Factorsaffecting CPZ voting
Factors in favour / ReasonProximity to existing CPZ area / Already impacted by CPZ displacement of parking
Proximity to Station / Commuters reduce available parking spaces
Proximity to school / nursery / GP surgery / Recreation area / People using facilities reduce available parking spaces
Factors against / Reason
Alternative parking arrangements eg garage or off-street parking available / CPZ will not improve parking
Yellow lining could reduce parking in front of off-street
Parking difficult at evenings / weekends / Parking limited so CPZ will not improve
Roads voting in favour of CPZ
Rollscourt Avenue / Close to Southwark CPZClose to Herne Hill Station
Herne Hill School, Ruskin House School and GP surgery on edge
Very limited alternative parking (2 garages and 2 off-street excluding modern block at 12 -14 Rollscourt Ave)
Heron Road / On edge of existing Lambeth CPZ
Behind Michael Tippet school
Entrance to Community park on Heron Road
No off street parking (but 4 disabled bays)
Poplar Walk / On edge of existing Lambeth CPZ
Limited alternative parking (5 garages and 6 off-street spaces)
Roads voting against CPZ
Brantwood Road / Almost all have parking alternatives (57 small garages with off-street parking)Not close to CPZ areas
Fawnbrake Avenue / Many have parking alternatives (14 off street spaces and 8 garages includes 3 that are accessed from Poplar Walk)
Long road with majority not very close to CPS areas
Kestrel Avenue / Very limited parking at evenings / weekends
Limited alternative parking (1 garage accessed fromShardcroftAvenue & 1 from Cosbycote Avenue)
Surgery entrance on road and Herne Hill school close by
Close to Southwark CPZ
Cosbycote Avenue / Many parking alternatives (5 garages including one accessed fromRollscourt Ave)
Close to Herne Hill Station
Gubyon Avenue / Limited parking at evenings / weekends
Some parking alternatives at the top of the road(3 garages including 1 in Shardcroft Road) and 4 off street spaces)
Close to Southwark CPZ
Close to Herne Hill School
Roads voting 50:50
Shardcroft Avenue / Some parking alternatives (2 garages)Very close to Herne Hill station
Woodquest Avenue / Large number of alternative parking spaces (15 garages)
Very close to Herne Hill station
Close to Herne Hill School and GP surgery
Close to Southwark CPZ
NB only roads with a response rate of over 20% or more than 5 respondents have been included, otherwise results can become very distorted.
The proposed CPZ area includes streets with very different parking issues.
Clearly streets such as Brantwood Road, with offstreet parking for almost every house, will never need or benefit from CPZ.
Equally an ‘all or nothing’ approach to CPZ implementation will condemn streets such as Rollscourt Avenue, with very little parking alternatives, to desperate parking problems – much of which has been caused by the implementation of CPZ ( Lambeth and Southwark) in the Herne Hill area.
Lambeth should only implement the CPZ in areas that voted in favour and they should form part of the Kings College Hospital existing CPZ area, which is close by.