Revised Guidance and Eligibility Criteria

From October 2013

From September 2013, Local Authorities are required to make available and fund free early education/childcare for some two year old children. The eligibility criteria for a place will extend from September 2014 to allow more children to attend.

The national objective is to make available and fund free early education places for 20% of the most disadvantaged families from September 2013 and 40% of the most disadvantaged families from September 2014.

The National Programme for funding free early education/childcare places for two year olds is a targeted support programme that primarily aims to:

  • Support children’s learning and development.
  • Support access to childcare for parents who are economically disadvantaged.

Locally, we want this to strengthen parental engagement in universal services and Children’s Centre activities.

This means that there will be in the region of 1516 children in Liverpool eligible for a place based on a families’ entitlement to Free School Meals or who are ‘Looked After’ by the Local Authority from September 2013.

Eligibility for a place from September 2014 is now announced and will extend to include previously ‘Looked After’ children; Children with SEN/Disabilities; and low income working families.

Liverpool City Council introduced the September 2013 criteria from April 2013 In order to be fully complaint with the Statutory Duty from September 2013. Liverpool City Council will introduced the September 2014 from the 2nd half of Autumn 2013 term (October 2013), so that we will be fully compliant with the duty by September 2014; ensure all provision created with Capital and Revenue funding is filled, and to ensure those families in most need have access to provision as soon as possible.

1.Entitlement for a 2 year old place

Legislative changes have taken place to give eligibilityfora free early education place where parents of two year old children are in receipt of qualifying benefits (Universal Credit from April 2013) that give entitlement for Free School Meals, or where the two year old child is Looked After by the Local Authority.

SEPTEMBER 2013 ENTITLEMENT (Introduced in Liverpool from April 2013)

Income Support orJob Seekers Allowance (Income based) or

Employment Support Allowance (Income Related) or

Support through Part 6 of the Immigration and Asylum Act

The guaranteed element of State Pension Credit

Child Tax Credit (but not Working Tax Credit and have an annual income of not over £16,190

The Working Tax Credit 4 week-run on (the payment a claimant receives when they stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit.

Looked After by the Local Authority

SEPTEMBER 2014 ENTITLEMENT (Introduced in Liverpool from October 2013)

if they meet the September 2013 eligibility criteria

if their families receive Working Tax credits and have annual gross earnings of no more than £16,190 per year

if they have a current statement of special educational needs (SEN) or an education, health and care plan

if they attract Disability Living Allowance

if they are looked after by their local authority

if they have left care through special guardianship or through an adoption or residence order

Children will reach the age of entitlement the school term following their 2nd birthday. (i.e. a child born in April, May, June, July or August will become entitled to a place in September; a child born in September, October, November or December will become entitled to a place in January; a child born in January, February or March will be come entitled to a place in April.

This will enable and support a smooth transition for a child into their free early education place at age 3.

2.What is a Free Early Education/Childcare Place ?

A Free Early Education/Childcare place is a total of 570 hours, which can be taken flexibly/stretched (where the parent requests this and the provider is able to do this). This number of hours originated from the 15 hours per week during term times (38 weeks).

However, this must be taken over a minimum of 2 days per week, and for more than 2.5 hours and less than 10 hours in any one day. If the offer is accessed over less than 2 days, then a portion of the offer will be lost.

Once a place has been agreed for a child, it will remain funded until the child becomes entitled to a Free Early Education Place at age 3, even where the family circumstances change, and they may no longer meet the eligibility criteria.

3.Where can these places be found ?

Places are available in nurseries, playgroups, some childminders and in some schools across the City. However, the places must be of the best quality to ensure young children have access to good quality provision (see section below).

It is beneficial for parents to be able to identify a provision they would like their 2 year old child to attend, but they need to be mindful that their chosen setting may not have available places or be of the agreed quality standard.

As we increase the number of 2 year old children being funded in places across the City, there is likely to be extra demand in the most popular settings.

If a setting of choice does not have an available place, the Childcare Sufficiency and Family Information Service will broker a place for the parent.

4.How is quality assured for 2 year old Places ?

All places funded will need to be registered with OFSTED and inspected against the Early Years Foundation Stage Regulatory Framework. They will also be required to sign up to the local Early Education Funding Agreement.

A provision is judged to be of the best quality where they have received an OFSTED Good or Outstanding judgement at their most recent inspection.

