Professor of Instructional Technology

Graduate Faculty


January 1987 TexasTechUniversity

May 1989Doctor of Education

Major: Instructional Technology

Dissertation: Teaching Incarcerated Students Using Microcomputer Distance Education Technology: A Case Study

February 1981 -LubbockIndependentSchool District Staff Development

January 1987Over 268 clock hours of computer courses

January 1982 TexasTechUniversity

December 1983Master of Education

Major: Secondary Education

Minor: Broadfield Social Studies

January 1980 TexasTechUniversity

December 1980Teacher Certification course work

January 1975 University of Nebraska at Omaha

December 1976Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice

Major: Law Enforcement

Minors: Political Science and Aerospace Science

Post-Doctoral/Professional Growth Education

Spring 2017Various Canvas workshops

Fall 2016Various Canvas workshops

March 2016How Technology is Reshaping Education

February 2016Deep-Dive into the MERLOT Learning Object Repository (LOR) Resource

February 2016Selection and Implementation of Top Tech Tools for Online Courses

February 2016Social Media & m-Learning: How to Build a Successful Class Plan

October 201521st Annual Online Learning Consortium International Conference

July 2015Online Instructor Engagement

February 2015 Online Learning Consortium Collaboration
Online Innovation and Federal Regulations

February 2015Association of Teacher Education Annual Conference

April 14, 2014 Innovation in Pedagogy and Technology Symposium – Lincoln Nebraska

November 2013iBook Author Training

November 2013Enhancing Distance Learning with Audio and Video

October 2013 Embrace Web 2.0 Tools

October 2013 PowerPointless: Building More Effective Presentations without PowerPoint

June 2013 Using Online Learning Strategically to Improve Educational Quality

March 2013 Exemplary Institutions: Addressing Faculty Workload

September 2013Sloan C Online Management Certificate

March 2013Sloan C Exemplary Institutions: Addressing Faculty Workload

March 2013Nebraska Distance Learning Association Conference

February 2013Sloan C Exemplary Intuitions: Ensuring Program Quality

November 2012Sloan C Copyright Compliance for Online Educators Course

September 2012Sloan C Online Administration Certificate Course

December 2011Certified Online Instructor LERN

October 2011Nebraska Distance Learning Association Conference

November 2010Sloan C Conference on Online Leadership

October 2010Nebraska Distance Learning Association Conference

August 2010Institute for Emerging Leadership in Online Learning

October 2009CSBUG Conference

July 2009WeaveOnline Training

August 2008Wimba Training

May 2008Online Technology and Teaching Conference

April 2007Multimedia and Student Learning Conference

May 2007Faculty Summer Institute

December 2006Master Online Teacher Certificate, University of Illinois

August 200420th Annual Conference on Distance Teaching and Learning

October 2004Nebraska Distance Education Symposium

January 2004E-Portfolio Symposium

January 2004Camtasia Workshop

Oct 2003Nebraska Satellite Workshop

July 2003Distance Education Teaching Strategies workshop

April 2003E-learning Symposium

October 2002Applying the Seven Principles of Good Practice to Online Education

October 2002Using Technology to Transform Teaching and Learning

October 2001Developing Multimedia Workshop

June 2001Nebraska Distance Learning Association Conference

May 2001Nebraska Teacher Improvement Council ‘s FacultyCollege

April 2001E-learning Symposium

July 2000Distance Education Teaching Strategies workshop

June 2000Distance Education and Fiber Optic Classrooms workshop

April 2000Twelfth Annual Nebraska Education Technology Association Conference

October 1999McREL Conference

August 199915th Annual Conference on Distance Teaching and Learning

May 1999Adult Learner Workshop

April 1999Web-based Instruction Workshop

March 1999Scholarly Writing Workshop

March 1999Proposal Writing Workshop

October 1998the Interactive On-line Course Development Workshop

April 1998Tenth Annual Nebraska Education Technology Association Conference

December 1997First Annual International Conference on Teacher Preparation and Technology

