FREN 4030 Survey of French Literature I Fall 09

-> The instructor reserves the right to modify the syllabus. You will be notified of any changes made to the course information and policies.

The instructor will communicate using the email addresses given by Blackboard. If you don’t check your UNT email often, set it up your account to have messages forwarded to the address you use.

Course description / In this course we will read representative works from the Middle Ages and XVIth centuries.
Instructor / Dr. Christophe Chaguinian
Office: Lang 405 D
Tel (940) 565 2389

Office hours: MW 1-2pm and by appointment
Class location and time / LANG 305 MW 2:00-3:20pm
Textbooks / Required:
Berthelot, Anne and François Cornilliat. Littérature. Textes et documents. Moyen Age-XVIe siècle. Paris: Nathan, 2002.
A good French/English-English/French Dictionary
Grading Scale / 90-100  A
80-89.9  B
70-79.9  C
60-69.9  D
0-59.9 F
Calculation of the final grade / Exams (2 including final) 300
Quizzes/short written works 200
Preparation/participation (14 weeks) 140
Total 640
->Written homework must be typed, font 12, double-space.
General policies / Presence and participation
Up to 10 points will be assigned each week for participation. Simply showing up for class does not guarantee you will receive these points. Presence without participation will result in a 6/10 or a D. Preparation at home (reading the material and doing the
exercises) is thus essential for good performance in class. No late work will be accepted.
In order not to be penalized for an absence, bring some form of documentation (doctor’s note etc.). If you missed a class, it is your responsibility to determine the HW for the following session by contacting a fellow student or emailing the instructor.
Food, phones etc.
Food, chewing gum or cell phones are not allowed in class.
Academic Dishonesty –
Students with learning disabilities / The University of North Texas is on record as being committed to both the spirit and letter of federal equal opportunity legislation; reference Public Law 92-112 – The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended. With the passage of new federal legislation entitled Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), pursuant to section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, there is renewed focus on providing this population with the same opportunities enjoyed by all citizens.

Semaine 1, 8/31-9/2 Moyen Age: Introduction au cours (matériel; règlement; syllabus); présentation historique. La France au Moyen Age

Semaine 2, 9/9 Moyen Age: la chanson de geste (78-81)

Semaine 3, 9/14-9/16 Moyen Age: la courtoisie; la poésie des XII-IIIe: cansos; chansons de toile; Rutebeuf

Semaine 4, 9/21-9/23 Moyen Age: poésie des XII-IIIe s; romans et lais

Semaine 5, 9/28-9/30 Moyen Age: Roman et lais.

Semaine 6, 10/5-10/7 Moyen Age: Fabliaux; Renart.

Semaine 7, 10/12-10/14 Moyen Age: Religion; Histoire; Science;

Semaine 8, 10/19-10/21 Moyen Age: Théâtre.

Semaine 9, 10/26-10/28 Moyen Age: poésie des XIV-Ve s.

Semaine 10, 11/2-11/4 Examen de mi-semestre

Semaine 11, 11/9-11/11 Renaissance: présentation historique de la période; Religion.

Semaine 12, 11/16-11/18 Renaissance: Poésie.

Semaine 13, 11/23-11/25 Renaissance: Poésie.

Semaine 14, 11/30-12/2 Renaissance: Rabelais.

Semaine 15, 12/7-12/9 Renaissance: Montaigne.

Examen final Monday December 14: 1: 30-3: 30 pm