August 28, 9:30-5:00 at Magnuson Park
Registration Procedures:
· Call registration line (206.684.3406) with what site and time you need to be picked up at
· The number of adults and children and any large items (strollers, etc.) that need transported
· Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult
· Children ages 13-17 must bring a completed E-13 form with them (staff monitoring pick up sites will confirm form is filled out and signed) and they must have it on them at all times until they arrive back at their original pick up site.
· Leave a phone number so you can be reached if we have any questions
For registration, info, and questions for the shuttle bus – call 684.3406 (Martha Winther)
· Rainier Beach Pick up time: 9:05 am - Registered riders told to be at RBCC no later than 8:55 am
· Rainier Pick up time: 9:20 am – Registered riders told to be at Rainier no later than 9:10 am
· Yesler Pick up time: 9:40 am – Registered riders told to be at Yesler no later than 9:30 am
· Garfield Pick up time: 9:55 am – Registered riders told to be at Garfield no later than 9:45 am
Arrive at Magnuson approximately 10:30 am
Bus returns for 2nd pick up: (if necessary)
· Rainier Beach Pick up time: 11:30 am - Registered riders told to be at RBCC no later than 11:20am
· Rainier Pick up time: 11:45 am – Registered riders will told to be at Rainier no later than 11:35a
· Yesler Pick up time: 12:05 pm – Registered riders told to be at Yesler no later than 11:55 am
· Garfield Pick up time: 12:20 pm – Registered riders told to be at Garfield no later than 12:10 pm
Arrive at Magnuson approximately 1:00 pm
(If driver needs a lunch break – 30 minutes available now)
Return Trip - Depart Magnuson – 1st trip – 1:45 pm
· Garfield Approximate arrival time: 2:15 pm
· Yesler Approximate arrival time: 2:30 pm
· Rainier Approximate arrival time: 2:50 pm
· Rainier Beach Approximate arrival time: 3:05 pm
2nd Return Trip Bus arrives back at Magnuson around 4:00 pm
Depart Magnuson – 2nd final trip – 4:45 pm
· Garfield Approximate arrival time: 5:15 pm
· Yesler Approximate arrival time: 5:30 pm
· Rainier Approximate arrival time: 5:50 pm
· Rainier Beach Approximate arrival time: 6:00 pm
· South Park Pick up time: 9:05 am - Registered riders told to be at South Park no later than 8:55 am
· Southwest Pick up time: 9:25 am – Registered riders told to be at Southwest no later than 9:15 am
· Delridge Pick up time: 9:40 am – Registered riders told to be at Delridge no later than 9:30 am
Arrive at Magnuson approximately 10:15 am
Bus Returns for 2nd pick up: (if necessary)
· South Park Pick up time: 11:15 am - Registered riders told to be at South Park no later than 11:05
· Southwest Pick up time: 11:35 am – Registered riders told to be at Southwest no later than 11:25
· Delridge Pick up time: 11:50 am – Registered riders told to be at Delridge no later than 11:40 am
Arrive at Magnuson approximately 12:45 pm
(If driver needs a lunch break – 1 hour available now)
Return Trip Departs Magnuson – 1st trip – 1:45 pm
· Delridge Approximate arrival time: 2:25 pm
· Southwest Approximate arrival time: 2:40 pm
· South Park Approximate arrival time: 2:55 pm
2nd Return Trip Bus arrives back at Magnuson around 4:00 pm
Depart Magnuson – 2nd final trip – 4:45 pm
· Delridge Approximate arrival time: 5:25 pm
· Southwest Approximate arrival time: 5:40 pm
· South Park Approximate arrival time: 5:55 pm