November 1997the First Annual Digital Technology Conference and Seminar

April 1997Ninth Annual Nebraska Education Technology Association Conference

April 1997Syllabus Workshop - Designing Web-based Courses

April 1997Syllabus Workshop - Managing Web-based Courses

February 1997the Sixth Annual Regional Technology Fair

February 1997Adult and Continuing Education Association of Nebraska Conference

October 1996NETCHEAuthorware Workshop

April 1996Eighth Annual Nebraska Education Technology Association Conference

March 1996Seminar on Integrating Technology into the Curriculum

December 1995and moderated A College Guide to Distance Education

November 1995Annual Conference of Nebraska Consortium for Improvement of Teacher Education

October 1995NETCHE Multimedia Workshop

September 1995Second Distance Education Conference

April 1995Seventh Annual Nebraska Education Technology Association Conference

October 1994First Nebraska Distance Education Conference

October 1994the ThirdAnnualNebraskaSecondary School Computer Studies Forum

September 1994Professionally and Scholarly Writing Seminar

June 1994NCATEState Examiners' Training

May 1994Governor's Conference on Information Technology

April 1994Sixth Annual Nebraska Education Technology Association Conference

March 1994Technology in Education Conference

December 1993Restructuring Schools Conference

December 1993Strategic Planning for Technology Workshop

October 1993the 2nd AnnualNebraskaSecondary School Computer Studies Forum

April 1993Sixth Annual Building Partnerships for Community Development Conference

April 1993Fifth Annual Nebraska Education Technology Association Conference

January 1993University of Nebraska at Kearney Grant Writing Workshop

November 1992Academic Computing Conference

March 1992IBMGrantSchool Symposium

March 1992Twelfth Annual Microcomputers in Education Conference

November 1991Telecon XI conference on distance education

September 1990 -IBM Educational Systems -- College Grants Network

October 1990 Implementation Class

October 1990IBM Educational Systems -- Introduction to LinkWay Class

October 1990IBM Educational Systems -- College Grants Courseware Class



PresentKearney, Nebraska

Professor of Instructional Technology (Tenured)

Primary responsibilities in this position are: 1) teach graduate-level instructional technology courses, via distance education technologies; 2) advise graduate students in Instructional Technology program; 3) member on a variety of university and state-wide committees in educational and instructional technology, telecommunication, and distance education; and, 4) coordinator of distance education. Originally, additional job description included 1) director of the College of Education's Instructional Technology Laboratory; 2) manage the computer-based testing facility; 3) assist faculty with implementing technology into their curriculum areas; 4) advise and assist Dean on instructional technology matters, to include budget preparation, inventories, and planning; 5) teach a variety of instructional technology workshops for faculty; 6) coordinator of online programs

July 1999-CourseLinks Editor

October 2000CourseWise Publishing Inc.

Edit CourseLinks site on Instructional Technology. Contribute bi-weekly articles in the discipline, supervise/coordinate guest columnists, evaluate web-based sites in conjunction with textbook, and is a member of the editorial board.


July 1992Sitka, Alaska

Assistant Professor of Education and Computer Information Systems Departments

Primary responsibilities in this position were: 1) CIS Department Head -- evaluated/purchased hardware and software; evaluated and recommended hiring of adjunct personnel, submitted data for budgetary process, and coordinated efforts between the CIS and Office Administration faculties; 2) Program Coordinator, Education -- taught various general education courses, advisor for MSED programs and credential endorsement program, and generally handled all education faculty tasks for the campus -- including directing field experiences for student teachers; 3) Educational Technology -- taught a variety of educational technology courses and graduate student advising; 4) Computer Information Systems -- taught a wide variety of application courses and introduction to computer courses, in addition to campus department head; 5) System Operator for Novell NetWare laboratory; 6) Instructional Design and Distance Education -- designed and implemented a variety of computer courses for delivery to "out-reach" areas around the state via on-site and distance delivery methods; 6) Staff Development and Curriculum Integration -- taught and worked with faculty to increase and improve computer use across the curriculum.

