Ealing Council

Simon Masterson

Your Ref / My Ref / Date / Please ask for / Direct line/ext.
FoI/10_702 / 9th September 2010 / Mrs K Ashani / 020 8825 5124

Dear Mr Masterson,


Thank you for your request for information received by the Council on 8th September 2010. Your request for information has been assessed and the following information provided in response.

1.  Name, Email address and contact number for:

Director responsible for implementing the Putting People First Transforming Adult Social Care Department and Health programme also known as Putting People First and/or Choice and Control?

Stephen Day, Director of Adults’ Services

020 8825 9641

Assistant Director responsible for implementing the Putting People First Transforming Adult Social Care Department and Health programme also known as Putting People First and/or Choice and Control?

No post of Assistant Director

Head of Service responsible for Implementing the Putting People First Transforming Adult Social Care Department and Health programme also known as Putting People First and/or Choice and


None – Responsibility is with Director and Programme Manager

Programme Manager responsible for implementing the Putting People First Transforming Adult Social Care Department and Health programme also known as Putting People First and/or Choice and Control?

Paul Oppe, Personalisation Programme Manager

0208 825 5907

Project Manager responsible for Implementing the Putting People First Transforming Adult Social Care Department and Health programme also known as Putting People First and/or Choice and


None – Responsibility is with Programme Manager

Project Manager responsible for Procuring any information system for enabling Personal budget holders and/or Personal Budget Brokers and/or Personal Budget Advocates to buy services online and/or find out information online and/or manage their personal budget online?

None – Programme Manager

2.  Can I have a copy (PDF or MS Word) of your Project or Programme Initiation document for your Putting People First Transforming Adult Social Care Department and Health programme also known as Putting People First and/or Choice and Control?

PID attached.

Officers names below director level and third party names have been withheld under Section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act, on the grounds that it is personal information of an individual and it would breach the first data protection principle (more specifically, it would be unfair) to disclose the information.

3.  Can I have a copy (PDF or MS Word) of your Business Requirements document for any Information Systems that you have identified are needed for implementing your Putting People First Transforming Adult Social Care Department and Health programme also known as Putting People First and/or Choice and Control?

None – No Business Requirement document for info systems produced.

4.  Can I have a copy (PDF or MS Word) of your Pre Qualification Questionnaire document for any Information Systems that you have identified are needed for implementing your Putting People First Transforming Adult Social Care Department and Health programme also known as Putting People First and/or Choice and Control?

None – No new systems procured or required for Programme.

5.  Can I have a copy (PDF or MS Word) of your Invitation to quote or Invitation to tender document for any Information Systems that you have identified are needed for implementing your Putting People First Transforming Adult Social Care Department and Health programme also known as Putting People First and/or Choice and Control?

None – No new systems procured or required for Programme.

6.  If you have procured an information system for enabling Personal budget holders and/or Personal Budget Brokers and/or Personal Budget Advocates to buy services online and/or find out information online and/or manage their personal budget online what is the name of the system?

None – No new systems procured or required for Programme.

7.  If you have not procured an information system for enabling Personal budget holders and/or Personal Budget Brokers and/or Personal Budget Advocates to buy services online and/or find out information online and/or manage their personal budget online what is the name of the system do you intend to procure such a system?

None – No new systems procured or required for Programme. Using Council website with pdf of Microsoft word document.

8.  If you have not procured an information system for enabling Personal budget holders and/or Personal Budget Brokers and/or Personal Budget Advocates to buy services online and/or find out information online and/or manage their personal budget online what is the name of the system what date do you expect to buy such a systems?

No plans to procure online system. The council will review in 2012.

9.  If you have not procured an information system for enabling Personal budget holders and/or Personal Budget Brokers and/or Personal Budget Advocates to buy services online and/or find out information online and/or manage their personal budget online what is the name of the system do you expect to advertise the opportunity to quote and/or tender on a website? If yes which website will advertise this opportunity

No plans to procure online system. The council will review in 2012. If new system required procurement will follow the council procurement procedures relevant at time.

You are free to use the information supplied for your own use, including for non-commercial research purposes. The information may also be used for the purposes of news reporting. However, any other type of re-use, for example, by publishing the information, issuing copies to the public or marketing will require our permission as copyright holder. If you intend to re-use this information in the manner described above you must apply to us.

If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request, please follow the Freedom of Information complaints process: http://www.ealing.gov.uk/services/council/freedom_of_information/appeal.html

Your request for an internal review should be submitted to us within 40 working days of your receipt of this response. Any such request received after this time will only be considered at our discretion.

If you are not satisfied with the results of the internal appeal you can then complain to the Information Commissioner at:

Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Telephone:01625 545 700

Yours sincerely,

Mrs K Ashani

Information & Data Compliance Officer

Please note that this information may be subject to copyright. Supply of the information to you does not confer an automatic right to re-use it in a way that could infringe copyright. /