Nanna Faye

Choreographer : Maddison Glover

Music : “ Tough “ Craig Morgan – Little Bit of Life
Description :44 Count , 2 Restarts Intermediate Line Dance

Begin the dance on vocals.

1,2&3,4& Cross rock R over L to L diagonal , recover back onto L , Step R to R side ,

Cross rock L over R to R diagonal , recover back onto R , Step L to L


5,6&7,8& Step fwd on R Pivot a ¾ turn over the L as you hook your L towards R shin,

Cross Shuffle to R side ( L , R , L ) , Step R to R side ,Step/Replace weight

on L foot whilst hinging on L ½ turn to R side 9:00

1,2&3,4 Step R to R side as you drag L in towards your R foot , Cross L over R ,

Step back on R as you make a ¼ L 6:00 , Sway Hips L , R

5&6,7&8& L side shuffle stepping L,R,L

Step fwd on R as you make a ¼ R , Make a ½ turn over R as you step

back on L, Make ½ turn over your R as you step fwd on R , Make a ½ turn

over R as you Step back on L 3:00

1&2,3&4& Make another 1/2 turn over your R as you step fwd on R, Bring L foot

beside R ,Step R fwd (1/2 Shuffle fwd ) , Step your L foot fwd , pivot a ½

over your R (With weight left on R foot ) Step your L foot fwd , pivot a ½

over your R ( with weight left on R foot )

5,6,7&8 Walk back L as you drag your R foot back towards the L foot , Walk back

R as you drag your L foot back towards the R foot , Step L behind R , step

R to R side , cross L in front of R 9:00

The next 4 counts you will be facing approximately 7’o’clock

1&2,3&4 Cross shuffle to the R ( R,L,R) ( While doing the cross shuffle , you are

looking towards 5’o’clock , Cross shuffle to the L ( L,R,L) – Looking towards

11’o’clock .*

5&6&7&8 Turning to face 12’o’clock do a R sailor shuffle ( R,L,R) – Sweeping the R

foot around as you turn – Hitch L knee , Step L back , Step R beside L ,

Step L fwd .

1,2&3,4&5 Step R back slightly on diagonal sliding L towards R , Step L behind

R , Step R to R side , Step L back slightly on diagonal sliding R

towards L , Step R behind L , Step L to L side, step R to R side.

&6,7&8 Step/Slide L towards R & take weight onto L , Step fwd R , Step L to L side ,

replace weight onto R , tap L behind R .

1,2&3&4& Rock fwd onto L , replace weight back onto R , turn ¼ L as you step

L to L side , cross R over L , turn ¼ R as you step back on L , turn ½ turn R

Stepping fwd onto R , sliding L beside R taking weight .


*Restarts–After Count 28 during the second & fourth sequence ( Finish the cross shuffles on the diagonals ) Make a 1/8 turn L to the front to start again with the R cross rock recover .

Thanks to Tom Glover for helping me write the dance script .

*I would like to dedicate this dance to one of our ladies Faye Freaks who sadly lost her battle with cancer in 2008 . She was a woman who i respected & loved dearly & is missed by all those who knew her ...... And i thought i was tough ...... *