1. Project title
  1. Applicant details

ABN Number / GST registered?
Project contact name
Position in organisation
Postal Address
  1. Project location

Region in which the project will take place (enter multiple regions if applicable) / Catchment RegionCorangamiteGlenelg HopkinsNorth CentralPort Phillip and WesternportEast GippslandWest GippslandNorth EastGoulburn BrokenWimmeraMallee / Catchment RegionCorangamiteGlenelg HopkinsNorth CentralPort Phillip and WesternportEast GippslandWest GippslandNorth EastGoulburn BrokenWimmeraMallee
Name of nearest town(s)
  1. Project description

Provide a brief outline of the project, describing for example the number of properties involved, geography, previous investment and other projects operating in the area, assets which would be protected and the size and density of gorse infestations (no more than half a page).
  1. Partnerships

Please describe any linkages or partnerships with other organisations and the broader community (we do not require letters of support).
  1. Previous grants

Please list any previous grants relating to woody weed control that you have administered in the past 5 years.
  1. Links to strategy

Please describe how your project links to the goals and strategies of the Victorian Gorse Control Strategy (see pages 20-22).(Examples are indicated in red italics). List a maximum of 6 separate links, projects may have less than this.
List the specific strategy of the VGCS / List the contribution that your project will make towards this
  1. Map

Please supply a map of your project area as a separate file (PDF format preferred). This map must display and print in A4 size.
  1. Project budget and activities

Please refer to Chapter 2 of the Gorse National Best Practice Manual for some general advice on likely gorse control costs. This is available at

In the table below please also identify the following:

  • The control techniques that will be used throughout this project
  • The timing of these control techniques (month)

Activity to be funded / Description of item / Funding sought from the VGT / Other contributions / Total activity cost
Amount / Contributor
  1. The project area following this project

Please give a brief outline of the plans for the project area following the life of this project (e.g. plans to encourage change of land use that allowed weeds to grow in the first place, agreements with landholders that they will complete follow-up spraying, etc.)
  1. Project endorsement

By clicking ‘Yes’ you are acknowledging that this proposal has been endorsed and approved by your organisation’s Chair or President.