Information Compliance &
Record Management Unit
Mrs E Martin / Our ref: GSA2876/15
When calling or telephoning
please ask for Caroline Barker
16th November2015
Dear Mrs E Martin,
I write in connection with your request for information dated 10thNovember 2015. I note you seek access to the following information:-
Further to the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I would be most grateful if you could provide the following information regarding incidents of domestic abuse:
The number of domestic abuse related crimes logged on the Force’s Crime Reporting Information System for each of the years from 2010 to present, broken down by month, if available.
The People proceededagainst data relating to the aforementioned incidents, broken down by gender, if available.
The number of domestic abuse related non-crimes logged on the Force’s Crime Reporting Information System for each of the years from 2010 to present, broken down by month, if available.
Details of any organisation or service commissioned to provide victims’ services in the Force’s area.
Result Of Searches
Following receipt of your request searches were conducted within Greater Manchester Police to locate information relevant to your request and we can confirm the following information.
The below information has been provided from data collected between 01/01/2010 – 15/11/2015 based on crimes with a domestic abuse marker.
For ease, gender has also been included in this table. ‘Gender’ in this case has been identified as the gender of the victim of the crime; where this is listed as ‘unknown’, the gender of the victim is either unknown or the officer did not specify this when inputting the crime.
Month/Year / Female / Male / Unknown / Grand TotalJan-10 / 986 / 187 / 37 / 1210
Feb-10 / 897 / 205 / 18 / 1120
Mar-10 / 1023 / 191 / 31 / 1245
Apr-10 / 1078 / 239 / 42 / 1359
May-10 / 1118 / 227 / 57 / 1402
Jun-10 / 1200 / 245 / 42 / 1487
Jul-10 / 1110 / 235 / 53 / 1398
Aug-10 / 1044 / 259 / 44 / 1347
Sep-10 / 935 / 189 / 32 / 1156
Oct-10 / 1001 / 195 / 37 / 1233
Nov-10 / 938 / 173 / 46 / 1157
Dec-10 / 950 / 189 / 56 / 1195
Jan-11 / 937 / 184 / 80 / 1201
Feb-11 / 871 / 183 / 62 / 1116
Mar-11 / 924 / 172 / 67 / 1163
Apr-11 / 1122 / 230 / 82 / 1434
May-11 / 1005 / 165 / 98 / 1268
Jun-11 / 891 / 169 / 91 / 1151
Jul-11 / 955 / 160 / 96 / 1211
Aug-11 / 1019 / 212 / 118 / 1349
Sep-11 / 974 / 170 / 108 / 1252
Oct-11 / 1079 / 216 / 113 / 1408
Nov-11 / 969 / 168 / 130 / 1267
Dec-11 / 1066 / 217 / 96 / 1379
Jan-12 / 1022 / 215 / 113 / 1350
Feb-12 / 814 / 158 / 94 / 1066
Mar-12 / 1035 / 234 / 126 / 1395
Apr-12 / 951 / 225 / 93 / 1269
May-12 / 969 / 219 / 128 / 1316
Jun-12 / 961 / 185 / 89 / 1235
Jul-12 / 1023 / 188 / 107 / 1318
Aug-12 / 993 / 188 / 107 / 1288
Sep-12 / 817 / 179 / 111 / 1107
Oct-12 / 831 / 162 / 132 / 1125
Nov-12 / 845 / 169 / 112 / 1126
Dec-12 / 863 / 148 / 212 / 1223
Jan-13 / 737 / 152 / 227 / 1116
Feb-13 / 625 / 136 / 161 / 922
Mar-13 / 744 / 131 / 180 / 1055
Apr-13 / 709 / 154 / 183 / 1046
May-13 / 799 / 161 / 207 / 1167
Jun-13 / 774 / 142 / 204 / 1120
Jul-13 / 931 / 198 / 263 / 1392
Aug-13 / 878 / 176 / 234 / 1288
Sep-13 / 789 / 155 / 224 / 1168
Oct-13 / 897 / 152 / 209 / 1258
Nov-13 / 825 / 162 / 208 / 1195
Dec-13 / 937 / 228 / 233 / 1398
Jan-14 / 901 / 189 / 177 / 1267
Feb-14 / 839 / 140 / 172 / 1151
Mar-14 / 889 / 169 / 203 / 1261
Apr-14 / 964 / 194 / 248 / 1406
May-14 / 1223 / 239 / 287 / 1749
Jun-14 / 1234 / 279 / 292 / 1805
Jul-14 / 1213 / 295 / 307 / 1815
Aug-14 / 1127 / 245 / 261 / 1633
Sep-14 / 1080 / 217 / 300 / 1597
Oct-14 / 1119 / 245 / 343 / 1707
Nov-14 / 1102 / 257 / 306 / 1665
Dec-14 / 1063 / 250 / 298 / 1611
Jan-15 / 1022 / 225 / 281 / 1528
Feb-15 / 973 / 195 / 272 / 1440
Mar-15 / 1069 / 271 / 325 / 1665
Apr-15 / 1093 / 242 / 330 / 1665
May-15 / 1137 / 264 / 295 / 1696
Jun-15 / 1069 / 243 / 313 / 1625
Jul-15 / 1109 / 263 / 324 / 1696
Aug-15 / 1077 / 242 / 287 / 1606
Sep-15 / 946 / 201 / 296 / 1443
Oct-15 / 984 / 216 / 249 / 1449
Nov-15 (1st – 15th) / 485 / 112 / 176 / 773
Grand Total / 68579 / 14190 / 11935 / 94704
The number of domestic abuse related non-crimes logged on the Force’s Crime Reporting Information System for each of the years from 2010 to present, broken down by month, if available.