Where a newly registered setting or a setting with a satisfactoryjudgement wishes to offer a place for a 2 year old, the Local Authority will only agree to this if there are no places available with a Good or Outstanding Judgement in the area.

If a provider falls below the required quality standard, a 2 year old placed in that provision would not automatically be moved, as this could be more detrimental for the child. However, if the provision drops to an unacceptable standard and there is no evidence of potential to improve, a negotiated move will be arranged. (OFSTED Actions given at Inspection, and the provider’s ability to demonstrate their ability to improve quality will be taken into account).

5.What else is there for families of 2 year olds in funded places ?

All parents of 2 year old children accessing Free Early Education Places in any setting will be encouraged to access the range of support services available at their nearest Children’s Centre.

Families who are confirmed as eligible for a place will be encouraged to register with their local children’s centres; and providers delivering the funded place are reminded of the support they can access in working with families from their local Children’s Centre.

This will enable parents to access the varied menu of support arrangements and activities available at Children’s Centres in the City. These include:

  • Debt Counselling/CAB Advice
  • Returning to Work and employment opportunities
  • Accredited Learning Programmes
  • Early/Home Learning to support a child’s development
  • Stay and Play Sessions
  • Story Time – Improving Language and Literacy
  • Midwifery – Pre and Post Natal Support
  • Breastfeeding Advice and Support
  • Stop Smoking
  • Support for Children with SEN/Disabilities
  • Health Visiting Services
  • Parenting Programmes
  • Healthy Eating/Physical Activity Sessions
  • Specific Groups for Fathers/Teen Parents etc
  • Dental Health
  • Drug and Alcohol related issues

This is not an exhaustive list, but a broad example of how parents can be supported when their child is accessing a 2 year old Free Early Education Place.

6.Who can make an application for a place ?

Given the large number of children who are likely to qualify for a place in the City, our aim is to introduce an online parent application arrangement. (This development is in progress.)

In the meantime, and toaim for a simple application process, any professional who is working with the child/family, or who are approached by a parent if they believe they qualify can request a place.

Although this arrangement will not give a direct application route for parents, there is extensive opportunity for services who work with parents of 2 year olds to make applications on their behalf. This would include Social Workers, Family Support Workers, Children’s Centre Family Support and Family Link Workers, SEN/Disability Link Workers, Teachers, Health Visitors and Childcare Providers themselves (as a parent may request a place directly from a provider).

The Authority is also supporting a Parent Champion programme, where volunteer parents will identify and support eligible families in accessing a 2 year old place.

This is not an exhaustive list, and an application will be considered made by any professional working with or on behalf of the parent, as long as the application clearly demonstrates the family meet the eligibility criteria.

It is important to secure consent from Parent/Carerto share information with thelocal Children’s Centre where possible, as this will enable the Centre to make contact, and offer the varied menu of support and activities available.

Where the child has SEN/Disability, then the childcare provider will also benefit from knowing the child’s needs and any issues that will support their ability to provide individualised care.

If a parent declines consent to share information, this will not be used as a reason to refuse to fund a place.

  1. How can an application for a place be made ?

The Authority will use the Common Assessment forms for requests for a 2 year old place. A Pre-CAF (or a CAF where this is appropriate) or a CAF Review (where a CAF is already open) can capture the essential information that is needed to confirm eligibility of families.

The pre-CAF is essentially a pre-assessment checklist used by practitioners to help identify if a child or family have additional support needs that cannot be met by universal services. The rationale for utilising the pre-CAF as part of the application process is to ensure an appropriate assessment (CAF) and plans can be put in place with partners where needs are identified. The pre-CAF is a simple pro forma to complete.

It may be that there are no other needs for the child (or the family) than a 2 year old Free Early Education Place.

For places to be approved under the economic deprivation criteria 2013, it is important that the application makes clear that the family is in receipt of the required benefits, by giving the National Insurance Number and Date of Birthof the parent (s), as this will be checked to confirm eligibility for a place.

For places to be approved under the economic deprivation criteria 2014 (introduced from October 2013), the authority will random sample parents entitlement by requesting evidence of their income as stated on the HMRC TC602a form.

For places to be approved for Looked After Children, the Social Worker for the child or the carer will need to be named, along with their contact details.

It would also be helpful if a preferred setting was named, so that parental preference can be supported where possible. If this is not possible, a place at the nearest provision to the home address will be brokered.

