About the IIMS Community Engagement

The IIMS Community Engagement Team provides infrastructure support for research to enhance the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio’s(UTHSCSA) community responsiveness, research relevance, scientific value, and public health impact. We work with community groups and healthcare practitioners to increase the relevance and effectiveness of UTHSCSA, as well as to increase its research impact.


This awards program recognizesoutstanding individuals who have worked as part of a community and research partnership built on a foundation of reciprocal learning and trust for the improved health and well-being of South Texas communities. The possible award categories include: Outstanding Student Award, Outstanding CommunityPartner Award, Outstanding Research Partner Award, and Outstanding Community Health Improvement Project. Selected awardees will receive a $500 domestic travel award to be used for a future meeting or conference.

Who can be nominated?

Community members, healthcare practitioners, and research faculty, staff, and or trainees who are actively engaged in a community and research partnership dedicated to addressing health priorities in our South Texas region are eligible.

When and where will the award be given?

Awards will be presented during the 2016 IIMS Community Engagement Symposium on Saturday, May 14, 2016at UTHSCSA.

Nomination Process and Award Selection

Nominators may nominate one person per category (see below). For each category use a new application. Applications will be reviewed by the IIMS Community Partners Symposium Planning Subcommittee. Awardees will be contacted on or around April 15, 2016.

Award Categories / Description
Outstanding Student / This award recognizes a student who has demonstrated exceptional commitment and follow-through as part of a community service learning project or internship that has created a tangible benefit for the community and research partnership. Nominees must be students enrolled in health science-related coursework.
Outstanding Community Partner / This award recognizes community members who have demonstrated exceptional leadership and devoted their time, talents, and expertise for improving their community’s health and well-being. IIMS institutional partners* are eligible; however, UTHSCSA employees and students are not.
Outstanding Research Partner / This award recognizes research faculty, staff, and/or trainees who have demonstrated an exceptional commitment for collaboratively developing projects that promote leadership and shared learning to address the community health concerns. UTHSCSA and IIMS institutional partners* and are eligible.
Outstanding Community Health Improvement Project** / This award recognizes outstanding health improvement projects that address community-identified health concerns. Single projects or a series of projects focused on a community health priority qualify. Up to three domestic travel awards will be provided for this award category.

*Institutional partners include: Metro Health, San Antonio Military Health System, South Texas Veterans Health Care System, Texas Biomedical Research Institute, University Health System, UTSA, UT School of Public Health – San Antonio Regional Campus, UT Brownsville, UT Pan American, and UT College of Pharmacy



Award Category

Select one award category typefor the person you are nominating.

Outstanding Student

Outstanding Community Partner

Outstanding Research Partner

Outstanding Community Health Improvement Project

Nominee’s Contact Information

First Name: ______Last Name: ______

Mailing Address: ______

City: ______County: ______Zip: ______

Phone: (______)______Fax: _(______)______

E-mail address: ______

Nominator’s Contact Information

First Name: ______Last Name: ______

Mailing Address: ______

City: ______County: ______Zip: ______

Phone: (______)______Fax: _(______)______

E-mail address: ______

Written Description

In 625 words or less, please write a short description describing the following: (1) the history of the community and research partnership, (2) a description of the nominee’s role and his/her their contribution to the partnership, and (3) how the nominee’s work has positively impacted the community’s health and well-being.

To Submit

Please mail or fax your completed application(s)by April 1, 2016 to:

IIMS Community Engagement

c/oElisabeth De la Rosa

7703 Floyd Curl Drive, MSC 7728

San Antonio, Texas 78229

Fax: (210) 562-4136