This data has been collated based on the number of domestic abuse incidents that did not result in a crime for the time period 01/01/2010 – 15/11/2015. The following domestic abuse incident closing codes have been used:
D61 - Domestic Incident - Juvenile Present
D62 - Domestic Incident - Between Adults
D63 - Domestic Incident - Non ACPO Domestic
D64 - Domestic Incident - Prevent a Breach of the Peace
D65 - Domestic Violence - Disclosure Scheme
Month & Year / Number of IncidentsJan-10 / 5038
Feb-10 / 4209
Mar-10 / 4599
Apr-10 / 4555
May-10 / 5112
Jun-10 / 5399
Jul-10 / 5316
Aug-10 / 5434
Sep-10 / 4966
Oct-10 / 5206
Nov-10 / 4640
Dec-10 / 5255
Jan-11 / 5282
Feb-11 / 4720
Mar-11 / 4867
Apr-11 / 5226
May-11 / 4491
Jun-11 / 4262
Jul-11 / 4793
Aug-11 / 4390
Sep-11 / 4160
Oct-11 / 4165
Nov-11 / 3714
Dec-11 / 4338
Jan-12 / 4116
Feb-12 / 3800
Mar-12 / 4278
Apr-12 / 4045
May-12 / 4369
Jun-12 / 4378
Jul-12 / 4656
Aug-12 / 4526
Sep-12 / 4204
Oct-12 / 4215
Nov-12 / 3970
Dec-12 / 4587
Jan-13 / 4345
Feb-13 / 3822
Mar-13 / 4008
Apr-13 / 4127
May-13 / 4460
Jun-13 / 4588
Jul-13 / 5210
Aug-13 / 4813
Sep-13 / 4183
Oct-13 / 4264
Nov-13 / 4059
Dec-13 / 4527
Jan-14 / 4071
Feb-14 / 3859
Mar-14 / 4175
Apr-14 / 4155
May-14 / 4178
Jun-14 / 4318
Jul-14 / 4538
Aug-14 / 4213
Sep-14 / 3965
Oct-14 / 3866
Nov-14 / 3839
Dec-14 / 3874
Jan-15 / 3755
Feb-15 / 3464
Mar-15 / 3711
Apr-15 / 3615
May-15 / 3845
Jun-15 / 3648
Jul-15 / 3869
Aug-15 / 3886
Sep-15 / 3647
Oct-15 / 3727
Nov-15 (1st – 15th) / 1803
Grand Total / 305708
Details of any organisation or service commissioned to provide victims’ services in the Force’s area
A list of all of the supporting tools provided by Greater Manchester Police and its partner agencies can be found at ‘’. An example of what is provided is listed below however it is not exhaustive.
· Manchester Women’s Aid
· SARC (for victims of rape – they also do some counselling)
· is available for those who are perpetrators of DA
· Bridging to change – Manchester based service for perpetrators of DA (provided by RELATE)
Complaint Rights
Your attention is drawn to the attached sheet, which details your right of complaint.
Should you have any further queries concerning this matter, please write or contact me on telephone number 0161-856-2529 quoting the reference number above.
Yours sincerely
Caroline Barker
Information Compliance & Records Management Unit
Are you unhappy with how your request has been handled or do you think the decision is incorrect?
You have the right to require Greater Manchester Police to review their decision.
Prior to lodging a formal complaint you are welcome and encouraged to discuss the decision with the case officer that dealt with your request.
Ask to have the decision looked at again –
The quickest and easiest way to have the decision looked at again is to telephone the case officer that is nominated at the end of your decision letter.
That person will be able to discuss the decision, explain any issues and assist with any problems.
If you are dissatisfied with the handling procedures or the decision of Greater Manchester Police made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 regarding access to information, you can lodge a complaint with Greater Manchester Police to have the decision reviewed.
Complaints should be made in writing and addressed to:
Freedom of Information Officer
Greater Manchester Police
Police Headquarters
Openshaw Complex
Lawton Street
M11 2NS
The Information Commissioner
After lodging a complaint with Greater Manchester Police if you are still dissatisfied with the decision you can make an application to the Information Commissioner for a decision on whether the request for information has been dealt with in accordance with the requirements of the Act.
For information on how to make an application to the Information Commissioner please visit their website at Alternatively, phone or write to:
Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Phone: 01625 545 700
Information Compliance & Records Management Unit, Information Services Branch, Business Operations,
Openshaw Complex, Lawton Street, Manchester, M11 2NS
Tel: 0161 856 2529, Fax: 0161 856 2535, Minicom: 0161 872 6633,