As the CIS department head, I was responsible for developing a computer lab modification plan to improve computer lab services for students, conducted needs assessment for hardware for administrative and instructional uses, wrote funded grants, and coordinated the purchase and installation of all hardware and software updates. I implemented and was the system operator for a Novell NetWare lab.

As the sole Education faculty on the campus, I developed and implemented the sequence of courses for the Master of Educational Technology, Early Childhood Education, and Secondary Education degrees.

A sampling of my other duties follows: Chairman of Academic Curriculum Committee; worked with state and local education associations to improve educational opportunities for public school students; initiated contacts with various aspects of local community to assist in improving community/university relations; created an Academic Computing Council to monitor progress and to rectify problems of the computer lab; conducted research on state-operated Native boarding school to ascertain effectiveness of instructional program; and instructed faculty in effective and proper methods to integrate computers across the curriculum.


August 1993Sitka, Alaska

Research Consultant

Conducted a variety of research projects. Several were in conjunction with the Carnegie Council on Adolescent Development, while others involved collecting and analyzing data for three projects investigating post-graduation activity for graduates of various Alaskan school districts.


August 1989Lubbock, Texas

Computer Technologist/Teacher

Taught programming, spreadsheets, data base management systems, word processing, computer math; world, American, and Texas history, world geography, government; implemented and was system operator for Novell NetWare network and three other networked labs; directed CBI instruction in English, various levels and types of science, mathematics, and social studies programs, in addition maintaining and organizing the CBI lab.


March 1988Lubbock, Texas

Inservice Computer Teacher

Taught computer use and skills to LISD Faculty


Lubbock, Texas

Adjunct Faculty-- Computer Science


September 1977Omaha, Nebraska

Graduate Teaching/Research Assistant


Computer Information Systems (June 1989)

Information Processing Technology II (January 1989)

Computer Literacy (March 1985)

Government (December 1980)

Political Science (December 1980)

Broadfield Social Studies (December 1980)

Life expiration dates on all


Papers and Presentations:

Vu. P. & Fredrickson, S.OER-Based Learning Materials for Graduate Courses: Preliminary Evaluation of Four Year’s Implementation. Paper presented at theInnovation in Pedagogy and Technology Symposium - Lincoln, NE.(2017, May.)

Hoehner, P., Fredrickson, S., Matyo–Cepero, J. A., & Meyer, R. C Identification Procedures and Program Options Available for Nebraska Gifted Junior High/Middle School Students: 1990-2016. Paper presented at Learners Doers, Creators, and Makers: Nebraska Association of Gifted Conference, Omaha NE. (2017, February.)

Hoehner, P., Fredrickson, S., Matyo–Cepero, J. A., & Meyer, R. C. Identification Procedures and Program Options Available for Nebraska Gifted Junior High/Middle School Students: 1990-2016. Paper presented at International Academic Research Conference. Scottsdale, AZ.(2016, October.)

Fredrickson, S. & Vu, P. Adaptive Learning: Are We There Yet? Paper presented at theInnovation in Pedagogy and Technology Symposium - Lincoln, NE.(2016, May.)

Fredrickson, S. Using an Online Virtual Assistant to Offer 24/7 Support to Online Learners. Paper presented at 21st Annual Online Learning Consortium International Conference. Orlando,, October)

Fredrickson, S. Online Innovation and Federal Regulations. Invited paper presented at the Online Learning Consortium Collaboration. Kansas City, MO.(2015, February).

Fredrickson, S., Hoehner, P., Ziebarth-Bovill, J. Game based learning and pre-service teachers. Paper presented at The Association of Teacher Education Annual Conference. Phoenix, AZ.

(2015, February).

Vu, P.,& Fredrickson, S. A description and analysis of thetransformation of an online learning course from 1.0 to 2.0 version. Paper presented at theInnovation in Pedagogy and Technology Symposium - Lincoln, NE.(2014, April).

Fredrickson, S. Copyright: What online faculty need to know. Juried paper presented at the 4thOnline Teaching Conference, Breckenridge, CO. (2012, May.)

Is your text an asset or a liability? Online design elements for improved legibility. Juried presentation. 2011 Nebraska Distance Learning Association, (2011 October.).

