French 3H, 4H, AP, French 2, 4, 5 CP
Madame VanHouten, 2014-2015
You have chosen to study a beautiful language and I am thrilled to guide you through this process.
My expectations are that youarerespectful, enthusiastic, on time, and prepared with your class materials. We will have a variety of activities that focus on listening, speaking, reading, writing, and understanding French. When the bell rings, be in your assigned seat, place the previous nights’ homework on your desk for homework check-in, and start the days’ activity.
I use a point system and each assignment will be worth a certain number of points. The amount of points will vary based upon the level of difficulty and amount of time required to complete the task. There will be weekly assessments, and quizzes may or may not be announced. Quizzes can include the current topic studied as well as previous concepts and vocabulary.
In essence, you are in control of yourself and your grade. Because you are in High School, I will not tell you how to organize your materials. You will need a binder or divided notebook, paper, a folder or section for storing handouts and graded assessments. It would be helpful to you to have a French/English dictionary and index cards at home.
Homework is an extension of the classroom and will be assigned as needed throughout the week. For my College Prep classes, homework should take you no more than 5-15 minutes, depending upon the assignment. Honors and AP classes will have assignments that will take up to 30 minutes or more. I will do my best to NOT assign homework, (other than studying and reviewing, if an assessment falls on a Monday, or occasional projects) on Fridays. You deservetwo days to be teenagers and enjoy time with your families and friends!
I will NOT accept late homework since we usually review the exercises in class. If you are absent, please see me or email me for the missed work. You will have the appropriate amount of time to complete the work and receive full credit.
Extra Help:
I will be available during the week before and/or after school. The weekday, time and room location will be announced. Please give me a heads up if you would like to stay.
Using a translator to understand or produce the text for your work constitutes plagiarism. It is not tolerated, and will result in a zero, a phone call home, and reported to Administration. The same goes for “cheat sheets”, consulting with classmates, open books,(etc.),during an assessment.
Cell phones:
Cellular and electronic devices should be turned off and kept in your backpack/purse/pocket during class. I will give permission to use cell phones to my upper levels throughout the year if I deem their use to be educationally appropriate.
I don’t condone rudeness, attention seeking behavior, disrespect, chattiness or bullying. You know how to handle yourselves with maturity and I expect you to do so at all times. I have no problems contacting your parents, issuing a detention, or writing a referral. However, I would much prefer to contact your parents with positive news.
I value a strong work effort. You should expect to speak, write, listen, read, and ask questions in French. Do not be embarrassed if you make a mistake or if you are corrected. That is how we learn. Effort is what is important and effort leads to proficiency. Better proficiency leads to higher grades.
Here are a few websites that we will be using. If you find additional websites that are helpful to you, please let me know!
I wish you a successful and enjoyable year at SHS and in my French class!
I, have read and fully understand Ms. VanHouten’s expectations. I agree to abide by the class rules, as well as the rules and policies written in the SHS student handbook. I take responsibility for my own actions and learning. I will not cheat nor pass off the work of a translator as my own. If I have any questions, or need extra-help, I will let my teacher know.
Student SignatureDate
Parent/Guardian SignatureDate