the boxes and choose three they would like to respond to. Students should write their answers in the appropriate boxes and then highlight their answers and/or number their boxes.
  2. Once all students have responses in three of the boxes, direct them to get up and mingle with different students in order to get and give ideas. The ideas that students get must be different from the ones they give. Their objective is to fill in the other boxes by obtaining ideas from other students.
  3. Once students have given and received ideas, have them share ideas in a small group. They can sit in a circle and pass papers to one direction. You may encourage them to share ideas that are unique, different, most helpful, interesting, or profound. If students didn’t get all boxes filled in the allotted time their can now fill them in during group discussion.
  4. Option: 5X8 index cards can be used for students to develop grids, and instead of keeping their original card, students can Give One-Get One by exchanging cards with other students and discussing ideas written on that card. The teacher might consider writing statements on the cards and laminating them. Students can use overhead pens for their answersand this will allow this strategy to be used without much prep time.


I think the author wants us to believe… / Organizing Ideas
State Thesis / Review/Summary
One thing I keep forgetting…
The most important thing is….
Prior Knowledge
One thing I know about _____ is…..
This reminds me of….. / Organizing Information
Begins with…
Step One: / Comprehending
This equation is tricky because…
I didn’t know that….
One thing I disliked was…
I agree with… / Questioning
I wonder why…
A question I have is… / Extending
Another way to solve this problem is…


1 thing I want to be sure to remember is… / I believe… / I am surprised that…
A new discovery for me was… / One question I have is… / One word that describes this new knowledge is ______because….
One thing I disliked was…. / I would like to share this new information with ______because…. / I think the most important thing is……