Online program development: “Just text” doesn’t hack it folks. Juried paper presented at the 2nd Annual Western Online Education Conference, Estes Park, CO. (2011 May.)

Using video conferencing in your online class. Juried paper presented at the 2nd Annual Western Online Education Conference, Estes Park, CO. (2011 May.)

Using video conferencing in your online class. Juried paper presented at the 2nd Annual Western Online Education Conference, Estes Park, CO. (2011, May)

Copyright, fair use, and online teaching. Juried presentation. 2010 Nebraska Distance Learning Association, (2010, October .)

Increasing student interaction. Juried Discussion Roundtable. 2010 Texas Computer Education Association Conference, Austin, TX. (2010, Feb.)

Interacting with Online Student: How to Increase Student Participation. Juried paper presented at the 2008 the Online Technology and Teaching Conference, Breckenridge, CO. (2008, May)

Using multimedia with your online student: The hows and whys.. Juried paper presented at the 2007 Multimedia and Student Learning Conference, Denver, CO. (2007, April.)

Can You Hear Me Now? Increasing Student Participation in Web-Based Classes by Increasing Professorial Interactions: A Presentation of Research. Juried paper presented at the 2005 ACEAN Conference, Grand Island, NE. (2005, February.)

Techniques and Tips for Online Educators. Juried paper presented at the Nebraska Distance Learning Association, Grand Island, NE (2001, June.)

Web Course Development Programs: A Hands on Approach. Juried presentation at the Nebraska Distance Learning Association, Grand Island, NE (2001, June.)

Online Education and the Professorate: Critical Components of an Online Class. Juried paperat the Nebraska Teacher Improvement Council ‘s Faculty College, Kearney, NE (2001, May.)

Web-based Instructional Programs: An Overview. Requested paper presented at Nebraska Web/LAN Managers Conference, Ogallala, NE (2000, May.)

Web-based Instruction. Juried paper presented at the 15th Annual Conference on Distance Teaching & Learning, Madison, WI (1999, August.)

Investigating Web-Based Instruction Programs: Comprehensive Examination of the Field. Juried paper presented at the 1999 ACEAN Conference, Grand Island, NE. (1999, February.)

Developing Web-Based Instruction: A Hands-on Project. Juried presentation conducted at the 1999 ACEAN Conference, Grand Island, NE. (1999, February.)

Faculty Development: P-12 and Higher Education: Similarities and Differences.Juried presentation conducted at the Tenth Annual Nebraska Education Technology Association Conference, Omaha, NE. (1998, April.)

Instructional Technology in Higher Education. Juried presentation conducted at the Tenth Annual Nebraska Education Technology Association Conference, Omaha, NE. (1998, April.)

Teaching with Technology: Preparing Preservice Teachers for the Next Millennium. Juried paper presented at the First Annual International Conference on Teacher Preparation and Technology. Denver, Co. (1997, Decemeber.).

Disservice to K-12 Students: Why Colleges of Education are Improperly Preparing Preservice Teachers to Teach in TechnologyRichSchools. Juried paper presented at the First Annual International Conference on Teacher Preparation and Technology. Denver, Co. (1997, December.)

Exploring Netscape and the Internet: How to Integrate Technology into your Classes. Paper presented at the Faculty Convection for the Catholic Diocese of Grand Island, Grand Island, NE. (October 6, 1997)

Using Multimedia in the College Classroom. Juried presentation conducted for theNebraska Teacher Improvement Council ‘s FacultyCollege 1997, Kearney, NE. (1997, May.)

What Multimedia and Hypertext can do for your Students. Juried paper presented at the North Platte Reading Council Conference, North Platte, NE. (1997, April.)

From the Valley to the Sandhills: Distance Education and Rural Nebraska. Juried paperpresented at the Adult and Continuing Education Association of Nebraska Conference, Grand Island, NE. (1997, February.)

Multimedia Development for Reading Teachers. Juried paperconducted at the 24th Annual Reading Conference of the Nebraska State Reading Council. Kearney, NE. (1997, February.)