Where the child has an additional need, it is helpful for consent to be given to share information so that other support services can engage as quickly as necessary.

Where a child is ‘Looked After’ by the Local Authority and is of eligible age, they will automatically qualify for a 2 year old place, and the Social Worker can use the pre-caf form so that the child’s basic details can be given in order to arrange the place. It is understood that there is no requirement for a CAF to be undertaken where children’s needs are beyond a Common Assessment, and a Care Plan is in place.

Where there is an Open CAF for the child, the Review Form can be used to request a 2 year old place, as long as this identifies the information needed to check eligibility (benefits or Social Work Support for a LAC).

Please make sure that the most up to date pre-CAF form is completed- this can be found at:

8.When should an application for a place be made?

If a child is already eligible for a place by age, an application should be made immediately. We can then confirm eligibility and broker a place for the child to start as soon as practical. We will arrange for the child to accesses as much of the entitlement as possible, but we can not fund for more than 15hours per week.

If a child is soon to reach age 2, we recommend that an application is submitted no earlier than 8 weeks before the child becomes eligible. This will give time to confirm eligibility and broker a place for the child to start. We would encourage applications in time for the beginning of the term a child becomes eligible.

If an application is made earlier than this, although it is not possible to agree the funding as family circumstance might change, and we know from experience that childcare providers can’t keep places open for any length of time without funding. We therefore may not be able to confirm funding or a named provider too far in advance of the place commencing.

9.As eligibility for a place is based on entitlement to Free School Meals – does this mean a child will receive a free meal ?

No, Free Meals are available when a child attends a school based provision, and where parents meet the eligibility criteria for a free school meal.

The majority of eligible 2 year olds will be accessing their free places in PVI settings who are not able to access funding for free meals.

Parents should therefore be advised that where a child accesses their free entitlement over a lunch period, the setting can make a reasonable charge for lunch, or offer parents the opportunity to bring a healthy packed lunch. Parents should be made aware of this by the provider before they take up the place at that setting.

10.Where do I send an application ?

Please send the completed Pre CAF to:

Post: Childcare Sufficiency and Family Information Service

Municipal Buildings

Dale Street

Liverpool L2 2DH


12. Will children accessing a place outside Liverpool be supported with a 2 year old

Place ?

Each Local Authority willmanage their arrangements differently, paying providers different rates using different processes.

Therefore, it has been agreed regionally that each Local Authority will agree to fund all eligible children accessing provisions within their respective authority, regardless of their home address.

A decision will be given within 3 days of receiving the application(working days only). Where applications are made more than 8 weeks in advance of eligibility,this 3 day period will not apply. In these circumstances, a response will be given approximately 4 weeks before eligibility in order to arrange a start date with the provider.

11.What happens after an application has been made ?

Where an application is approved, a place will be brokered at the preferred setting. If a setting is not named or a named setting does not have any vacancies, a place will be brokered at one nearest to the home address.

The person who has submitted the application will be notified by telephone of the decision, and the agreed setting will also receive confirmation.

Confirmation letters will be sent within 10 days to:

  • The person who submitted the application (who should advise the parent)
  • A copy will be sent to the agreed setting
  • A copy will be sent to the Children’s Centre nearest to the family home (where consent

To share information has been given).

12.What happens if a request for a place is declined ?

If an application is declined, the person submitting the request will be notified within 3 days of receipt of the application, outlining the reason why the place has been declined. (This notification will be at least 4 weeks before the child becomes eligible where an application was made more than 8 weeks before entitlement commences),

If the parent wishes to appeal this decision, they can submit an appeal, or the person who submitted the application can make the appeal on the parent’s behalf. The appeal can be a simple letter or note outlining the reason for the appeal, and providing evidence where this is appropriate.

The appeal will be considered by the Divisional Manager, Integrated Family Support, Children’s Services and a decision will be given within 10 working days from the receipt of the appeal.

There is no further right to appeal to the Local Authority, however, if a parent is not satisfied with the outcome of the appeal, they can contact the Local Authority Ombudsman if they believe the Authority has failed to meet its’ Statutory Duty.

If you have any questions about the 2 year old Free Early Education programme or the application arrangements, please contact Jan Gallagher, Service Manager, Childcare Sufficiency and Family Information Service. ()


2 Year old Guidance October 2013