FREE FISH CARE GUIDE Aqua Life Warrnambool Aquarium

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Warrnambool, VIC, 3280


Silver Dollars are popular aquarium fish. They are sometimes mistaken for young Piranha, which are of the same family. Silver Dollars, however, are mostly vegetarian (as are the majority of Piranha varieties, by the way) and are generally safe with small fish.

They are hardy fish, and grow at an incredible rate. They are very active, requiring plenty of space to swim. They can be very skittish and nervous, especially when young and new to your aquarium. Provide plenty of cover to put them at ease, and avoid flicking the aquarium light on in a dark room, as the sudden bright light may make them panic, dashing themselves about the tank.

Silver Dollars may not be a good choice if you want a planted aquarium, as they tend to devour plants very quickly. Try decorating your tank with smooth stones and driftwood, or use artificial plants instead of the real thing – some look surprisingly realistic.

They are not a colourful choice for your aquarium, but they do have a shimmering effect as they swim, which can be quite striking. They usually develop a reddish hue on their anal fin as they mature.


ORIGIN: Brazil and Guyana.

ADULT SIZE: 15cm / 6 inches. Occasionally smaller.

GENDER: Difficult to distinguish, but males have a more developed anal fin.

PH: 6.4 – 6.8 is best, but these hardy fish will thrive at any level as long as you avoid extremes.

WATER HARDNESS: Soft is best, but anything should be fine as long as you avoid extremes.

TEMPERATURE: 24 - 28º Celsius.

DIET: Flake, frozen and live foods. Be sure to provide this vegetarian a ‘veggie’ flake food, as most are fish-meal based. Will eat most aquarium plants. As a supplement they may take raw zucchini and cucumber, or slightly-boiled spinach. Feed little and often.

KEEP WITH: Suited with almost anything. Some suggestions: they go well with Tetras and South-American catfish, such as Corys and Plecos. Silver Sharks and Angelfish should mix well, too. Usually also mix well with larger Cichlids.

SPECIAL NEEDS: Plenty of space (no small tanks!), a group (six is a good start) and plenty of food. They also appreciate a steady water flow, so power filtration is best. They will often jump when startled, so ensure the tank has a secure cover or lid.

All Information & Care Sheets were written by Aqua Life.

Information & advice intended as a guide only.

Ph: 5562 8790

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