Educating Students at a Distance Education: Opportunities and Concerns. Paper presented at 6th Annual Regional Technology Fair. Kearney, NE. (1997, February.)

Increasing Student Attention by Using Multimedia Presentations. Presentation conducted for 1997 Graduate Assistants’ Orientation. Kearney, NE. (1996, August..)

Using Multimedia in Education. Juried presentation conducted at the 23th Annual Reading Conference of the Nebraska State Reading Council. Kearney, NE. (1996, February.)

Distance Education: A Professor’s Viewpoint. Paper presented to the College of Business and Technology Faculty Development program. Kearney, NE (1996, February.)

Partnerships Among Schools, Universities, E.S.U.'s and the State Department of Education. Juried paperco-presented at the Annual Conference of Nebraska Consortium for Improvement of Teacher Education, Grand Island, NE (1995, November.)

Developing Distance Education Workshops in Higher Education. Juried paper presented at the Second Annual Nebraska Distance Education Conference, Lincoln, NE. (1995, October.)

The State of Instructional Technology in the State. Juried paper presented at the Seventh Annual Nebraska Education Technology Association Conference, Omaha, NE. (1995, April)

Telecommunications: Introductions and Classroom Methodology. Paper presented at the Second Annual NCKESC Conference, Mankato, KS (1994, October.)

Going the Distance in Central Nebraska: A Distance education Needs Assessment. Paper presented at the Second Annual NCKESC Conference, Mankato, KS. (1994, October.)

Distance Education Concepts. Juried paperpresented at the Third Annual Nebraska Secondary School Computer Studies Forum, Kearney, NE. (1994, October.)

Audiographics for Distance Education: A Low-cost Alternative Technology. Juried paper presented at the Second Annual Nebraska Secondary School Computer Studies Forum, Kearney, NE. (1993, October.) (Eric Resources in Education citation number ED 345 711)

Telecommunications and Distance Education: Using E-mail to Teach in Alaska. Juried paper presented at Twelfth Annual Microcomputers in Education Conference, Tempe, AZ. (1992, March.) (Eric Resources in Education citation number ED 346 820)

Electronic Conferencing and the Rural University Student: Away with Words. Juried paper presented at Alaska Association for Computers in Education conference, Anchorage, AK. (1990, March.)

Invited Presentations

Integrating Technology into your Classes. Presentation to Chinese Students: (2013, March.)

Are you Using Copyright Fairly? What Teachers Need to Know. In-service workshop. Lubbock ISD, Lubbock, TX: (2012, August.)

Screen Design: If They Cannot See It, They Cannot Read It. In-service workshop. Lubbock ISD, Lubbock, TX: (2012, August.)


Vu, P., Fredrickson, S., & Meyer, R. (2016, March). Help at 3:00 AM! Providing 24/7 timely support to online students via a virtual assistant. Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, 19(1). Retrieved from

Vu, P., Fredrickson, S. Hoehner, P., Ziebarth-Bovill, J. (2016). An examination of pre-service teachers’ attitudes towards game-based learning. In D. Russel & J.J. Laffey (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Gaming Trends in P-12 Education (294-305).

Vu, P., Crow, S., & Fredrickson, S. (2014). Using games in online education: Is it a winning strategy? Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration. 17(8). Available

Fredrickson, S. Hoehner, P. Beatty, M., & Cunning, M. (2014). Profession first regional foundations: A study of the perceptions of Applegate Award Recipients. PERSPECTIVES: A Journal of Research and Opinion about Educational Service Agencies, 20(2), 1-24.

Fredrickson, S., Vu P., & Crow, S.R. (2014) Availability and use of digital technologies in P-12 classrooms of selected countries. Issues in Trends in Educational Technology, 2(1). Available

Fredrickson, S., & Hoehner, P. (2013). Eight Considerations for Online Text

Campus Technology 21st Century Campus. Retrieved from

Fredrickson, S., & Hoehner, P. (2012) Are your students reading what you are displaying?. Shen Zhou, 292-3