Free Workshops for 11th Grade SUHSD Students:


  • To qualify for admission to a four-year university as a freshman, students must take an SAT or ACT. It is recommended they take the test(s) during the spring semester of 11th grade. We strongly encourage students to participate in a free preparation workshop to prepare them to take these important exams.
  • Items to be Covered in either Informational Session (1/17/2015 or 1/21/2015): the difference between the SAT and the ACT and which might suit each student better; what a good score is and average scores for specific universities; how the tests are structured and scored; tips and strategies for performing well; what to expect on the essay. The two Informational Sessions will be identical so you should only attend one. We recommend this workshop for both parents and 11th grade students (class of 2016.)
  • Workshop on Saturday, 1/24/15: ACT sample questions and preparation. If you can’t attend, there will be a Make-up ACT Preparation workshop on Apr 11. We recommend this workshop for juniors who plan to take the ACT.
  • Workshop on Saturday, 1/31/15: SAT sample questions and preparation. If you can’t attend, there will be a Make-up SAT Preparation workshop on April 25. We recommend this workshop for juniors who plan to take the SAT.

Register at Click on Events. Register for one informational session and any additional SAT or ACT sessions you would like to attend. Questions? Please contact Karla Whitaker at or 858-569-1866 ext. 216 or SUHSD Contact: 619-585-6045.

Info Session 1: / Info Session 2:
(identical to 1/18) / ACT Problems and Preparation: / SAT Problems and Preparation: / ACT Problems and Prep: repeat of Jan. 24 / SAT Problems and Prep: repeat of Jan. 31
Date / Sat, Jan. 17 / Wed, Jan. 21 / Sat, Jan. 24 / Sat, Jan. 31 / Sat, Apr 11 / Sat, April 25
Time / 9:00 am-11:00 am / 6:30 pm-8:30 pm / 9:00 am-12:00 pm / 9:00 am-12:00 pm / 9:00 am-12:00 pm / 9:00 am-12:00 pm
Location / Olympian High School / Southwest High School / Olympian High School / Southwest High School / Chula Vista High School / Chula Vista High School
Multi-Purpose Room / Cafeteria / Multi-Purpose Room / Gymnasium / Gymnasium / Gymnasium
Address / 1925 Magdalena
San Diego, CA 91913 / 1685 Hollister Street
San Diego, CA 92154 / 1925 Magdalena
San Diego, CA 91913 / 1685 Hollister St
San Diego, CA 92154 / 820 4th Avenue
Chula Vista, CA 91911 / 820 4th Avenue
Chula Vista, CA 91911
Target Audience / Parents and Students / Parents and Students / 11th grade students / 11th grade students / 11th grade students / 11th grade students

SAT/ACT Registration Deadlines and Testing Dates

Go to for SAT dates, fees and to register to take the test. SAT Reasoning Test: $52.50.

Go to for ACT dates, fees and to register to take the test. ACT: $54.50 or $38 (with or w/o Writing.)

Reminder: You can register online (or by mail) to take the SAT or ACT. Almost all universities accept either test or will take your higher score if you take both. If you take any test more than once, colleges will use your highest score. You must pay with credit card, check/money order, or fee waiver. See a high school counselor to see if you qualify for a fee waiver. Most students take a test during spring of the junior year and/or fall of the senior year. It is recommended that you take the test (s) between March and June. Register for the test on time to avoid late fees and be sure you secure a spot.